OSR Seminar in Australia

Does OSR have an affiliate in Australia who runs courses on writing drivers? There doesn’t seem to be too many training resources over here for this kind of thing.

You might want to ask OSR directly. Ntdev is just hosted by osr, they have a
regular sort of business operation.

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 7:10 PM, wrote:

> Hi,
> Does OSR have an affiliate in Australia who runs courses on writing
> drivers? There doesn’t seem to be too many training resources over here for
> this kind of thing.
> Ben
> —
> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
> For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:
> http://www.osr.com/seminars
> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at
> http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=ListServer

Mark Roddy

Any one else in Australia interested in co-hosting OSR (and defraying the cost) for a WDM Device Driver Seminar in Australia (Sydney) then please do get in touch with me?
