One Question about TDI Filter Drivers!

I just want to develop a TDI Filter Driver which can mornitor all
Device-Io-Control Codes and display contents of its inputbuffer and
outputbuffer, such as IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMAITON_EX etc.But I can not
find any documents about its structure of OutputBuffer.
There are some useful hints about the structure of its inputbuffer in the
header files,smpletcp.h and tdiinfo.h.but it’s un-full-documented yet.
If I can not get the structure definition of its outputbuffer and
inputbuffer, my TDI filter driver can not handle this IRP .Then can anyone
give me any good suggestions or hints about this?

thanx in advance


See the wshsmple.c module in the DDK.

It’s as good as it gets.

Good luck,

Thomas F. Divine

PCAUSA - Tools & Resources For Network Software Developers
NDIS Protocol/Intermediate/Hooking - TDI Client/Filter
http: - http:

“Prfone” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hi,everyone
> I just want to develop a TDI Filter Driver which can mornitor all
> Device-Io-Control Codes and display contents of its inputbuffer and
> outputbuffer, such as IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMAITON_EX etc.But I can not
> find any documents about its structure of OutputBuffer.
> There are some useful hints about the structure of its inputbuffer in the
> header files,smpletcp.h and tdiinfo.h.but it’s un-full-documented yet.
> If I can not get the structure definition of its outputbuffer and
> inputbuffer, my TDI filter driver can not handle this IRP .Then can anyone
> give me any good suggestions or hints about this?
> thanx in advance
> Prfone