Problems with CcMapData()

Hi all:

I’ve been using CcMapData() in my FSD for months (following the example in
the fastfat sources), and it has always seemed to work for me, until
recently. I’m now seeing a problem that I’m hoping someone can enlighten me

I’m running on the free build of W2K (not sure which build version).

I’m getting a bug check in a routine called by CcMapData() (the call to
KeBugCheck() is at MmTrimAllSystemPagableMemory+0x47ef) when I call
CcMapData(). I have no idea why. I’m doing this to manage directory file
contents; I’ve created a FO with IoCreateStreamFileObject(), and
successfully call CcMapData() for the first 64 4K pages from the directory.
But on the 65th page read (e.g., offset = 0x3ff3c, length = 0xf4),
CcMapData() calls the routine above that bug checks, with a
PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. And sure enough, the address being referenced
isn’t valid.

All the “good” calls to CcMapData() turn around and call my FSD to do a
non-cached read, which I complete successfully. The 65th call to
CcMapData(), though, never recurses back into my FSD – it just blows up.

I have checked numerous times as to the state of the FCB header’s
AllocationSize value, and it is more than large enough. The directory file
size doesn’t change; and when I call CcInitiailzeCacheMap() on the FO, its
size covers the range I’m ultimately trying to map into the cache.

Given the simple interface to CcMapData(), I’m at a loss to understand what
I can be doing wrong. Ideas?

I did spend some time stepping through the code in MmTrim… from the call
in CcMapData() to the bug check, and have found where the “good” and “bad”
calls to CcMapData() diverge; however, not understanding what I assume are
the NT cache manager’s data structures, I can’t glean any insights from

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Curt Wohlgemuth

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You can’t map across view boundaries in the cache manager. The views
we’re managing from Mm are 256k in size, and define the maximum amount
(and alignment) of a file that you can access with a single mapping

0 -> 256k
256k -> 512k
4k -> 7.5k

etc., not

254k -> 258k
500k -> 1024k

This is what VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY is in ntifs.h. Your offset and
length below imply your crossing the boundary between the first and
second view of the file, and when CcMapData touches those pages (after
mapping the view) it crosses the view boundary and touches presumeably
unmapped virtual addresses. There are no safety checks in Cc and the VA
it returns is simply the VA for the first offset you request. It would
be a great candidate for a future extension to the verifier.

Cc/Mm work like this to avoid the heap-management style problems that
would result if we had to allow arbitrarily large mappings to occur
within the fixed VA space. We can’t allow the space to fragment.

Yes, this does imply unnatural buffering gyrations if you have
structures in the file that cross the boundary. Some of the trickiest
code I’ve written was in the directory stream handling of the UDF
filesystem driver to handle exactly that.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 10:59 AM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] Problems with CcMapData()

Hi all:

I’ve been using CcMapData() in my FSD for months (following the
example in the fastfat sources), and it has always seemed to work for
me, until recently. I’m now seeing a problem that I’m hoping someone
can enlighten me on.

I’m running on the free build of W2K (not sure which build

I’m getting a bug check in a routine called by CcMapData() (the
call to KeBugCheck() is at MmTrimAllSystemPagableMemory+0x47ef) when I
call CcMapData(). I have no idea why. I’m doing this to manage
directory file contents; I’ve created a FO with
IoCreateStreamFileObject(), and successfully call CcMapData() for the
first 64 4K pages from the directory. But on the 65th page read (e.g.,
offset = 0x3ff3c, length = 0xf4), CcMapData() calls the routine above
that bug checks, with a PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. And sure enough,
the address being referenced isn’t valid.

All the “good” calls to CcMapData() turn around and call my FSD
to do a non-cached read, which I complete successfully. The 65th call
to CcMapData(), though, never recurses back into my FSD – it just blows

I have checked numerous times as to the state of the FCB
header’s AllocationSize value, and it is more than large enough. The
directory file size doesn’t change; and when I call
CcInitiailzeCacheMap() on the FO, its size covers the range I’m
ultimately trying to map into the cache.

