OO development text from MS guy

Written by some Russian developer at MS. Don’t know his name, I have this text from
another Russian developer in MS from CL compiler team.
Sorry for poor translation to English - too much slang.


You know, I was it compiler development business for a long time. Once talking to
Igor V. Potosin (one of the greatest persons in optimizing compilers) about 15 years ago
(I was young that time) I asked - why we spend this huge efforts for optimizers, if CPU speed
is doubled each 1.5 years according to Moore’s law? Usually the code generated by a stupid
compiler (“what I see is what I sing about”) is sub-optimal 1.5 or maximum 2 times for both
CISC and RISC. So, if the bad code will work the same speed on the new machine as the good
code on the old one - must we bother optimization?

Potosin anwsered, that I was not the first to ask this and that he hears this question since
early 60ies. The answer is that regardless of how many computing power you have, developers
will find a way to utilize them all, so, “pedal-to-the-metal” computer use is a Good Thing and
will be a Good Thing for a long time.

He was surely right. All of us remember Word working fine on 286. It would skyrocket on 386,
but these “bad guys” (1) - our Office collegues - ported it to Windows and made it graphical
(surely, more power appeared - why not utilize it)? Then 486 appeared, and again, Word would
skyrocket on it - no, they added some background spellchecking there, which runs always, and
again the computing power was not enough. If somebody thinks 1.5GHz PIV will be enough for all
real situations - again wrong. 1.5GHz PIV is about a half of what is needed for real-time TV
compression, I will not say on voice recognition here.

So, the speed of the program is important. The practice shows that, if some app (a serious app,
not a 1000 lines demo) works too fast, then some funny functionality is immediately added to
it, which raises sales 10% and eats all remaining resources.

Neither Java nor C# apps do not work and will never work as fast as C ones due to 100 reasons.
The language was designed by the left leg (2), and it is not the compiler developer’s fault -
the compiler developers are not guilty that Java language developers knew nothing in both
languages and compilers, so, the pitchforks (3) are spreaded as a layer everywhere there.
Dear sirs, Java is just terrifying, and the VM implementation by Sun is a song! Look at it

  • and you will understand that the guys were making the first VM in their life. Bug here,
    problem here, a “pitchfork” there… Let’s thank the Sun company who invested several billions
    dollars to widespread this puny thing and won at last.

Another important moment. Writing a code is peanuts. About 5-10% percent of the development
cost and time. Hundreds of billions of dollars and millions of man-years (no, no aggravation)
are thrown away to software support - testing, bugfixing etc. And this is the real problem.
The developers also change their employer once per 2-4 years - the guy have just become
accustomed to a company and started to work productively - and lo! he is looking for another

And now we have the interesting problem. Due to high labor mobility and high complexity of the
real-world projects - code readability and editability starts to play the #1 role.

For a code to be both readable and editable, it must be locally understandable.
So, when the new guy will look at the procedure, he would easily understand what it does and

And here we have a great fun with constructors, destructors, virtual functions, inheritance,
exception handling and so on, so on.

Please tell me when C uses a function pointer? Rarely, and only when it is really necessary.
So, when you see a call in C, it is usually clear what is called, you can go and see what does
the callee do.

And in OO languages, when people (ex-students especially) love to redefine functions, it is
damn hard to understand what of 15 virtual methods would be called in this context, and read
all of them is boring. Thus the bug fixing takes 3-5 times more time.

Now on constructors and destructors. The programmer sees the variable definition which is never
used - and throws it away. The app stops to work. What a delusion? Wow, the constructor of this
variable established a connection to Exchange! (yes, a real-life example from Outlook).
Surely one must be fired for writing such a constructor, but - what is written by pen cannot be
chop away by axe.

In the result the programmer must read the definitions of all constructors and destructors for
all local variables in the function. Who wants to read 40 files for this? Nobody.
And nobody does. In the result it is impossible to understand the program merrily written in
the OO language after 3 years.

So, according to my personal experience, the reliability of programs on OO languages is far
from being perfect. Surely, if the manager monitors the process and beats one’s ears for
over-creative language use - it will be OK, but, in practice, it is much more dirty code in
OO languages.

I will be silent on operator overloading, copy constructors and such. Creative use of
templates can also provide the followers with lots of merry minutes. Wow, there are also

Thus the code written in the language without the hidden semantics is much more supportable and
maintainable. Just smaller number of pitchforks. If a variable is declared, it means nothing
more. Block exit - means only block exit, and nothing more. It works as it is written.
And when the source is like the USSR political news and one must dig deep to the 3rd layer of
truth - this is a brothel, not a development. Unfortunately, it is much easier to do in OO
language, as we can behold every day.

It’s surprising, but for industrial development - simplicity is a guarantee of good health :slight_smile:
The simpler, the better. The code must be clear for a clinical idiot, otherwise, the man who
will replace you in 2-4 years will not be able to maintain it.

You want to initialize a variable? Call a procedure.
You need to call a function? Do this directly.
But you must not - send messages to JavaScript, which will execute XML taken from the registry,
which in turn will load an ActiveX control, which in turn will call your procedure via COM
(funny? A real life example, I have fixed such a year ago, hope the author of this idiocy is
no more an MS’s employee).

The language complexity is a connected topic. The C standard is 200 pages. C++ is about 1000,
with lots of implementation-dependent stuff. The puny paper which is considered to be the
Java semantics description is just a fun. Its authors just kept silence on all interesting and
intriguing moments - (yes, where the pitchforks are lying) - the moments which are most
interesting for a compiler writer. Looks like they considered that nobody can make things
worse than they.

It’s obvious - the simpler the language, the harder is to make a semantic error in it. If a
brief and complete language description is 1000 pages - can you expect the average programmer
to know the language 50%? No. Then can you expect that a complex operator really means what the
programmer intended?

Then. Standard libraries. From the industrial point of view - again, the simpler, the better.
If such a library (especially a dynamic one) has a bug - this is a disaster. If developers have
not found it - then the users will. If they found it and worked it around - then the user
will have problems with the newer library version with the bug fixed (everything was coded
assuming the bug!). The 100% backward compatibility of the libraries is a requirement too.
Now please tell me - any Java library which meets these conditions? Or any Java procedure
without a misbehavior? I will not say that one must spend half of a life to teach these

Yet another problem. The language age. The elder the language, the better and deeper the
developers know it. Concerning C, everybody knows what is possible to do and what is possible
but not recommended. With new-fashion languages there is no such experience, and the experience
is written by blood like army’s Sentry Service Regulation. Also do not forget that the compiler
developers are no gods and can mistake themselves, thus the bug probability in C compiler is
much lesser then in C++ (it is not necessary to work hard to find a bug in Java compiler,
especially Sun’s - the bugs will find you themselves).

In brief. In OS development and other serious project development there are very strict
performance and reliability requirements.

The first depends on the language heavily. The second depends on testing, programming
discipline and code readability/editability, which are also very much language-dependent.

If you will have a thorough look, then all good serious programs are written in C with some
assembler. Word. Excel. NT kernel. Linux kernel. Code generators (VC and GNU etc. GNU code
generator is unsuitable for sure - though can generate a good code if the stars are aligned
properly). The only good C++ program I know is MSSQLServer.

Let’s look on C++ software. Exchange Server. Outlook. PowerPoint. WMP.
Any comments?

Surely, all of the above is for big industrial projects, with millions and tens of millions
code lines and at least 50 developers working on it. The above is not relevant for the
“t.c”-like apps 100 lines long - they can be written in any language.

P.S. Here I threw lots of mud to Java but not C#. But, considering the above, and the intimate
relation between the 2 languages, I think that there can be a based opinion that the 2
languages will have the common problems.


  1. Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like vegetable. A ball-formed root
    about 4cm in diameter, of magenta skin with white inside and with a long mouse-like “tail”.
    The name of the plant is also used in Russian slang as “bad guy”.
  2. “By the left leg” - in a hurry, without proper thinking, by using “Hey! It works!” attitude.
  3. Pitchfork. Step on it - and it will strike your face with a wooden handle. “Can of worms”
    is probably the exact English translation.

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To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-ntdev-$subst(‘Recip.MemberIDChar’)@lists.osr.com

Hey, this makes a great case for writing it in machine language, no ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Maxim S. Shatskih [mailto:xxxxx@storagecraft.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 11:32 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] OO development text from MS guy

Written by some Russian developer at MS. Don’t know his name, I have
this text from
another Russian developer in MS from CL compiler team.
Sorry for poor translation to English - too much slang.


