OS unable to find my NP DLL


I have suddenly run into a frustrating problem with my network redirector
for Windows NT and so far I am not able to tell what went wrong.
Apparently, the OS is not loading my network provider DLL. Hence, when I try
to map a drive to a computer that my network redirector should
recognize, I get an error message that path to that computer not found. I
tried to put a break point in my NPAddConnection function but that function
never get called.
This seems to indicate that the OS does not ‘know’ about my network provider

I checked the registry and
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order correctly list
my network provider (specifically the name of the NT service) under
ProviderOrder. I then checked the corresponding registry entry under
Services and my NT service is listed there with correct path information for
the network provider DLL.
Thus, I can’t see why would OS not able to find it.

I would appreciate any clue in this regard.