Given the simple interface to CcMapData(), I’m at a loss to
understand what I can be doing wrong. Ideas?

I did spend some time stepping through the code in MmTrim…
from the call in CcMapData() to the bug check, and have found where the
“good” and “bad” calls to CcMapData() diverge; however, not
understanding what I assume are the NT cache manager’s data structures,
I can’t glean any insights from this.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Curt Wohlgemuth

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Thanks very much, Daniel! Other experiments were leading me to believe that
there was something special about the 256K boundary.

So naturally, I’m wondering how I should have known about this. The
documentation for ZwMapViewOfSection() (and the Win32 MapViewOfFile(), for
that matter) mentions that the file offset will be rounded down to the
allocation granularity. But it doesn’t say anything about the size of the
mapped view – just that it’s rounded up to the next page size. And in
particular, nothing I have read about the pinning interface suggested this

Can you point me to somewhere in the documentation where this is spelled

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Lovinger []
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 11:36 AM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] RE: Problems with CcMapData()

You can’t map across view boundaries in the cache manager. The views we’re
managing from Mm are 256k in size, and define the maximum amount (and
alignment) of a file that you can access with a single mapping operation.

0 -> 256k
256k -> 512k
4k -> 7.5k

etc., not

254k -> 258k
500k -> 1024k

This is what VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY is in ntifs.h. Your offset and length
below imply your crossing the boundary between the first and second view of
the file, and when CcMapData touches those pages (after mapping the view) it
crosses the view boundary and touches presumeably unmapped virtual
addresses. There are no safety checks in Cc and the VA it returns is simply
the VA for the first offset you request. It would be a great candidate for a
future extension to the verifier.

Cc/Mm work like this to avoid the heap-management style problems that would
result if we had to allow arbitrarily large mappings to occur within the
fixed VA space. We can’t allow the space to fragment.

Yes, this does imply unnatural buffering gyrations if you have structures in
the file that cross the boundary. Some of the trickiest code I’ve written
was in the directory stream handling of the UDF filesystem driver to handle
exactly that.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 10:59 AM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] Problems with CcMapData()

Hi all:

I’ve been using CcMapData() in my FSD for months (following the example in
the fastfat sources), and it has always seemed to work for me, until
recently. I’m now seeing a problem that I’m hoping someone can enlighten me

I’m running on the free build of W2K (not sure which build version).

I’m getting a bug check in a routine called by CcMapData() (the call to
KeBugCheck() is at MmTrimAllSystemPagableMemory+0x47ef) when I call
CcMapData(). I have no idea why. I’m doing this to manage directory file
contents; I’ve created a FO with IoCreateStreamFileObject(), and
successfully call CcMapData() for the first 64 4K pages from the directory.
But on the 65th page read (e.g., offset = 0x3ff3c, length = 0xf4),
CcMapData() calls the routine above that bug checks, with a
PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. And sure enough, the address being referenced
isn’t valid.

All the “good” calls to CcMapData() turn around and call my FSD to do a
non-cached read, which I complete successfully. The 65th call to
CcMapData(), though, never recurses back into my FSD – it just blows up.

I have checked numerous times as to the state of the FCB header’s
AllocationSize value, and it is more than large enough. The directory file
size doesn’t change; and when I call CcInitiailzeCacheMap() on the FO, its
size covers the range I’m ultimately trying to map into the cache.

Given the simple interface to CcMapData(), I’m at a loss to understand what
I can be doing wrong. Ideas?

I did spend some time stepping through the code in MmTrim… from the call
in CcMapData() to the bug check, and have found where the “good” and “bad”
calls to CcMapData() diverge; however, not understanding what I assume are
the NT cache manager’s data structures, I can’t glean any insights from

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Curt Wohlgemuth

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You wouldn’t find anything out about this for
MapViewOfSection/MapViewOfFile since those aren’t using the system cache
virtual address space. Mm has dedicated about 500MB of kernel VA from
(0xc100000 on up) for the exclusive use of Cc; in usermode you have your
own 2GB of address space and no length restrictions, and in kernel mode
the regular file mapping APIs will use another swatch of VA which, while
it has no length restrictions, is free to fail if it is full or

