
I hope somebody on the list can shed a light on how to configure BUILD to output intermideate
files in specified directory.
Docs for XP SP1 DDK suggest that using _OBJ_DIR macro in SOURCES should do exactly what I want. I
tried to use it to no avail.
Am I missing something? Has anyone had any luck outputing OBJs to non-default path?

Below is the snippet from DDK’s documentation.
I would appreciate if some one could point out what I’m doing wrong.


------------- DDK docs -----------------------------------
Use the _OBJ_ROOT macro to specify the root directory for the objects subdirectory (specified by
the O environment variable). By using _OBJ_ROOT, you alter the default to allow you to build into
a completely different directory tree. There are many advantages in doing this, including the
ability to separate objects from your source tree and building onto a different hard drive.

For example, if you were to build out of d:\nt\private\foo, normally the objects tree would look
something like d:\nt\private\foo\obj\i386. By setting _OBJ_ROOT=f:\build, you would cause the
objects tree to appear as f:\build\foo\obj\i386.

The object path is determined by concatenating _OBJ_ROOT with a subset of the current directory.
This subset is determined by taking the current directory and parsing out the drive, and BASEDIR,
if it exists.

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Though I have not tried it, hope U are using _OBJ_ROOT
and not _OBJ_DIR as mentioned in your email.

— Max Paklin wrote:
> Hello!
> I hope somebody on the list can shed a light on how
> to configure BUILD to output intermideate
> files in specified directory.
> Docs for XP SP1 DDK suggest that using _OBJ_DIR
> macro in SOURCES should do exactly what I want. I
> tried to use it to no avail.
> Am I missing something? Has anyone had any luck
> outputing OBJs to non-default path?
> Below is the snippet from DDK’s documentation.
> I would appreciate if some one could point out what
> I’m doing wrong.
> Thanks,
> Max.
> ------------- DDK docs
> -----------------------------------
> Use the _OBJ_ROOT macro to specify the root
> directory for the objects subdirectory (specified by
> the O environment variable). By using _OBJ_ROOT, you
> alter the default to allow you to build into
> a completely different directory tree. There are
> many advantages in doing this, including the
> ability to separate objects from your source tree
> and building onto a different hard drive.
> For example, if you were to build out of
> d:\nt\private\foo, normally the objects tree would
> look
> something like d:\nt\private\foo\obj\i386. By
> setting _OBJ_ROOT=f:\build, you would cause the
> objects tree to appear as f:\build\foo\obj\i386.
> The object path is determined by concatenating
> _OBJ_ROOT with a subset of the current directory.
> This subset is determined by taking the current
> directory and parsing out the drive, and BASEDIR,
> if it exists.
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Yes, I am using _OBJ_ROOT (_OBJ_DIR came up when I was poking around, trying things.)

I set it up as macro in SOURCES, tried as environment variable. Makes no difference.
BUILD simply ignores it.


— “Dan .” wrote:
> Though I have not tried it, hope U are using _OBJ_ROOT
> and not _OBJ_DIR as mentioned in your email.
> — Max Paklin wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I hope somebody on the list can shed a light on how
> > to configure BUILD to output intermideate
> > files in specified directory.
> > Docs for XP SP1 DDK suggest that using _OBJ_DIR
> > macro in SOURCES should do exactly what I want. I
> > tried to use it to no avail.
> > Am I missing something? Has anyone had any luck
> > outputing OBJs to non-default path?
> >
> > Below is the snippet from DDK’s documentation.
> > I would appreciate if some one could point out what
> > I’m doing wrong.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Max.
> >
> >
> > ------------- DDK docs
> > -----------------------------------
> > Use the _OBJ_ROOT macro to specify the root
> > directory for the objects subdirectory (specified by
> > the O environment variable). By using _OBJ_ROOT, you
> > alter the default to allow you to build into
> > a completely different directory tree. There are
> > many advantages in doing this, including the
> > ability to separate objects from your source tree
> > and building onto a different hard drive.
> >
> > For example, if you were to build out of
> > d:\nt\private\foo, normally the objects tree would
> > look
> > something like d:\nt\private\foo\obj\i386. By
> > setting _OBJ_ROOT=f:\build, you would cause the
> > objects tree to appear as f:\build\foo\obj\i386.
> >
> > The object path is determined by concatenating
> > _OBJ_ROOT with a subset of the current directory.
> > This subset is determined by taking the current
> > directory and parsing out the drive, and BASEDIR,
> > if it exists.
> >
> >
> >
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up
> > now.
> > http://mailplus.yahoo.com
> >
> >
> > —
> > You are currently subscribed to ntdev as:
> > xxxxx@yahoo.com
> > To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> xxxxx@lists.osr.com

> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.
> http://mailplus.yahoo.com
> —
> You are currently subscribed to ntdev as: xxxxx@yahoo.com
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to xxxxx@lists.osr.com

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