You know, I was it compiler development business for a long time. Once
talking to
Igor V. Potosin (one of the greatest persons in optimizing compilers) about
15 years ago
(I was young that time) I asked - why we spend this huge efforts for
optimizers, if CPU speed
is doubled each 1.5 years according to Moore’s law? Usually the code
generated by a stupid
compiler (“what I see is what I sing about”) is sub-optimal 1.5 or maximum 2
times for both
CISC and RISC. So, if the bad code will work the same speed on the new
machine as the good
code on the old one - must we bother optimization?

Potosin anwsered, that I was not the first to ask this and that he hears
this question since
early 60ies. The answer is that regardless of how many computing power you
have, developers
will find a way to utilize them all, so, “pedal-to-the-metal” computer use
is a Good Thing and
will be a Good Thing for a long time.

He was surely right. All of us remember Word working fine on 286. It would
skyrocket on 386,
but these “bad guys” (1) - our Office collegues - ported it to Windows and
made it graphical
(surely, more power appeared - why not utilize it)? Then 486 appeared, and
again, Word would
skyrocket on it - no, they added some background spellchecking there, which
runs always, and
again the computing power was not enough. If somebody thinks 1.5GHz PIV will
be enough for all
real situations - again wrong. 1.5GHz PIV is about a half of what is needed
for real-time TV
compression, I will not say on voice recognition here.

So, the speed of the program is important. The practice shows that, if some
app (a serious app,
not a 1000 lines demo) works too fast, then some funny functionality is
immediately added to
it, which raises sales 10% and eats all remaining resources.

Neither Java nor C# apps do not work and will never work as fast as C ones
due to 100 reasons.
The language was designed by the left leg (2), and it is not the compiler
developer’s fault -
the compiler developers are not guilty that Java language developers knew
nothing in both
languages and compilers, so, the pitchforks (3) are spreaded as a layer
everywhere there.
Dear sirs, Java is just terrifying, and the VM implementation by Sun is a
song! Look at it

  • and you will understand that the guys were making the first VM in their
    life. Bug here,
    problem here, a “pitchfork” there… Let’s thank the Sun company who
    invested several billions
    dollars to widespread this puny thing and won at last.

Another important moment. Writing a code is peanuts. About 5-10% percent of
the development
cost and time. Hundreds of billions of dollars and millions of man-years
(no, no aggravation)
are thrown away to software support - testing, bugfixing etc. And this is
the real problem.
The developers also change their employer once per 2-4 years - the guy have
just become
accustomed to a company and started to work productively - and lo! he is
looking for another

And now we have the interesting problem. Due to high labor mobility and high
complexity of the
real-world projects - code readability and editability starts to play the #1

For a code to be both readable and editable, it must be locally
So, when the new guy will look at the procedure, he would easily understand
what it does and

And here we have a great fun with constructors, destructors, virtual
functions, inheritance,
exception handling and so on, so on.

Please tell me when C uses a function pointer? Rarely, and only when it is
really necessary.
So, when you see a call in C, it is usually clear what is called, you can go
and see what does
the callee do.

And in OO languages, when people (ex-students especially) love to redefine
functions, it is
damn hard to understand what of 15 virtual methods would be called in this
context, and read
all of them is boring. Thus the bug fixing takes 3-5 times more time.

Now on constructors and destructors. The programmer sees the variable
definition which is never
used - and throws it away. The app stops to work. What a delusion? Wow, the
constructor of this
variable established a connection to Exchange! (yes, a real-life example
from Outlook).
Surely one must be fired for writing such a constructor, but - what is
written by pen cannot be
chop away by axe.

In the result the programmer must read the definitions of all constructors
and destructors for
all local variables in the function. Who wants to read 40 files for this?
And nobody does. In the result it is impossible to understand the program
merrily written in
the OO language after 3 years.

So, according to my personal experience, the reliability of programs on OO
languages is far
from being perfect. Surely, if the manager monitors the process and beats
one’s ears for
over-creative language use - it will be OK, but, in practice, it is much
more dirty code in
OO languages.

I will be silent on operator overloading, copy constructors and such.
Creative use of
templates can also provide the followers with lots of merry minutes. Wow,
there are also

Thus the code written in the language without the hidden semantics is much
more supportable and
maintainable. Just smaller number of pitchforks. If a variable is declared,
it means nothing
more. Block exit - means only block exit, and nothing more. It works as it
is written.
And when the source is like the USSR political news and one must dig deep to
the 3rd layer of
truth - this is a brothel, not a development. Unfortunately, it is much
easier to do in OO
language, as we can behold every day.

It’s surprising, but for industrial development - simplicity is a guarantee
of good health :slight_smile:
The simpler, the better. The code must be clear for a clinical idiot,
otherwise, the man who
will replace you in 2-4 years will not be able to maintain it.

You want to initialize a variable? Call a procedure.
You need to call a function? Do this directly.
But you must not - send messages to JavaScript, which will execute XML taken
from the registry,
which in turn will load an ActiveX control, which in turn will call your
procedure via COM
(funny? A real life example, I have fixed such a year ago, hope the author
of this idiocy is
no more an MS’s employee).

The language complexity is a connected topic. The C standard is 200 pages.
C++ is about 1000,
with lots of implementation-dependent stuff. The puny paper which is
considered to be the
Java semantics description is just a fun. Its authors just kept silence on
all interesting and
intriguing moments - (yes, where the pitchforks are lying) - the moments
which are most
interesting for a compiler writer. Looks like they considered that nobody
can make things
worse than they.

It’s obvious - the simpler the language, the harder is to make a semantic
error in it. If a
brief and complete language description is 1000 pages - can you expect the
average programmer
to know the language 50%? No. Then can you expect that a complex operator
really means what the
programmer intended?

Then. Standard libraries. From the industrial point of view - again, the
simpler, the better.
If such a library (especially a dynamic one) has a bug - this is a disaster.
If developers have
not found it - then the users will. If they found it and worked it around -
then the user
will have problems with the newer library version with the bug fixed
(everything was coded
assuming the bug!). The 100% backward compatibility of the libraries is a
requirement too.
Now please tell me - any Java library which meets these conditions? Or any
Java procedure
without a misbehavior? I will not say that one must spend half of a life to
teach these

Yet another problem. The language age. The elder the language, the better
and deeper the
developers know it. Concerning C, everybody knows what is possible to do and
what is possible
but not recommended. With new-fashion languages there is no such experience,
and the experience
is written by blood like army’s Sentry Service Regulation. Also do not
forget that the compiler
developers are no gods and can mistake themselves, thus the bug probability
in C compiler is
much lesser then in C++ (it is not necessary to work hard to find a bug in
Java compiler,
especially Sun’s - the bugs will find you themselves).

In brief. In OS development and other serious project development there are
very strict
performance and reliability requirements.

The first depends on the language heavily. The second depends on testing,
discipline and code readability/editability, which are also very much

If you will have a thorough look, then all good serious programs are written
in C with some
assembler. Word. Excel. NT kernel. Linux kernel. Code generators (VC and GNU
etc. GNU code
generator is unsuitable for sure - though can generate a good code if the
stars are aligned
properly). The only good C++ program I know is MSSQLServer.

Let’s look on C++ software. Exchange Server. Outlook. PowerPoint. WMP.
Any comments?

Surely, all of the above is for big industrial projects, with millions and
tens of millions
code lines and at least 50 developers working on it. The above is not
relevant for the
“t.c”-like apps 100 lines long - they can be written in any language.

P.S. Here I threw lots of mud to Java but not C#. But, considering the
above, and the intimate
relation between the 2 languages, I think that there can be a based opinion
that the 2
languages will have the common problems.


  1. Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like vegetable. A
    ball-formed root
    about 4cm in diameter, of magenta skin with white inside and with a long
    mouse-like “tail”.
    The name of the plant is also used in Russian slang as “bad guy”.
  2. “By the left leg” - in a hurry, without proper thinking, by using “Hey!
    It works!” attitude.
  3. Pitchfork. Step on it - and it will strike your face with a wooden
    handle. “Can of worms”
    is probably the exact English translation.

You are currently subscribed to ntdev as: xxxxx@compuware.com
To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-ntdev-$subst(‘Recip.MemberIDChar’)@lists.osr.com

You are currently subscribed to ntdev as: $subst(‘Recip.EmailAddr’)
To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-ntdev-$subst(‘Recip.MemberIDChar’)@lists.osr.com

Most excellent Max … Thanks for the translation.