If this isn’t called out in the new Cc API docs its my fault for not
realizing it on review and I’ll see if I can get that updated. I’m
certain Nagar talks about this in his book, though I don’t have my copy

By the way, the right way to think about this is a flat array of 256k
buckets being overlaid on the file starting at byte 0. The states those
buckets can be in are binary, either mapped or not depending on whether
there are any map/pin requests within those buckets. As a practical
matter, if you map 0x1000 bytes at offset 0x5000 in a file, you will get
back a buffer virtual address like 0xc1045000 but beneath you the entire
0x40000 byte view was mapped from 0xc1000000 to 0xc103ffff in the course
of satisfying the request. (please interpret none of this as indicating
it is a good idea to step outside of the range you indicated you mapped;
when you use these APIs, Cc tickles Mm into making sure it doesn’t read
pages outside the range you are asking for)

And, if you map bytes at offset 256k you may wind up with a virtual
address like 0xd40c0000; i.e., quite non-adjacent.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 8:16 AM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] RE: Problems with CcMapData()

Thanks very much, Daniel! Other experiments were leading me to
believe that there was something special about the 256K boundary.

So naturally, I’m wondering how I should have known about this.
The documentation for ZwMapViewOfSection() (and the Win32
MapViewOfFile(), for that matter) mentions that the file offset will be
rounded down to the allocation granularity. But it doesn’t say anything
about the size of the mapped view – just that it’s rounded up to the
next page size. And in particular, nothing I have read about the
pinning interface suggested this limitation.

Can you point me to somewhere in the documentation where this is
spelled out?

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Lovinger
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 11:36 AM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] RE: Problems with CcMapData()

You can’t map across view boundaries in the cache
manager. The views we’re managing from Mm are 256k in size, and define
the maximum amount (and alignment) of a file that you can access with a
single mapping operation.

0 -> 256k
256k -> 512k
4k -> 7.5k

etc., not

254k -> 258k
500k -> 1024k

This is what VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY is in ntifs.h.
Your offset and length below imply your crossing the boundary between
the first and second view of the file, and when CcMapData touches those
pages (after mapping the view) it crosses the view boundary and touches
presumeably unmapped virtual addresses. There are no safety checks in Cc
and the VA it returns is simply the VA for the first offset you request.
It would be a great candidate for a future extension to the verifier.

Cc/Mm work like this to avoid the heap-management style
problems that would result if we had to allow arbitrarily large mappings
to occur within the fixed VA space. We can’t allow the space to

Yes, this does imply unnatural buffering gyrations if
you have structures in the file that cross the boundary. Some of the
trickiest code I’ve written was in the directory stream handling of the
UDF filesystem driver to handle exactly that.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 10:59 AM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] Problems with CcMapData()

Hi all:

I’ve been using CcMapData() in my FSD for months
(following the example in the fastfat sources), and it has always seemed
to work for me, until recently. I’m now seeing a problem that I’m
hoping someone can enlighten me on.

I’m running on the free build of W2K (not sure
which build version).

I’m getting a bug check in a routine called by
CcMapData() (the call to KeBugCheck() is at
MmTrimAllSystemPagableMemory+0x47ef) when I call CcMapData(). I have no
idea why. I’m doing this to manage directory file contents; I’ve
created a FO with IoCreateStreamFileObject(), and successfully call
CcMapData() for the first 64 4K pages from the directory. But on the
65th page read (e.g., offset = 0x3ff3c, length = 0xf4), CcMapData()
calls the routine above that bug checks, with a
PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. And sure enough, the address being
referenced isn’t valid.

All the “good” calls to CcMapData() turn around
and call my FSD to do a non-cached read, which I complete successfully.
The 65th call to CcMapData(), though, never recurses back into my FSD –
it just blows up.

I have checked numerous times as to the state of
the FCB header’s AllocationSize value, and it is more than large enough.
The directory file size doesn’t change; and when I call
CcInitiailzeCacheMap() on the FO, its size covers the range I’m
ultimately trying to map into the cache.

