Problem of installing a WDF driver


I have a problem of installing of a WDF driver. The platform is Windows2000

The driver is developed on base of PLX9x5x example.

I couldn’t complete the installation of the driver. I got the message " The
driver is not installed properly".

Running the WinDbg I got the following message:

WdfCoInstaller: [12/08/2006 22:28.23.070] C:\WINNT\Temp\WdfTemp\ has
been extracted to C:\WINNT\Temp\WdfTemp
WdfCoInstaller: [12/08/2006 22:28.23.120] component [0] :
SetupAPI: delay-loaded C:\WINNT\system32\kernel32.dll.
SetupAPI: delay-loaded C:\WINNT\system32\shlwapi.dll.
SPUTILS: Leak (2052 bytes) at
d:\nt.x86chk\installer\main\update\updspapi\infload.c line 2991 (allocation
#19) in process c:\762e3f54924e8e431d8de9ce614859\update\update.exe
WdfCoInstaller: [12/08/2006 22:28.25.864] Final status: error(1603) Fatal
error during installation.

The SETUPACT.LOG has following messages:

WdfCoInstaller: [12/08/2006 22:28.23.070] C:\WINNT\Temp\WdfTemp\ has
been extracted to C:\WINNT\Temp\WdfTemp

WdfCoInstaller: [12/08/2006 22:28.23.120] component [0] :

WdfCoInstaller: [12/08/2006 22:28.25.834] Update process returned error code
:error(1603) Fatal error during installation.
. Possible causes are running fre version of coinstaller on checked version
of OS and vice versa

WdfCoInstaller: [12/08/2006 22:28.25.864] Final status: error(1603) Fatal
error during installation.

I tried to use both check and free build versions of the driver.

I had the same problem with my version of NDISprot driver. The sample of
driver is installed fine, but the driver with my own name got the problem

To solve this I just rename back the name of my protocol driver to NDISprot.
Everything started to work fine.

I would appreciate any help.


You are using the checked version of the coinstaller on a non-checked OS. Delete the coinstaller you have been using and use the correct one.

This has nothing to do with whether your driver is built either way- the coinstaller and the OS itself must match (we only provide the checked coinstaller for developers who use checked OS in development of their drivers, you cannot redistribute it).

Search the archives for “wdf 1603”
etc, etc, etc, etc…


Scott Noone
Software Engineer
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

“Igor Sharovar” wrote in message
> Hello,
> I have a problem of installing of a WDF driver. The platform is
> Windows2000
> SP4.
> The driver is developed on base of PLX9x5x example.
> I couldn’t complete the installation of the driver. I got the message "
> The
> driver is not installed properly".
> Running the WinDbg I got the following message:
> WdfCoInstaller: [12/08/2006 22:28.23.070] C:\WINNT\Temp\WdfTemp\
> has
> been extracted to C:\WINNT\Temp\WdfTemp
> WdfCoInstaller: [12/08/2006 22:28.23.120] component [0] :
> C:\WINNT\Temp\WdfTemp\wdf01000.inf
> SetupAPI: delay-loaded C:\WINNT\system32\kernel32.dll.
> SetupAPI: delay-loaded C:\WINNT\system32\shlwapi.dll.
> SPUTILS: Leak (2052 bytes) at
> d:\nt.x86chk\installer\main\update\updspapi\infload.c line 2991
> (allocation
> #19) in process c:\762e3f54924e8e431d8de9ce614859\update\update.exe
> WdfCoInstaller: [12/08/2006 22:28.25.864] Final status: error(1603) Fatal
> error during installation.
> The SETUPACT.LOG has following messages:
> WdfCoInstaller: [12/08/2006 22:28.23.070] C:\WINNT\Temp\WdfTemp\
> has
> been extracted to C:\WINNT\Temp\WdfTemp
> WdfCoInstaller: [12/08/2006 22:28.23.120] component [0] :
> C:\WINNT\Temp\WdfTemp\wdf01000.inf
> WdfCoInstaller: [12/08/2006 22:28.25.834] Update process returned error
> code
> :error(1603) Fatal error during installation.
> . Possible causes are running fre version of coinstaller on checked
> version
> of OS and vice versa
> WdfCoInstaller: [12/08/2006 22:28.25.864] Final status: error(1603) Fatal
> error during installation.
> I tried to use both check and free build versions of the driver.
> I had the same problem with my version of NDISprot driver. The sample of
> driver is installed fine, but the driver with my own name got the problem
> above.
> To solve this I just rename back the name of my protocol driver to
> NDISprot.
> Everything started to work fine.
> I would appreciate any help.
> Igor


Thank you for your replay.

I was confused with subdirectory \kmdf10\redist\wdf\x86chk. I thought I
should use a file from this directory for a check version of driver not OS.

Thanks again


“Bob Kjelgaard” wrote in message
You are using the checked version of the coinstaller on a non-checked OS.
Delete the coinstaller you have been using and use the correct one.

This has nothing to do with whether your driver is built either way- the
coinstaller and the OS itself must match (we only provide the checked
coinstaller for developers who use checked OS in development of their
drivers, you cannot redistribute it).