Gary G. Little
Staff Engineer
Broadband Storage, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Maxim S. Shatskih [mailto:xxxxx@storagecraft.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 8:32 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] OO development text from MS guy

Written by some Russian developer at MS. Don’t know his name, I have
this text from
another Russian developer in MS from CL compiler team.
Sorry for poor translation to English - too much slang.


You know, I was it compiler development business for a long time. Once
talking to
Igor V. Potosin (one of the greatest persons in optimizing compilers) about
15 years ago
(I was young that time) I asked - why we spend this huge efforts for
optimizers, if CPU speed
is doubled each 1.5 years according to Moore’s law? Usually the code
generated by a stupid
compiler (“what I see is what I sing about”) is sub-optimal 1.5 or maximum 2
times for both
CISC and RISC. So, if the bad code will work the same speed on the new
machine as the good
code on the old one - must we bother optimization?

Potosin anwsered, that I was not the first to ask this and that he hears
this question since
early 60ies. The answer is that regardless of how many computing power you
have, developers
will find a way to utilize them all, so, “pedal-to-the-metal” computer use
is a Good Thing and
will be a Good Thing for a long time.

He was surely right. All of us remember Word working fine on 286. It would
skyrocket on 386,
but these “bad guys” (1) - our Office collegues - ported it to Windows and
made it graphical
(surely, more power appeared - why not utilize it)? Then 486 appeared, and
again, Word would
skyrocket on it - no, they added some background spellchecking there, which
runs always, and
again the computing power was not enough. If somebody thinks 1.5GHz PIV will
be enough for all
real situations - again wrong. 1.5GHz PIV is about a half of what is needed
for real-time TV
compression, I will not say on voice recognition here.

So, the speed of the program is important. The practice shows that, if some
app (a serious app,
not a 1000 lines demo) works too fast, then some funny functionality is
immediately added to
it, which raises sales 10% and eats all remaining resources.

Neither Java nor C# apps do not work and will never work as fast as C ones
due to 100 reasons.
The language was designed by the left leg (2), and it is not the compiler
developer’s fault -
the compiler developers are not guilty that Java language developers knew
nothing in both
languages and compilers, so, the pitchforks (3) are spreaded as a layer
everywhere there.
Dear sirs, Java is just terrifying, and the VM implementation by Sun is a
song! Look at it

  • and you will understand that the guys were making the first VM in their
    life. Bug here,
    problem here, a “pitchfork” there… Let’s thank the Sun company who
    invested several billions
    dollars to widespread this puny thing and won at last.

Another important moment. Writing a code is peanuts. About 5-10% percent of
the development
cost and time. Hundreds of billions of dollars and millions of man-years
(no, no aggravation)
are thrown away to software support - testing, bugfixing etc. And this is
the real problem.
The developers also change their employer once per 2-4 years - the guy have
just become
accustomed to a company and started to work productively - and lo! he is
looking for another

And now we have the interesting problem. Due to high labor mobility and high
complexity of the
real-world projects - code readability and editability starts to play the #1

For a code to be both readable and editable, it must be locally
So, when the new guy will look at the procedure, he would easily understand
what it does and

And here we have a great fun with constructors, destructors, virtual
functions, inheritance,
exception handling and so on, so on.

Please tell me when C uses a function pointer? Rarely, and only when it is
really necessary.
So, when you see a call in C, it is usually clear what is called, you can go
and see what does
the callee do.

And in OO languages, when people (ex-students especially) love to redefine
functions, it is
damn hard to understand what of 15 virtual methods would be called in this
context, and read
all of them is boring. Thus the bug fixing takes 3-5 times more time.

Now on constructors and destructors. The programmer sees the variable
definition which is never
used - and throws it away. The app stops to work. What a delusion? Wow, the
constructor of this
variable established a connection to Exchange! (yes, a real-life example
from Outlook).
Surely one must be fired for writing such a constructor, but - what is
written by pen cannot be
chop away by axe.

In the result the programmer must read the definitions of all constructors
and destructors for
all local variables in the function. Who wants to read 40 files for this?
And nobody does. In the result it is impossible to understand the program
merrily written in
the OO language after 3 years.

So, according to my personal experience, the reliability of programs on OO
languages is far
from being perfect. Surely, if the manager monitors the process and beats
one’s ears for
over-creative language use - it will be OK, but, in practice, it is much
more dirty code in
OO languages.

I will be silent on operator overloading, copy constructors and such.
Creative use of
templates can also provide the followers with lots of merry minutes. Wow,
there are also

Thus the code written in the language without the hidden semantics is much
more supportable and
maintainable. Just smaller number of pitchforks. If a variable is declared,
it means nothing
more. Block exit - means only block exit, and nothing more. It works as it
is written.
And when the source is like the USSR political news and one must dig deep to
the 3rd layer of
truth - this is a brothel, not a development. Unfortunately, it is much
easier to do in OO
language, as we can behold every day.

It’s surprising, but for industrial development - simplicity is a guarantee
of good health :slight_smile:
The simpler, the better. The code must be clear for a clinical idiot,
otherwise, the man who
will replace you in 2-4 years will not be able to maintain it.

You want to initialize a variable? Call a procedure.
You need to call a function? Do this directly.
But you must not - send messages to JavaScript, which will execute XML taken
from the registry,
which in turn will load an ActiveX control, which in turn will call your
procedure via COM
(funny? A real life example, I have fixed such a year ago, hope the author
of this idiocy is
no more an MS’s employee).

The language complexity is a connected topic. The C standard is 200 pages.
C++ is about 1000,
with lots of implementation-dependent stuff. The puny paper which is
considered to be the
Java semantics description is just a fun. Its authors just kept silence on
all interesting and
intriguing moments - (yes, where the pitchforks are lying) - the moments
which are most
interesting for a compiler writer. Looks like they considered that nobody
can make things
worse than they.

It’s obvious - the simpler the language, the harder is to make a semantic
error in it. If a
brief and complete language description is 1000 pages - can you expect the
average programmer
to know the language 50%? No. Then can you expect that a complex operator
really means what the
programmer intended?

Then. Standard libraries. From the industrial point of view - again, the
simpler, the better.
If such a library (especially a dynamic one) has a bug - this is a disaster.
If developers have
not found it - then the users will. If they found it and worked it around -
then the user
will have problems with the newer library version with the bug fixed
(everything was coded
assuming the bug!). The 100% backward compatibility of the libraries is a
requirement too.
Now please tell me - any Java library which meets these conditions? Or any
Java procedure
without a misbehavior? I will not say that one must spend half of a life to
teach these

Yet another problem. The language age. The elder the language, the better
and deeper the
developers know it. Concerning C, everybody knows what is possible to do and
what is possible
but not recommended. With new-fashion languages there is no such experience,
and the experience
is written by blood like army’s Sentry Service Regulation. Also do not
forget that the compiler
developers are no gods and can mistake themselves, thus the bug probability
in C compiler is
much lesser then in C++ (it is not necessary to work hard to find a bug in
Java compiler,
especially Sun’s - the bugs will find you themselves).

In brief. In OS development and other serious project development there are
very strict
performance and reliability requirements.

The first depends on the language heavily. The second depends on testing,
discipline and code readability/editability, which are also very much

If you will have a thorough look, then all good serious programs are written
in C with some
assembler. Word. Excel. NT kernel. Linux kernel. Code generators (VC and GNU
etc. GNU code
generator is unsuitable for sure - though can generate a good code if the
stars are aligned
properly). The only good C++ program I know is MSSQLServer.

Let’s look on C++ software. Exchange Server. Outlook. PowerPoint. WMP.
Any comments?

Surely, all of the above is for big industrial projects, with millions and
tens of millions
code lines and at least 50 developers working on it. The above is not
relevant for the
“t.c”-like apps 100 lines long - they can be written in any language.

P.S. Here I threw lots of mud to Java but not C#. But, considering the
above, and the intimate
relation between the 2 languages, I think that there can be a based opinion
that the 2
languages will have the common problems.


  1. Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like vegetable. A
    ball-formed root
    about 4cm in diameter, of magenta skin with white inside and with a long
    mouse-like “tail”.
    The name of the plant is also used in Russian slang as “bad guy”.
  2. “By the left leg” - in a hurry, without proper thinking, by using “Hey!
    It works!” attitude.
  3. Pitchfork. Step on it - and it will strike your face with a wooden
    handle. “Can of worms”
    is probably the exact English translation.

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> 1) Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like vegetable.

A ball-formed root about 4cm in diameter, of magenta skin with white
and with a long mouse-like “tail”. The name of the plant is also used in
Russian slang as “bad guy”.

The vegetable in question is called a “turnip”…

Art Baker

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  1. Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like
    vegetable. A ball-formed root about 4cm in diameter, of magenta skin
    with white inside and with a long mouse-like “tail”. The name of the
    plant is also used in Russian slang as “bad guy”.


  1. “By the left leg” - in a hurry, without proper thinking, by using
    “Hey! It works!” attitude.

By the seat of the pants is the english term.

  1. Pitchfork. Step on it - and it will strike your face with a wooden
    handle. “Can of worms” is probably the exact English translation.

Any thoughts?

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of Maxim S. Shatskih
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 8:32 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] OO development text from MS guy

Written by some Russian developer at MS. Don’t know his name, I have
this text from
another Russian developer in MS from CL compiler team.
Sorry for poor translation to English - too much slang.


You know, I was it compiler development business for a long time. Once
talking to Igor V. Potosin (one of the greatest persons in optimizing
compilers) about 15 years ago (I was young that time) I asked - why we
spend this huge efforts for optimizers, if CPU speed is doubled each 1.5
years according to Moore’s law? Usually the code generated by a stupid
compiler (“what I see is what I sing about”) is sub-optimal 1.5 or
maximum 2 times for both CISC and RISC. So, if the bad code will work
the same speed on the new machine as the good code on the old one - must
we bother optimization?

Potosin anwsered, that I was not the first to ask this and that he hears
this question since early 60ies. The answer is that regardless of how
many computing power you have, developers will find a way to utilize
them all, so, “pedal-to-the-metal” computer use is a Good Thing and will
be a Good Thing for a long time.

He was surely right. All of us remember Word working fine on 286. It
would skyrocket on 386, but these “bad guys” (1) - our Office collegues

  • ported it to Windows and made it graphical (surely, more power
    appeared - why not utilize it)? Then 486 appeared, and again, Word would
    skyrocket on it - no, they added some background spellchecking there,
    which runs always, and again the computing power was not enough. If
    somebody thinks 1.5GHz PIV will be enough for all real situations -
    again wrong. 1.5GHz PIV is about a half of what is needed for real-time
    TV compression, I will not say on voice recognition here.

So, the speed of the program is important. The practice shows that, if
some app (a serious app, not a 1000 lines demo) works too fast, then
some funny functionality is immediately added to it, which raises sales
10% and eats all remaining resources.

Neither Java nor C# apps do not work and will never work as fast as C
ones due to 100 reasons. The language was designed by the left leg (2),
and it is not the compiler developer’s fault - the compiler developers
are not guilty that Java language developers knew nothing in both
languages and compilers, so, the pitchforks (3) are spreaded as a layer
everywhere there. Dear sirs, Java is just terrifying, and the VM
implementation by Sun is a song! Look at it

  • and you will understand that the guys were making the first VM in
    their life. Bug here, problem here, a “pitchfork” there… Let’s thank
    the Sun company who invested several billions dollars to widespread this
    puny thing and won at last.

Another important moment. Writing a code is peanuts. About 5-10% percent
of the development cost and time. Hundreds of billions of dollars and
millions of man-years (no, no aggravation) are thrown away to software
support - testing, bugfixing etc. And this is the real problem. The
developers also change their employer once per 2-4 years - the guy have
just become accustomed to a company and started to work productively -
and lo! he is looking for another job!

And now we have the interesting problem. Due to high labor mobility and
high complexity of the real-world projects - code readability and
editability starts to play the #1 role.

For a code to be both readable and editable, it must be locally
understandable. So, when the new guy will look at the procedure, he
would easily understand what it does and how.

And here we have a great fun with constructors, destructors, virtual
functions, inheritance, exception handling and so on, so on.

Please tell me when C uses a function pointer? Rarely, and only when it
is really necessary. So, when you see a call in C, it is usually clear
what is called, you can go and see what does the callee do.

And in OO languages, when people (ex-students especially) love to
redefine functions, it is damn hard to understand what of 15 virtual
methods would be called in this context, and read all of them is boring.
Thus the bug fixing takes 3-5 times more time.

Now on constructors and destructors. The programmer sees the variable
definition which is never used - and throws it away. The app stops to
work. What a delusion? Wow, the constructor of this variable established
a connection to Exchange! (yes, a real-life example from Outlook).
Surely one must be fired for writing such a constructor, but - what is
written by pen cannot be chop away by axe.

In the result the programmer must read the definitions of all
constructors and destructors for all local variables in the function.
Who wants to read 40 files for this? Nobody. And nobody does. In the
result it is impossible to understand the program merrily written in the
OO language after 3 years.

So, according to my personal experience, the reliability of programs on
OO languages is far from being perfect. Surely, if the manager monitors
the process and beats one’s ears for over-creative language use - it
will be OK, but, in practice, it is much more dirty code in OO

I will be silent on operator overloading, copy constructors and such.
Creative use of templates can also provide the followers with lots of
merry minutes. Wow, there are also exceptions…

Thus the code written in the language without the hidden semantics is
much more supportable and maintainable. Just smaller number of
pitchforks. If a variable is declared, it means nothing more. Block exit

  • means only block exit, and nothing more. It works as it is written.
    And when the source is like the USSR political news and one must dig
    deep to the 3rd layer of truth - this is a brothel, not a development.
    Unfortunately, it is much easier to do in OO language, as we can behold
    every day.

It’s surprising, but for industrial development - simplicity is a
guarantee of good health :slight_smile: The simpler, the better. The code must be
clear for a clinical idiot, otherwise, the man who will replace you in
2-4 years will not be able to maintain it.

You want to initialize a variable? Call a procedure.
You need to call a function? Do this directly.
But you must not - send messages to JavaScript, which will execute XML
taken from the registry, which in turn will load an ActiveX control,
which in turn will call your procedure via COM (funny? A real life
example, I have fixed such a year ago, hope the author of this idiocy is
no more an MS’s employee).

The language complexity is a connected topic. The C standard is 200
pages. C++ is about 1000, with lots of implementation-dependent stuff.
The puny paper which is considered to be the
Java semantics description is just a fun. Its authors just kept silence
on all interesting and intriguing moments - (yes, where the pitchforks
are lying) - the moments which are most interesting for a compiler
writer. Looks like they considered that nobody can make things worse
than they.

It’s obvious - the simpler the language, the harder is to make a
semantic error in it. If a
brief and complete language description is 1000 pages - can you expect
the average programmer to know the language 50%? No. Then can you expect
that a complex operator really means what the programmer intended?

Then. Standard libraries. From the industrial point of view - again, the
simpler, the better. If such a library (especially a dynamic one) has a
bug - this is a disaster. If developers have not found it - then the
users will. If they found it and worked it around - then the user will
have problems with the newer library version with the bug fixed
(everything was coded assuming the bug!). The 100% backward
compatibility of the libraries is a requirement too. Now please tell me

  • any Java library which meets these conditions? Or any Java procedure
    without a misbehavior? I will not say that one must spend half of a life
    to teach these libraries.

Yet another problem. The language age. The elder the language, the
better and deeper the developers know it. Concerning C, everybody knows
what is possible to do and what is possible but not recommended. With
new-fashion languages there is no such experience, and the experience is
written by blood like army’s Sentry Service Regulation. Also do not
forget that the compiler developers are no gods and can mistake
themselves, thus the bug probability in C compiler is much lesser then
in C++ (it is not necessary to work hard to find a bug in Java compiler,
especially Sun’s - the bugs will find you themselves).

In brief. In OS development and other serious project development there
are very strict performance and reliability requirements.

The first depends on the language heavily. The second depends on
testing, programming discipline and code readability/editability, which
are also very much language-dependent.

If you will have a thorough look, then all good serious programs are
written in C with some assembler. Word. Excel. NT kernel. Linux kernel.
Code generators (VC and GNU etc. GNU code generator is unsuitable for
sure - though can generate a good code if the stars are aligned
properly). The only good C++ program I know is MSSQLServer.

Let’s look on C++ software. Exchange Server. Outlook. PowerPoint. WMP.
Any comments?