Given the simple interface to CcMapData(), I’m
at a loss to understand what I can be doing wrong. Ideas?

I did spend some time stepping through the code
in MmTrim… from the call in CcMapData() to the bug check, and have
found where the “good” and “bad” calls to CcMapData() diverge; however,
not understanding what I assume are the NT cache manager’s data
structures, I can’t glean any insights from this.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Curt Wohlgemuth

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I think Inside Windows NT 2nd and 3rd editions describe it some way.

Best regards,

Michal Vodicka
(RKK - Skytale)
[WWW: ,]

Reply To: File Systems Developers
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 5:16 PM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] RE: Problems with CcMapData()

Thanks very much, Daniel! Other experiments were leading me to believe
that there was something special about the 256K boundary.

So naturally, I’m wondering how I should have known about this. The
documentation for ZwMapViewOfSection() (and the Win32 MapViewOfFile(), for
that matter) mentions that the file offset will be rounded down to the
allocation granularity. But it doesn’t say anything about the size of the
mapped view – just that it’s rounded up to the next page size. And in
particular, nothing I have read about the pinning interface suggested this

Can you point me to somewhere in the documentation where this is spelled

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Lovinger []
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 11:36 AM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] RE: Problems with CcMapData()

You can’t map across view boundaries in the cache manager. The views
we’re managing from Mm are 256k in size, and define the maximum amount
(and alignment) of a file that you can access with a single mapping

0 -> 256k
256k -> 512k
4k -> 7.5k

etc., not

254k -> 258k
500k -> 1024k

This is what VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY is in ntifs.h. Your offset and
length below imply your crossing the boundary between the first and second
view of the file, and when CcMapData touches those pages (after mapping
the view) it crosses the view boundary and touches presumeably unmapped
virtual addresses. There are no safety checks in Cc and the VA it returns
is simply the VA for the first offset you request. It would be a great
candidate for a future extension to the verifier.

Cc/Mm work like this to avoid the heap-management style problems
that would result if we had to allow arbitrarily large mappings to occur
within the fixed VA space. We can’t allow the space to fragment.

Yes, this does imply unnatural buffering gyrations if you have
structures in the file that cross the boundary. Some of the trickiest code
I’ve written was in the directory stream handling of the UDF filesystem
driver to handle exactly that.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 10:59 AM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] Problems with CcMapData()

Hi all:

I’ve been using CcMapData() in my FSD for months (following
the example in the fastfat sources), and it has always seemed to work for
me, until recently. I’m now seeing a problem that I’m hoping someone can
enlighten me on.

I’m running on the free build of W2K (not sure which build

I’m getting a bug check in a routine called by CcMapData()
(the call to KeBugCheck() is at MmTrimAllSystemPagableMemory+0x47ef) when
I call CcMapData(). I have no idea why. I’m doing this to manage
directory file contents; I’ve created a FO with
IoCreateStreamFileObject(), and successfully call CcMapData() for the
first 64 4K pages from the directory. But on the 65th page read (e.g.,
offset = 0x3ff3c, length = 0xf4), CcMapData() calls the routine above that
bug checks, with a PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. And sure enough, the
address being referenced isn’t valid.

All the “good” calls to CcMapData() turn around and call my
FSD to do a non-cached read, which I complete successfully. The 65th call
to CcMapData(), though, never recurses back into my FSD – it just blows

I have checked numerous times as to the state of the FCB
header’s AllocationSize value, and it is more than large enough. The
directory file size doesn’t change; and when I call CcInitiailzeCacheMap()
on the FO, its size covers the range I’m ultimately trying to map into the

Given the simple interface to CcMapData(), I’m at a loss to
understand what I can be doing wrong. Ideas?

I did spend some time stepping through the code in MmTrim…
from the call in CcMapData() to the bug check, and have found where the
“good” and “bad” calls to CcMapData() diverge; however, not understanding
what I assume are the NT cache manager’s data structures, I can’t glean
any insights from this.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Curt Wohlgemuth

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