problem in copying UNICODE string to char*

I am receiving NDIS_STRING from INF File as like this “1,2,3,4,5,6”
it is stored in the param->parameterdata.stringdata.
i want to copy it to my local char* variable. i used strcpy function to copy, but system get crashes at the exact place.
char* accopydatas;
strcpy(accopydatas, param->parameterdata.stringdata);

i have tried another option by copying it to ANSI_STRING and it successfully copied , but at the exact strcpy , system get crashes.

anyother way to copy.


  1. a UNICODE_STRING is a counted string and not a null terminated
    sequence of wide characters. Look at the definition of a
    UNICODE_STRING in ntdef.h. Consequently your strcpy call is doomed.

  2. strcpy is banned api, you have to use the safe string functions instead.

  3. technically not all strings can be converted from wide to narrow
    format, but that is not really an issue in this case.

Mark Roddy

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 6:14 AM, wrote:
> Hi
> I am receiving NDIS_STRING from INF File as like this “1,2,3,4,5,6”
> it is stored in the param->parameterdata.stringdata.
> i want to copy it to my local char* variable. i used strcpy function to copy, but system get crashes at the exact place.
> char* accopydatas;
> strcpy(accopydatas, param->parameterdata.stringdata);
> i have tried another option by copying it to ANSI_STRING and it successfully copied , but at the exact strcpy , system get crashes.
> anyother way to copy.
> thanks,
> balaj
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  1. strcpy is banned api, you have to use the safe string functions

And you’d use wcscpy for the buffer of a UNICODE_STRING, not strcpy :slight_smile:
