Problems migrating MmProbeAndLockPages() W2K to XP

> Why not send down a buffer from user-mode using an IOCTL with a direct

buffering method as you are already doing, and just not complete
IRP for that request until you are done sharing the buffer between=20
user-mode and kernel-mode? Pend this IRP in your driver, and when=20
done with the buffer, use your second IOCTL to indicate that this IRP
should be completed.
I don’t seem to be having much joy with this solution.
I’ve modified the driver to call IoMarkIrpPending() and return
STATUS_PENDING. Unfortunately, when I run it, I find that control does
seem to be being passed back to my application. It would seem that
returning STATUS_PENDING from my DriverControl routine (and/or not calling
IoCompleteRequest()) prevents the MemoryManager from returning control to
the application.
Is this really the case or am I doing something wrong?
If the former then what would be the best way to achieve what I require
(i.e. locking down buffers to share between User Mode and a mapped PCI


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 11:30 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Problems migrating MmProbeAndLockPages()
W2K to XP

I have a WDM driver that works on W2K, but crashes on XP.

To investigate this, I have run up the application on the=20
checked build of XP. When the application is run, it
a breakpoint and in the debug output, I see
“*** Assertion failed: (MemoryDescriptorList->MdlFlags & (=20
=3D=3D 0
*** Source File: d:\xpclient\base\ntos\mm\iosup.c, line 312”

This appears to be happening in the DispatchControl() routine=20
that handles an IOCTL. The IOCTL in question is defined as

The code that appears to be causing the problem would seem to be
MmProbeAndLockPages(Irp->MdlAddress, UserMode,=20

The ASSERT statement output appears to imply that it is the
that is at fault. However, it is my understanding that the
is validated by the Memory Manager, and that if it were not=20
valid, control would not be passed to the driver.

In addition to wrapping the call in a __try, __except block=20
(should have be done initially), I also intend to include
to check that the mdl is non-Null.

I am faced with the prospect that either:

  1. Something that was legal on W2K is not legal on XP.
  2. Some that was illegal on W2K but could be got away with,=20
    cannot be got away with on XP.

If (1) then can anyone point me towards any references that=20
would cover such differences? If (2) then can anyone see=20
anything illegal about what is being done above? Is there a=20
conflict in using METHOD_IN_DIRECT in the IOCTL definition
then using MmProbeAndLockPages() with IoModifyAccess?

By the way, when XP is loading, I notice the following debug
“MM: Loader/HAL memory block indicates large pages cannot be=20
used for
MM: Loader/HAL memory block indicates large pages cannot be used
MM: Disabling large pages for all ranges due to overlap”
I’m assuming that this is to be expected and is not involved
the problems that I am observing.

Any help would be appreciated.


> I’ve modified the driver to call IoMarkIrpPending() and return

STATUS_PENDING. Unfortunately, when I run it, I find that control does

seem to be being passed back to my application. It would seem that
returning STATUS_PENDING from my DriverControl routine (and/or not
IoCompleteRequest()) prevents the MemoryManager from returning control
the application.
Is this really the case or am I doing something wrong?
What you are seeing is right and as designed. If you do not want the
application to block on the DeviceIoControl call, use overlapped IO. If
you use overlapped IO (asynchronous IO) then the app would not block on
the call. Before trying this educate yourself on overlapped/asynchronous


> I’ve modified the driver to call IoMarkIrpPending() and return

STATUS_PENDING. Unfortunately, when I run it, I find that control does
seem to be being passed back to my application. It would seem that
returning STATUS_PENDING from my DriverControl routine (and/or not calling
IoCompleteRequest()) prevents the MemoryManager from returning control to
the application.

Are you using overlapped IO when call DeviceIoControl in the application?

Is this really the case or am I doing something wrong?
If the former then what would be the best way to achieve what I require
(i.e. locking down buffers to share between User Mode and a mapped PCI


FYI, the MemoryManager does not return control to the application at any
time. The request, read/write/device IO control/etc., is sent from the
Win32 subsystem to the IoManager. Unless the request indicates that an
overlapped IO was requested, when the file was opened, the IoManager will
keep the application suspended. When the request completes and the
IoManager is running in the context of the application the app will be
marked as eligible to run at the thread level. The Dispatcher will then
schedule the appropriate thread to run. The MemoryManager only manages
memory for the process (app) and the CacheManager for file IOs.

Read a good book about the design of the OS and how the various pieces are
connected together.

----- Original Message -----
To: “NT Developers Interest List”
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2003 11:33 PM
Subject: [ntdev] RE: Problems migrating MmProbeAndLockPages() W2K to XP

> I’ve modified the driver to call IoMarkIrpPending() and return
> STATUS_PENDING. Unfortunately, when I run it, I find that control does

> seem to be being passed back to my application. It would seem that
> returning STATUS_PENDING from my DriverControl routine (and/or not
> IoCompleteRequest()) prevents the MemoryManager from returning control
> the application.
> Is this really the case or am I doing something wrong?
What you are seeing is right and as designed. If you do not want the
application to block on the DeviceIoControl call, use overlapped IO. If
you use overlapped IO (asynchronous IO) then the app would not block on
the call. Before trying this educate yourself on overlapped/asynchronous


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