OSR_SUPPORT_IOCTL_GET_IMAGE message in debugview

I am seeing the following message in debugview, when running our FESF-based solution.

>FEU2Trace [Error]: C:<snip>\UM_FESF\FESFUtil2\FesfUtil2.cpp(599) : DeviceIoControl OSR_SUPPORT_IOCTL_GET_IMAGE failed 87

How should I interpret the above message? It's repeated, for a total of six consecutive messages.


Additional information:

Error code 87 translates to invalid parameter, from here: System Error Codes (0-499) (WinError.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

2024-08-13 13-42-51-638 System_Error_Codes_(0-499)(WinError.h)-_Win32_ap

The trace is generated as a result of the following call:

2024-08-13 13-47-05-536 FesfUtil2.cpp_-_Visual_Studio_Code

Should I be concerned about this, or is this a harmless failure?

I’m closing this topic.

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If you are a licensee, and have questions or other issues with an OSR product, please use the support channel that OSR provides. If you are an end user of a product that uses FESF as enabling technology, please contact your vendor for assistance.