Surely, all of the above is for big industrial projects, with millions
and tens of millions code lines and at least 50 developers working on
it. The above is not relevant for the “t.c”-like apps 100 lines long -
they can be written in any language.

P.S. Here I threw lots of mud to Java but not C#. But, considering the
above, and the intimate relation between the 2 languages, I think that
there can be a based opinion that the 2 languages will have the common


  1. Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like
    vegetable. A ball-formed root about 4cm in diameter, of magenta skin
    with white inside and with a long mouse-like “tail”. The name of the
    plant is also used in Russian slang as “bad guy”.
  2. “By the left leg” - in a hurry, without proper thinking, by using
    “Hey! It works!” attitude.
  3. Pitchfork. Step on it - and it will strike your face with a wooden
    handle. “Can of worms” is probably the exact English translation.

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> 1) Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like vegetable.


The closest English word for the vegetable would be RADISH (“rediska”).
In fact, it just occured to me it would be a great name for another
Rapid Driver Development tool… But you won’t be buying it I bet :slight_smile:

  • Vitaly

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I really enjoyed this, Max. Thanks. I appreciated both the clear-thinking
in the content, and what seemed to me to be a unique Russian “feel” to the
text. Nice…

“Maxim S. Shatskih” wrote in message
> 3) Pitchfork. Step on it - and it will strike your face with a wooden
handle. “Can of worms”
> is probably the exact English translation.

I read “landmine” for this (a buried danger, waiting to be stepped on, with
disasterous results) and it seemed to work. Or is that too extreme?


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In fact, it’s garden radish :slight_smile:

-----Original Message-----
From: Art Baker [mailto:xxxxx@nfr.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 12:39 PM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] RE: OO development text from MS guy

  1. Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like vegetable.
    A ball-formed root about 4cm in diameter, of magenta skin with white
    and with a long mouse-like “tail”. The name of the plant is also used in
    Russian slang as “bad guy”.

The vegetable in question is called a “turnip”…

Art Baker

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Yep! Go back to caves! Hex rules! No pasaran! :slight_smile:

Guys! This is an endless war with absolutely no point to fight for. Lets not
increase the entropy of WWW. It’s already high enough. :slight_smile:

-----Original Message-----
From: Moreira, Alberto [mailto:xxxxx@compuware.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 12:19 PM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] RE: OO development text from MS guy

Hey, this makes a great case for writing it in machine language, no ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Maxim S. Shatskih [mailto:xxxxx@storagecraft.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 11:32 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] OO development text from MS guy

Written by some Russian developer at MS. Don’t know his name, I have
this text from
another Russian developer in MS from CL compiler team.
Sorry for poor translation to English - too much slang.


You know, I was it compiler development business for a long time. Once
talking to
Igor V. Potosin (one of the greatest persons in optimizing compilers) about
15 years ago
(I was young that time) I asked - why we spend this huge efforts for
optimizers, if CPU speed
is doubled each 1.5 years according to Moore’s law? Usually the code
generated by a stupid
compiler (“what I see is what I sing about”) is sub-optimal 1.5 or maximum 2
times for both
CISC and RISC. So, if the bad code will work the same speed on the new
machine as the good
code on the old one - must we bother optimization?

Potosin anwsered, that I was not the first to ask this and that he hears
this question since
early 60ies. The answer is that regardless of how many computing power you
have, developers
will find a way to utilize them all, so, “pedal-to-the-metal” computer use
is a Good Thing and
will be a Good Thing for a long time.

He was surely right. All of us remember Word working fine on 286. It would
skyrocket on 386,
but these “bad guys” (1) - our Office collegues - ported it to Windows and
made it graphical
(surely, more power appeared - why not utilize it)? Then 486 appeared, and
again, Word would
skyrocket on it - no, they added some background spellchecking there, which
runs always, and
again the computing power was not enough. If somebody thinks 1.5GHz PIV will
be enough for all
real situations - again wrong. 1.5GHz PIV is about a half of what is needed
for real-time TV
compression, I will not say on voice recognition here.

So, the speed of the program is important. The practice shows that, if some
app (a serious app,
not a 1000 lines demo) works too fast, then some funny functionality is
immediately added to
it, which raises sales 10% and eats all remaining resources.

Neither Java nor C# apps do not work and will never work as fast as C ones
due to 100 reasons.
The language was designed by the left leg (2), and it is not the compiler
developer’s fault -
the compiler developers are not guilty that Java language developers knew
nothing in both
languages and compilers, so, the pitchforks (3) are spreaded as a layer
everywhere there.
Dear sirs, Java is just terrifying, and the VM implementation by Sun is a
song! Look at it

  • and you will understand that the guys were making the first VM in their
    life. Bug here,
    problem here, a “pitchfork” there… Let’s thank the Sun company who
    invested several billions
    dollars to widespread this puny thing and won at last.

Another important moment. Writing a code is peanuts. About 5-10% percent of
the development
cost and time. Hundreds of billions of dollars and millions of man-years
(no, no aggravation)
are thrown away to software support - testing, bugfixing etc. And this is
the real problem.
The developers also change their employer once per 2-4 years - the guy have
just become
accustomed to a company and started to work productively - and lo! he is
looking for another

And now we have the interesting problem. Due to high labor mobility and high
complexity of the
real-world projects - code readability and editability starts to play the #1

For a code to be both readable and editable, it must be locally
So, when the new guy will look at the procedure, he would easily understand
what it does and

And here we have a great fun with constructors, destructors, virtual
functions, inheritance,
exception handling and so on, so on.

Please tell me when C uses a function pointer? Rarely, and only when it is
really necessary.
So, when you see a call in C, it is usually clear what is called, you can go
and see what does
the callee do.

And in OO languages, when people (ex-students especially) love to redefine
functions, it is
damn hard to understand what of 15 virtual methods would be called in this
context, and read
all of them is boring. Thus the bug fixing takes 3-5 times more time.

Now on constructors and destructors. The programmer sees the variable
definition which is never
used - and throws it away. The app stops to work. What a delusion? Wow, the
constructor of this
variable established a connection to Exchange! (yes, a real-life example
from Outlook).
Surely one must be fired for writing such a constructor, but - what is
written by pen cannot be
chop away by axe.

In the result the programmer must read the definitions of all constructors
and destructors for
all local variables in the function. Who wants to read 40 files for this?
And nobody does. In the result it is impossible to understand the program
merrily written in
the OO language after 3 years.

So, according to my personal experience, the reliability of programs on OO
languages is far
from being perfect. Surely, if the manager monitors the process and beats
one’s ears for
over-creative language use - it will be OK, but, in practice, it is much
more dirty code in
OO languages.

I will be silent on operator overloading, copy constructors and such.
Creative use of
templates can also provide the followers with lots of merry minutes. Wow,
there are also

Thus the code written in the language without the hidden semantics is much
more supportable and
maintainable. Just smaller number of pitchforks. If a variable is declared,
it means nothing
more. Block exit - means only block exit, and nothing more. It works as it
is written.
And when the source is like the USSR political news and one must dig deep to
the 3rd layer of
truth - this is a brothel, not a development. Unfortunately, it is much
easier to do in OO
language, as we can behold every day.

It’s surprising, but for industrial development - simplicity is a guarantee
of good health :slight_smile:
The simpler, the better. The code must be clear for a clinical idiot,
otherwise, the man who
will replace you in 2-4 years will not be able to maintain it.

You want to initialize a variable? Call a procedure.
You need to call a function? Do this directly.
But you must not - send messages to JavaScript, which will execute XML taken
from the registry,
which in turn will load an ActiveX control, which in turn will call your
procedure via COM
(funny? A real life example, I have fixed such a year ago, hope the author
of this idiocy is
no more an MS’s employee).

The language complexity is a connected topic. The C standard is 200 pages.
C++ is about 1000,
with lots of implementation-dependent stuff. The puny paper which is
considered to be the
Java semantics description is just a fun. Its authors just kept silence on
all interesting and
intriguing moments - (yes, where the pitchforks are lying) - the moments
which are most
interesting for a compiler writer. Looks like they considered that nobody
can make things
worse than they.

It’s obvious - the simpler the language, the harder is to make a semantic
error in it. If a
brief and complete language description is 1000 pages - can you expect the
average programmer
to know the language 50%? No. Then can you expect that a complex operator
really means what the
programmer intended?

