Office XP opens .htm files: is it defect?

Hi all,

I observed an unusual behavior after Office XP was installed on a client
computer accessing server computer over usual SMB share. Occasionally,
applications open all .htm files in directory using mode 0x140 (0x100
unwanted consequences for my filter.

This happens only the first time the process accesses the directory. For
Word, it means the first time after it is started and ctrl+o (file/open) is
invoked and such a directory is pasted to the “file name” field. For
Windows Explorer (in W2K, when Tools/ folder options/ view/ launch folder
windows as a separate process= off), it is the first time after reboot when
directory is pasted to “address” field. If “launch folder windows as a
separate process = on”, it occurs after every start of Windows explorer. The
.html settings like “enable web content in folders” or “delete temporary
internet files” or “clear history” seem not to change anything.

For me, it seems to be defect in one of .dll’s shipped with the Office XP.
Have you ever experienced such behavior?


Why should your filter have problems with files opened with these two
flags? FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE is of course harmless.
FILE_COMPLETE_IF_OPLOCKED has effects on files on a network share that
your filter MUST be designed to handle. You should run the HCT 11 filter
tests to help with this. You need to read up on oplocks in the HCT 11
test specifications, in Nagar’s book, and in the supplementary
documentation files included on your IFS kit CDs.

  • Nicholas Ryan

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Joze Fabcic
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 4:35 AM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] Office XP opens .htm files: is it defect?

Hi all,

I observed an unusual behavior after Office XP was installed
on a client computer accessing server computer over usual SMB
share. Occasionally, applications open all .htm files in
directory using mode 0x140 (0x100 FILE_COMPLETE_IF_OPLOCKED,
0x40 FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE) and this has unwanted
consequences for my filter.

This happens only the first time the process accesses the
directory. For Word, it means the first time after it is
started and ctrl+o (file/open) is invoked and such a
directory is pasted to the “file name” field. For Windows
Explorer (in W2K, when Tools/ folder options/ view/ launch
folder windows as a separate process= off), it is the first
time after reboot when directory is pasted to “address”
field. If “launch folder windows as a separate process = on”,
it occurs after every start of Windows explorer. The .html
settings like “enable web content in folders” or “delete
temporary internet files” or “clear history” seem not to
change anything.

For me, it seems to be defect in one of .dll’s shipped with
the Office XP. Have you ever experienced such behavior?


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