ObReferenceObjectByHandle failing randomly when called repeatedly

This is a test-scenario, scenario is this:

A user-mode App opens a kernel-mode driver HANDLE using CreateFile(), calls an IOCTL where a HANDLE from CreateEvent() is passed in as input, Closes the driver HANDLE obtained from CreateFile() and Closes the Event HANDLE, in an infinite loop.

Since the Event HANDLE is from usermode, the kernel-mode driver calls ObReferenceObjectByHandle() to check HANDLE validity in the IOCTL, and calls ObDereferenceObject() in FileClose().

This runs a few hundred loops successfully, then suddenly the ObReferenceObjectByHandle() returns an error code saying STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE.

The number of successful tries is random, one time it succeeded 363 times, another try it succeeded ~50,000 times before hitting the error.

Any ideas of what could be going wrong in the scenario is highly appreciated!


Is your driver using KMDF? If yes, in what function do you handle this IOCTL?

Yes, the driver is using KMDF. The WDFQUEUE for IOCTL is configured to dispatch sequentially, and the IOCTL is handled in the EvtIoDeviceControl for the Queue.


EvtIoDeviceControl can be called in any context, it is not guaranteed to be called in the context of your app. Make the Ob call in EvtInCallerContext and then do the rest if your processing in EvtIoDeviceControl


debt from my phone

From: xxxxx@gmail.com
Sent: 9/25/2012 5:18 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] ObReferenceObjectByHandle failing randomly when called repeatedly

Yes, the driver is using KMDF. The WDFQUEUE for IOCTL is configured to dispatch sequentially, and the IOCTL is handled in the EvtIoDeviceControl for the Queue.


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My own opinion is that the design of the driver is flawed beyond any hope
of recovery, and should be redone. The notion that event signaling makes
sense is at best a fiction, beloved by far too many driver writers as the
first cut on a design. It rarely makes sense. Possibly, it never makes
sense. Also, Occam’s Razor applies: if you are doing something complex
that causes a failure, make it simpler.

This is a test-scenario, scenario is this:

A user-mode App opens a kernel-mode driver HANDLE using CreateFile(),
calls an IOCTL where a HANDLE from CreateEvent() is passed in as input,
Closes the driver HANDLE obtained from CreateFile() and Closes the Event
HANDLE, in an infinite loop.

Since the Event HANDLE is from usermode, the kernel-mode driver calls
ObReferenceObjectByHandle() to check HANDLE validity in the IOCTL, and
calls ObDereferenceObject() in FileClose().

This runs a few hundred loops successfully, then suddenly the
ObReferenceObjectByHandle() returns an error code saying

The number of successful tries is random, one time it succeeded 363 times,
another try it succeeded ~50,000 times before hitting the error.

Any ideas of what could be going wrong in the scenario is highly


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