[ntfsd] How to support ACL

Yes, I have set the FILE_PERSISTENT_ACL flag in the IRP_MJ_QUERY_VOLUME_INFORMATION request.
And the “Use Simple file Sharing” Option is not checked.

I create the device object using the function IoCreateDevice. Do I need to create the device object using IoCreateDeviceSecure?

???ˣ? “xxxxx@hotmail.com
?ռ??ˣ? Windows File Systems Devs Interest List
?ѷ??ͣ? 2009/4/12(???), ???10:21:00
???⣺ RE:[ntfsd] How to support ACL

As Peter said, FILE_PERSISTENT_ACLS is a key point.
Also ACLs should also be checked in IRP_MJ_CREATE and IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION(rename or delete).


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