Then. Standard libraries. From the industrial point of view - again, the
simpler, the better.
If such a library (especially a dynamic one) has a bug - this is a disaster.
If developers have
not found it - then the users will. If they found it and worked it around -
then the user
will have problems with the newer library version with the bug fixed
(everything was coded
assuming the bug!). The 100% backward compatibility of the libraries is a
requirement too.
Now please tell me - any Java library which meets these conditions? Or any
Java procedure
without a misbehavior? I will not say that one must spend half of a life to
teach these

Yet another problem. The language age. The elder the language, the better
and deeper the
developers know it. Concerning C, everybody knows what is possible to do and
what is possible
but not recommended. With new-fashion languages there is no such experience,
and the experience
is written by blood like army’s Sentry Service Regulation. Also do not
forget that the compiler
developers are no gods and can mistake themselves, thus the bug probability
in C compiler is
much lesser then in C++ (it is not necessary to work hard to find a bug in
Java compiler,
especially Sun’s - the bugs will find you themselves).

In brief. In OS development and other serious project development there are
very strict
performance and reliability requirements.

The first depends on the language heavily. The second depends on testing,
discipline and code readability/editability, which are also very much

If you will have a thorough look, then all good serious programs are written
in C with some
assembler. Word. Excel. NT kernel. Linux kernel. Code generators (VC and GNU
etc. GNU code
generator is unsuitable for sure - though can generate a good code if the
stars are aligned
properly). The only good C++ program I know is MSSQLServer.

Let’s look on C++ software. Exchange Server. Outlook. PowerPoint. WMP.
Any comments?

Surely, all of the above is for big industrial projects, with millions and
tens of millions
code lines and at least 50 developers working on it. The above is not
relevant for the
“t.c”-like apps 100 lines long - they can be written in any language.

P.S. Here I threw lots of mud to Java but not C#. But, considering the
above, and the intimate
relation between the 2 languages, I think that there can be a based opinion
that the 2
languages will have the common problems.


  1. Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like vegetable. A
    ball-formed root
    about 4cm in diameter, of magenta skin with white inside and with a long
    mouse-like “tail”.
    The name of the plant is also used in Russian slang as “bad guy”.
  2. “By the left leg” - in a hurry, without proper thinking, by using “Hey!
    It works!” attitude.
  3. Pitchfork. Step on it - and it will strike your face with a wooden
    handle. “Can of worms”
    is probably the exact English translation.

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I thought Turnip as well, but the size makes me now think it could be a

There is an American saying “They must have just pulled him from the
turnip patch”. Meaning not very experienced.


-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of Art Baker
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 12:39 PM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] RE: OO development text from MS guy

  1. Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like
    vegetable. A ball-formed root about 4cm in diameter, of magenta skin
    with white
    and with a long mouse-like “tail”. The name of the plant is also used
    in Russian slang as “bad guy”.

The vegetable in question is called a “turnip”…

Art Baker

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… and since we have a small Russian language lesson and this is OOT anyway
This idiom (radish = “bad guy”) came from the Civil War times when Red
(communist’s) army was fighting against White (tsar’s) army. So, “bad” guys
were “red” from outside but “white” from inside.

Consider this as my small contribution into details of driver development

-----Original Message-----
From: Art Baker [mailto:xxxxx@nfr.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 12:39 PM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] RE: OO development text from MS guy

  1. Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like vegetable.
    A ball-formed root about 4cm in diameter, of magenta skin with white
    and with a long mouse-like “tail”. The name of the plant is also used in
    Russian slang as “bad guy”.

The vegetable in question is called a “turnip”…

Art Baker

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Hmmm… Where did I put those bread-boards…

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of Moreira, Alberto
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 12:19 PM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] RE: OO development text from MS guy

Hey, this makes a great case for writing it in machine language, no ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Maxim S. Shatskih [mailto:xxxxx@storagecraft.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 11:32 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] OO development text from MS guy

Written by some Russian developer at MS. Don’t know his name, I have
this text from
another Russian developer in MS from CL compiler team.
Sorry for poor translation to English - too much slang.


You know, I was it compiler development business for a long time. Once
talking to Igor V. Potosin (one of the greatest persons in optimizing
compilers) about 15 years ago (I was young that time) I asked - why we
spend this huge efforts for optimizers, if CPU speed is doubled each 1.5
years according to Moore’s law? Usually the code generated by a stupid
compiler (“what I see is what I sing about”) is sub-optimal 1.5 or
maximum 2 times for both CISC and RISC. So, if the bad code will work
the same speed on the new machine as the good code on the old one - must
we bother optimization?

Potosin anwsered, that I was not the first to ask this and that he hears
this question since early 60ies. The answer is that regardless of how
many computing power you have, developers will find a way to utilize
them all, so, “pedal-to-the-metal” computer use is a Good Thing and will
be a Good Thing for a long time.

He was surely right. All of us remember Word working fine on 286. It
would skyrocket on 386, but these “bad guys” (1) - our Office collegues

  • ported it to Windows and made it graphical (surely, more power
    appeared - why not utilize it)? Then 486 appeared, and again, Word would
    skyrocket on it - no, they added some background spellchecking there,
    which runs always, and again the computing power was not enough. If
    somebody thinks 1.5GHz PIV will be enough for all real situations -
    again wrong. 1.5GHz PIV is about a half of what is needed for real-time
    TV compression, I will not say on voice recognition here.

So, the speed of the program is important. The practice shows that, if
some app (a serious app, not a 1000 lines demo) works too fast, then
some funny functionality is immediately added to it, which raises sales
10% and eats all remaining resources.

Neither Java nor C# apps do not work and will never work as fast as C
ones due to 100 reasons. The language was designed by the left leg (2),
and it is not the compiler developer’s fault - the compiler developers
are not guilty that Java language developers knew nothing in both
languages and compilers, so, the pitchforks (3) are spreaded as a layer
everywhere there. Dear sirs, Java is just terrifying, and the VM
implementation by Sun is a song! Look at it

  • and you will understand that the guys were making the first VM in
    their life. Bug here, problem here, a “pitchfork” there… Let’s thank
    the Sun company who invested several billions dollars to widespread this
    puny thing and won at last.

Another important moment. Writing a code is peanuts. About 5-10% percent
of the development cost and time. Hundreds of billions of dollars and
millions of man-years (no, no aggravation) are thrown away to software
support - testing, bugfixing etc. And this is the real problem. The
developers also change their employer once per 2-4 years - the guy have
just become accustomed to a company and started to work productively -
and lo! he is looking for another job!

And now we have the interesting problem. Due to high labor mobility and
high complexity of the real-world projects - code readability and
editability starts to play the #1 role.

For a code to be both readable and editable, it must be locally
understandable. So, when the new guy will look at the procedure, he
would easily understand what it does and how.

And here we have a great fun with constructors, destructors, virtual
functions, inheritance, exception handling and so on, so on.

Please tell me when C uses a function pointer? Rarely, and only when it
is really necessary. So, when you see a call in C, it is usually clear
what is called, you can go and see what does the callee do.

And in OO languages, when people (ex-students especially) love to
redefine functions, it is damn hard to understand what of 15 virtual
methods would be called in this context, and read all of them is boring.
Thus the bug fixing takes 3-5 times more time.

Now on constructors and destructors. The programmer sees the variable
definition which is never used - and throws it away. The app stops to
work. What a delusion? Wow, the constructor of this variable established
a connection to Exchange! (yes, a real-life example from Outlook).
Surely one must be fired for writing such a constructor, but - what is
written by pen cannot be chop away by axe.

In the result the programmer must read the definitions of all
constructors and destructors for all local variables in the function.
Who wants to read 40 files for this? Nobody. And nobody does. In the
result it is impossible to understand the program merrily written in the
OO language after 3 years.

So, according to my personal experience, the reliability of programs on
OO languages is far from being perfect. Surely, if the manager monitors
the process and beats one’s ears for over-creative language use - it
will be OK, but, in practice, it is much more dirty code in OO

I will be silent on operator overloading, copy constructors and such.
Creative use of templates can also provide the followers with lots of
merry minutes. Wow, there are also exceptions…

Thus the code written in the language without the hidden semantics is
much more supportable and maintainable. Just smaller number of
pitchforks. If a variable is declared, it means nothing more. Block exit

  • means only block exit, and nothing more. It works as it is written.
    And when the source is like the USSR political news and one must dig
    deep to the 3rd layer of truth - this is a brothel, not a development.
    Unfortunately, it is much easier to do in OO language, as we can behold
    every day.

