Object naming question for shared section

I’m trying to create a named section in my driver so that I can use OpenFileMapping in my service to get access to it. Can anybody fill me in as to where I can create this? The paths I’ve tried are:

\DosDevices\SectionName (in the driver)
\.\SectionName (in the service)


\BaseNamedObjects\SectionName (driver)
\BaseNamedObjects\SectionName (service)

For both of these, when I try OpenFileMapping in the service, I get back NULL, and a last error of ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME. I can only assume I’ve screwed up the path I’m using in the service. WinObj shows that the object exists in both cases in the expected place. Any suggestions?



what is the name you use in OpenFileMapping. It should be just: “SectionName”

Thank you, that was the issue. Now if only that was documented


-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 7:36 AM
To: Windows File Systems Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntfsd] Object naming question for shared section

what is the name you use in OpenFileMapping. It should be just:

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