Port driver

I read in the following MSDN documentation that portcls driver does not support external buses such as USB .


But when i connected my audio device in windows 7 system , it loads the default driver and audio playback is working fine. But when i saw the driver properties it is showing the following drivers loaded
USBAudio.sys , portcls.sys,KS.sys,sysfx.dll and wmalfxgfxdsp.dll

  1. The quesion is how come the portcls driver is getting loaded for USB device :frowning:
  2. What is the use of wmalfxgfxdsp.dll ?

xxxxx@gmail.com wrote:

But when i connected my audio device in windows 7 system , it loads the default driver and audio playback is working fine. But when i saw the driver properties it is showing the following drivers loaded
USBAudio.sys , portcls.sys,KS.sys,sysfx.dll and wmalfxgfxdsp.dll

  1. The quesion is how come the portcls driver is getting loaded for USB device :frowning:

Implementation detail. USBAudio.sys is an AVStream driver (hence
KS.sys). KS.sys is probably not a port-class driver, but it uses some
of the capabilities that portcls.sys provides.

  1. What is the use of wmalfxgfxdsp.dll ?

It provides some kind of a connection to the local effects (“lfx”) and
global effects (“gfx”) audio processing objects that are part of the
Vista-and-beyond audio stack.

Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

I have question regarding audio architecture , ie, Which driver or component in windows detects the external audio devices like headset/usb headset/bluetooth insertion and does autorouting ?
Does it perform any specific algorithm to decide to which it should route the audio?