It’s surprising, but for industrial development - simplicity is a
guarantee of good health :slight_smile: The simpler, the better. The code must be
clear for a clinical idiot, otherwise, the man who will replace you in
2-4 years will not be able to maintain it.

You want to initialize a variable? Call a procedure.
You need to call a function? Do this directly.
But you must not - send messages to JavaScript, which will execute XML
taken from the registry, which in turn will load an ActiveX control,
which in turn will call your procedure via COM (funny? A real life
example, I have fixed such a year ago, hope the author of this idiocy is
no more an MS’s employee).

The language complexity is a connected topic. The C standard is 200
C++ is about 1000,
with lots of implementation-dependent stuff. The puny paper which is
considered to be the
Java semantics description is just a fun. Its authors just kept silence
on all interesting and intriguing moments - (yes, where the pitchforks
are lying) - the moments which are most interesting for a compiler
writer. Looks like they considered that nobody can make things worse
than they.

It’s obvious - the simpler the language, the harder is to make a
semantic error in it. If a
brief and complete language description is 1000 pages - can you expect
the average programmer to know the language 50%? No. Then can you expect
that a complex operator really means what the programmer intended?

Then. Standard libraries. From the industrial point of view - again, the
simpler, the better. If such a library (especially a dynamic one) has a
bug - this is a disaster. If developers have not found it - then the
users will. If they found it and worked it around - then the user will
have problems with the newer library version with the bug fixed
(everything was coded assuming the bug!). The 100% backward
compatibility of the libraries is a requirement too. Now please tell me

  • any Java library which meets these conditions? Or any Java procedure
    without a misbehavior? I will not say that one must spend half of a life
    to teach these libraries.

Yet another problem. The language age. The elder the language, the
better and deeper the developers know it. Concerning C, everybody knows
what is possible to do and what is possible but not recommended. With
new-fashion languages there is no such experience, and the experience is
written by blood like army’s Sentry Service Regulation. Also do not
forget that the compiler developers are no gods and can mistake
themselves, thus the bug probability in C compiler is much lesser then
in C++ (it is not necessary to work hard to find a bug in Java compiler,
especially Sun’s - the bugs will find you themselves).

In brief. In OS development and other serious project development there
are very strict performance and reliability requirements.

The first depends on the language heavily. The second depends on
testing, programming discipline and code readability/editability, which
are also very much language-dependent.

If you will have a thorough look, then all good serious programs are
written in C with some assembler. Word. Excel. NT kernel. Linux kernel.
Code generators (VC and GNU etc. GNU code generator is unsuitable for
sure - though can generate a good code if the stars are aligned
properly). The only good C++ program I know is MSSQLServer.

Let’s look on C++ software. Exchange Server. Outlook. PowerPoint. WMP.
Any comments?

Surely, all of the above is for big industrial projects, with millions
and tens of millions code lines and at least 50 developers working on
it. The above is not relevant for the “t.c”-like apps 100 lines long -
they can be written in any language.

P.S. Here I threw lots of mud to Java but not C#. But, considering the
above, and the intimate relation between the 2 languages, I think that
there can be a based opinion that the 2 languages will have the common


  1. Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like
    vegetable. A ball-formed root about 4cm in diameter, of magenta skin
    with white inside and with a long mouse-like “tail”. The name of the
    plant is also used in Russian slang as “bad guy”.
  2. “By the left leg” - in a hurry, without proper thinking, by using
    “Hey! It works!” attitude.
  3. Pitchfork. Step on it - and it will strike your face with a wooden
    handle. “Can of worms” is probably the exact English translation.

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So much of this is truth. Too much OO CAN and DOES obfuscate the meaning of
what you are trying to do.

I’m a strong proponent of straightforward C++ using objects to group methods
that operate on structures of information, shallow class hierarchies, and
shying away from operator overloading as much as possible. Templates…
well a little (this is only recent), but usually only in cases where I’d
need to copy code tons of times, or in container classes where they make a
lot of sense. I’ve seen abuse in C++ exception handling and have stayed
away ever since.

Keep the C++ style and semantics where the 80th percentile of your
development team can understand it, push the other 20% up the scale, and the
slowly bootstrap yourself to higher levels of abstraction. Most teams will
never get out of C++ as C with class. This is just fine!

The 1000 page C++ specification won’t push me back to pure C though. I’ve
saved way too much time with SIMPLE C++ to go back.

John K.

John A. Kowalonek
Block Island Software, Ltd.
22 Royal Crest Drive, Suite 1
Marlborough, MA 01752
phone (617)803-0798
fax (801)760-3861

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com]On Behalf Of Maxim S. Shatskih
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 11:32 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] OO development text from MS guy

Written by some Russian developer at MS. Don’t know his name, I have
this text from
another Russian developer in MS from CL compiler team.
Sorry for poor translation to English - too much slang.


You know, I was it compiler development business for a long time. Once
talking to
Igor V. Potosin (one of the greatest persons in optimizing compilers) about
15 years ago
(I was young that time) I asked - why we spend this huge efforts for
optimizers, if CPU speed
is doubled each 1.5 years according to Moore’s law? Usually the code
generated by a stupid
compiler (“what I see is what I sing about”) is sub-optimal 1.5 or maximum 2
times for both
CISC and RISC. So, if the bad code will work the same speed on the new
machine as the good
code on the old one - must we bother optimization?

Potosin anwsered, that I was not the first to ask this and that he hears
this question since
early 60ies. The answer is that regardless of how many computing power you
have, developers
will find a way to utilize them all, so, “pedal-to-the-metal” computer use
is a Good Thing and
will be a Good Thing for a long time.

He was surely right. All of us remember Word working fine on 286. It would
skyrocket on 386,
but these “bad guys” (1) - our Office collegues - ported it to Windows and
made it graphical
(surely, more power appeared - why not utilize it)? Then 486 appeared, and
again, Word would
skyrocket on it - no, they added some background spellchecking there, which
runs always, and
again the computing power was not enough. If somebody thinks 1.5GHz PIV will
be enough for all
real situations - again wrong. 1.5GHz PIV is about a half of what is needed
for real-time TV
compression, I will not say on voice recognition here.

So, the speed of the program is important. The practice shows that, if some
app (a serious app,
not a 1000 lines demo) works too fast, then some funny functionality is
immediately added to
it, which raises sales 10% and eats all remaining resources.

Neither Java nor C# apps do not work and will never work as fast as C ones
due to 100 reasons.
The language was designed by the left leg (2), and it is not the compiler
developer’s fault -
the compiler developers are not guilty that Java language developers knew
nothing in both
languages and compilers, so, the pitchforks (3) are spreaded as a layer
everywhere there.
Dear sirs, Java is just terrifying, and the VM implementation by Sun is a
song! Look at it

  • and you will understand that the guys were making the first VM in their
    life. Bug here,
    problem here, a “pitchfork” there… Let’s thank the Sun company who
    invested several billions
    dollars to widespread this puny thing and won at last.

Another important moment. Writing a code is peanuts. About 5-10% percent of
the development
cost and time. Hundreds of billions of dollars and millions of man-years
(no, no aggravation)
are thrown away to software support - testing, bugfixing etc. And this is
the real problem.
The developers also change their employer once per 2-4 years - the guy have
just become
accustomed to a company and started to work productively - and lo! he is
looking for another

And now we have the interesting problem. Due to high labor mobility and high
complexity of the
real-world projects - code readability and editability starts to play the #1

For a code to be both readable and editable, it must be locally
So, when the new guy will look at the procedure, he would easily understand
what it does and

And here we have a great fun with constructors, destructors, virtual
functions, inheritance,
exception handling and so on, so on.

Please tell me when C uses a function pointer? Rarely, and only when it is
really necessary.
So, when you see a call in C, it is usually clear what is called, you can go
and see what does
the callee do.

And in OO languages, when people (ex-students especially) love to redefine
functions, it is
damn hard to understand what of 15 virtual methods would be called in this
context, and read
all of them is boring. Thus the bug fixing takes 3-5 times more time.

Now on constructors and destructors. The programmer sees the variable
definition which is never
used - and throws it away. The app stops to work. What a delusion? Wow, the
constructor of this
variable established a connection to Exchange! (yes, a real-life example
from Outlook).
Surely one must be fired for writing such a constructor, but - what is
written by pen cannot be
chop away by axe.

In the result the programmer must read the definitions of all constructors
and destructors for
all local variables in the function. Who wants to read 40 files for this?
And nobody does. In the result it is impossible to understand the program
merrily written in
the OO language after 3 years.

So, according to my personal experience, the reliability of programs on OO
languages is far
from being perfect. Surely, if the manager monitors the process and beats
one’s ears for
over-creative language use - it will be OK, but, in practice, it is much
more dirty code in
OO languages.

I will be silent on operator overloading, copy constructors and such.
Creative use of
templates can also provide the followers with lots of merry minutes. Wow,
there are also

Thus the code written in the language without the hidden semantics is much
more supportable and
maintainable. Just smaller number of pitchforks. If a variable is declared,
it means nothing
more. Block exit - means only block exit, and nothing more. It works as it
is written.
And when the source is like the USSR political news and one must dig deep to
the 3rd layer of
truth - this is a brothel, not a development. Unfortunately, it is much
easier to do in OO
language, as we can behold every day.

It’s surprising, but for industrial development - simplicity is a guarantee
of good health :slight_smile:
The simpler, the better. The code must be clear for a clinical idiot,
otherwise, the man who
will replace you in 2-4 years will not be able to maintain it.

You want to initialize a variable? Call a procedure.
You need to call a function? Do this directly.
But you must not - send messages to JavaScript, which will execute XML taken
from the registry,
which in turn will load an ActiveX control, which in turn will call your
procedure via COM
(funny? A real life example, I have fixed such a year ago, hope the author
of this idiocy is
no more an MS’s employee).

The language complexity is a connected topic. The C standard is 200 pages.
C++ is about 1000,
with lots of implementation-dependent stuff. The puny paper which is
considered to be the
Java semantics description is just a fun. Its authors just kept silence on
all interesting and
intriguing moments - (yes, where the pitchforks are lying) - the moments
which are most
interesting for a compiler writer. Looks like they considered that nobody
can make things
worse than they.

It’s obvious - the simpler the language, the harder is to make a semantic
error in it. If a
brief and complete language description is 1000 pages - can you expect the
average programmer
to know the language 50%? No. Then can you expect that a complex operator
really means what the
programmer intended?

Then. Standard libraries. From the industrial point of view - again, the
simpler, the better.
If such a library (especially a dynamic one) has a bug - this is a disaster.
If developers have
not found it - then the users will. If they found it and worked it around -
then the user
will have problems with the newer library version with the bug fixed
(everything was coded
assuming the bug!). The 100% backward compatibility of the libraries is a
requirement too.
Now please tell me - any Java library which meets these conditions? Or any
Java procedure
without a misbehavior? I will not say that one must spend half of a life to
teach these

Yet another problem. The language age. The elder the language, the better
and deeper the
developers know it. Concerning C, everybody knows what is possible to do and
what is possible
but not recommended. With new-fashion languages there is no such experience,
and the experience
is written by blood like army’s Sentry Service Regulation. Also do not
forget that the compiler
developers are no gods and can mistake themselves, thus the bug probability
in C compiler is
much lesser then in C++ (it is not necessary to work hard to find a bug in
Java compiler,
especially Sun’s - the bugs will find you themselves).

In brief. In OS development and other serious project development there are
very strict
performance and reliability requirements.

The first depends on the language heavily. The second depends on testing,
discipline and code readability/editability, which are also very much

If you will have a thorough look, then all good serious programs are written
in C with some
assembler. Word. Excel. NT kernel. Linux kernel. Code generators (VC and GNU
etc. GNU code
generator is unsuitable for sure - though can generate a good code if the
stars are aligned
properly). The only good C++ program I know is MSSQLServer.

Let’s look on C++ software. Exchange Server. Outlook. PowerPoint. WMP.
Any comments?

Surely, all of the above is for big industrial projects, with millions and
tens of millions
code lines and at least 50 developers working on it. The above is not
relevant for the
“t.c”-like apps 100 lines long - they can be written in any language.

P.S. Here I threw lots of mud to Java but not C#. But, considering the
above, and the intimate
relation between the 2 languages, I think that there can be a based opinion
that the 2
languages will have the common problems.


  1. Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like vegetable. A
    ball-formed root
    about 4cm in diameter, of magenta skin with white inside and with a long
    mouse-like “tail”.
    The name of the plant is also used in Russian slang as “bad guy”.
  2. “By the left leg” - in a hurry, without proper thinking, by using “Hey!
    It works!” attitude.
  3. Pitchfork. Step on it - and it will strike your face with a wooden
    handle. “Can of worms”
    is probably the exact English translation.

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-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 5:34 PM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Re: OO development text from MS guy

  1. Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like


The closest English word for the vegetable would be RADISH (“rediska”).
In fact, it just occured to me it would be a great name for another
Rapid Driver Development tool… But you won’t be buying it I bet :slight_smile:

  • Vitaly

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>-----Original Message-----

From: Art Baker [mailto:xxxxx@nfr.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 10:39 PM

> 1) Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like vegetable.
> A ball-formed root about 4cm in diameter, of magenta skin with white
> inside
> and with a long mouse-like “tail”. The name of the plant is also used in
> Russian slang as “bad guy”.

The vegetable in question is called a “turnip”…

No, he means a “radish” - “rediska” in Russian.

Alex Krol

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It’s just irresistible! :slight_smile:

In all my years writing device drivers using C++ I’ve had only one C++
related problem (kind of). That’s when I had an __inline method while inline
function expansion was disabled in which case the body of inline function is
placed in the code segment in context of which compiler first compiled this
method. So, sometimes I end up with my method put in “INIT” code segment
while it supposed to be in “PAGED”. So little for so much classical
advantages (like clearer design, code reuse, etc.) that saved me so much
time, money and nerves :slight_smile:
And I’ve had only one problem with Driver::Works: it’s when W2K DDK was
first available but NuMega guys didn’t catch up with it quick enough so I
couldn’t compile my D::W - based driver with W2K DDK. This problem was
deadly (for D::W) though :frowning:


BTW: Why the heck my posts appear in this list with a delay of 6 hours? Are
you using ground transportation for delivery?

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I am seeing the same delays.

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of Chtchetkine,
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 7:37 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] RE: OO development text from MS guy

It’s just irresistible! :slight_smile:

In all my years writing device drivers using C++ I’ve had only one C++
related problem (kind of). That’s when I had an __inline method while
inline function expansion was disabled in which case the body of inline
function is placed in the code segment in context of which compiler
first compiled this method. So, sometimes I end up with my method put in
“INIT” code segment while it supposed to be in “PAGED”. So little for so
much classical advantages (like clearer design, code reuse, etc.) that
saved me so much time, money and nerves :slight_smile:

And I’ve had only one problem with Driver::Works: it’s when W2K DDK was
first available but NuMega guys didn’t catch up with it quick enough so
I couldn’t compile my D::W - based driver with W2K DDK. This problem was
deadly (for D::W) though :frowning:


BTW: Why the heck my posts appear in this list with a delay of 6 hours?
Are you using ground transportation for delivery?

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> > 1) Dunno the English word for this. A well-known beetroot-like vegetable.


The closest English word for the vegetable would be RADISH (“rediska”).

Yes, thanks.

In fact, it just occured to me it would be a great name for another
Rapid Driver Development tool… But you won’t be buying it I bet :slight_smile:

Why not?
There was some software called “Chipmunk” - IIRC FIDO BBS software.
Or Gopher - the relative beast.

If funny beast - then not funny vegetable?


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No, Alberto.
The guy’s point is code maintainability. Machine language is bad for this.
Also his point - C++ is much easier to abuse, and maintaining the abuseful C code is much simpler then the same kind of C++ code.


----- Original Message -----
From: “Moreira, Alberto”
To: “NT Developers Interest List”
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 11:18 PM
Subject: [ntdev] RE: OO development text from MS guy

> Hey, this makes a great case for writing it in machine language, no ?
> Alberto.

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> I’m a strong proponent of straightforward C++ using objects to group methods

that operate on structures of information, shallow class hierarchies, and
shying away from operator overloading as much as possible. Templates…
well a little (this is only recent), but usually only in cases where I’d
need to copy code tons of times, or in container classes where they make a
lot of sense. I’ve seen abuse in C++ exception handling and have stayed
away ever since.


C++ use in a team requires an administrative ban of some practices. At my former job we wrote a huge coding style document with
these bans.
And templates are usually of no use at all beyound the scope of STL.


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