I couldn’t find enough information from NTFSD on the crash I encountered
for the past two days. My encryption filter driver (run in Win XP SP2) will
crash every time when running an installshield program to install a USB
smart card driver. The crash happened on Set EndOfFile to truncate 512 bytes
from the end of a temporary file.

I tried to simulate the crash by writing a usermode program to truncate
512 bytes to a file of same size and it went through successfully.

Below is the crash dump analysis. I appreciate any suggestion on how to
solve this problem. SecureDs is my filter driver, and I am rolling my own
Set EndOfFile IRP when I receive the IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION IRP.



* *

* Bugcheck Analysis *

* *


Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 24, {1902fe, f7b6f4a8, f7b6f1a4, 8055d34d}

*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for iKernel.dll

*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for
iKernel.dll -

*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for iscript.dll

*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for
iscript.dll -

*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for ctor.dll

*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for
ctor.dll -

*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for ISRT.dll

*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for
ISRT.dll -

Probably caused by : memory_corruption

Followup: memory_corruption

kd> !analyze -v


* *

* Bugcheck Analysis *

* *



If you see NtfsExceptionFilter on the stack then the 2nd and 3rd

parameters are the exception record and context record. Do a .cxr

on the 3rd parameter and then kb to obtain a more informative stack



Arg1: 001902fe

Arg2: f7b6f4a8

Arg3: f7b6f1a4

Arg4: 8055d34d

Debugging Details:

EXCEPTION_RECORD: f7b6f4a8 – (.exr fffffffff7b6f4a8)

ExceptionAddress: 8055d34d (nt!CcCopyRead+0x00000047)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

ExceptionFlags: 00000000

NumberParameters: 2

Parameter[0]: 00000000

Parameter[1]: 00000002

Attempt to read from address 00000002

CONTEXT: f7b6f1a4 – (.cxr fffffffff7b6f1a4)

eax=818a9d38 ebx=ffa56da8 ecx=00000001 edx=ffa3c6e8 esi=00000000

eip=8055d34d esp=f7b6f570 ebp=f7b6f5ec iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc

cs=0008 ss=0010 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0030 gs=0000 efl=00010246


8055d34d f6460202 test byte ptr [esi+0x2],0x2 ds:0023:00000002=??

Resetting default scope


ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at “0x%08lx” referenced
memory at “0x%08lx”. The memory could not be “%s”.

READ_ADDRESS: 00000002


LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from bada2e31 to 8055d34d


f7b6f5ec bada2e31 818a9d38 f7b6f634 00000001 nt!CcCopyRead+0x47

f7b6f620 bada17b7 8175ddd8 818712e8 e1fc60d0

f7b6f704 bada0e2f 8175ddd8 818712e8 863dee70 Ntfs!NtfsSetEndOfFileInfo+0x144

f7b6f774 bad79ad8 8175ddd8 863dee70 8196f658

f7b6f7dc 804eddf9 8196f658 863dee70 806d02e8 Ntfs!NtfsFsdSetInformation+0xa3

f7b6f7ec 8064b5a8 863dee70 863defdc 00000000 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31

f7b6f810 bae27f45 819702d8 81971040 85fb6e00 nt!IovCallDriver+0xa0

f7b6f824 804eddf9 81970390 84ebcfc8 806d02e8 sr!SrSetInformation+0x179

f7b6f834 8064b5a8 85fe3000 85755000 85fb6e00 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31

f7b6f858 f80cee96 f7b6f801 0000693e 00000001 nt!IovCallDriver+0xa0

f7b6f8a4 f80c9e19 819702d8 818712e8 0001fa00
SecureDs!KfcSetEndOfFileInformation+0x154 [f:\source\secureds\sys\kfc.c @

f7b6fb64 f80c77ab 85886f00 85fb6e48 819702d8
SecureDs!LocalLargeFileTruncate1+0x7ea [f:\source\secureds\sys\extension.c @

f7b6fbb8 f80db945 85886f00 819702d8 85fb6e48
SecureDs!DoLocalSetEndFile+0x122 [f:\source\secureds\sys\extension.c @ 3707]

f7b6fc68 804eddf9 8173d928 85fb6e48 806d02e8
SecureDs!SecureDiscSetInfo+0x533 [f:\source\secureds\sys\dispatch.c @ 1298]

f7b6fc78 8064b5a8 85fb6fd8 85fb6e58 85fb6e48 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31

f7b6fc9c 8056f673 f7b6fd64 00123cb4 8056f104 nt!IovCallDriver+0xa0

f7b6fd48 8053c808 000000e4 00123cbc 00123ccc nt!NtSetInformationFile+0x56f

f7b6fd48 7c90eb94 000000e4 00123cbc 00123ccc nt!KiFastCallEntry+0xf8

00123c94 7c90e5e5 7c81f8a9 000000e4 00123cbc ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet

00123c98 7c81f8a9 000000e4 00123cbc 00123ccc ntdll!NtSetInformationFile+0xc

00123cdc 7756cd22 000000e4 00000000 0001f800 kernel32!SetEndOfFile+0x62

00123d00 7754243c 0001f800 00000000 774edc88

00123d14 7754255e 00f83f90 0001f800 00000000 ole32!CFileStream::SetSize+0xa3

00123d34 7754537c 0000000a 00f83624 00f835e4 ole32!CMStream::SetSize+0x74

00123d60 77543a9c 00000003 00f835e4 00f93260 ole32!CFat::Resize+0x5c0

00123d78 77544022 0000000a 00f93260 00f833a8 ole32!CFat::ReserveSects+0x3d

00123f1c 77543ff1 00f835e4 0000000a 00123f68

00123f74 7754820c 000013a0 00000000 00123f9c

00123f84 775481d1 000013a0 00000000 00000000 ole32!PSStream::SetSize+0x34

00123f9c 77548148 000013a0 00000000 00000002 ole32!CPubStream::SetSize+0x50

00123fd4 00dab0b2 00f93188 000013a0 00000000

WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be

00124040 00db3f34 00e9c9f4 00e16707 001242d0 iKernel+0xb0b2

001246f8 00db3ba3 0000005a 00000007 00124720 iKernel+0x13f34

00124750 00dac692 00e9c9c8 00124798 00000000 iKernel+0x13ba3

0012478c 771273d0 00124730 01ce4970 01ce03e4 iKernel+0xc692

001247ac 771279e0 00e9c4c0 0000002c 00000004 OLEAUT32!DispCallFunc+0x16a

0012483c 77127898 00187788 00e9c4c0 00000000

001248cc 00da5518 00187a1c 00e9c4c0 00000004

001248f4 014069ff 00e9c4c0 00000004 01420420 iKernel+0x5518

001249b4 0140702e 00e9c4c0 00000004 00000003

00124a54 01406f66 00e9c4c0 015be400 01441f88

00124aac 01400a2a 00124b08 0166781c 01441f88

00124b4c 01400451 00124b98 01667810 01441f64

00124c20 013fd9d9 000000bf 00124d40 013b1fa8

00124c84 0139672f 01441f64 0000004e 0139bbc8

00124d60 01397f6b 01cee30c 77120000 00000008 ctor!LaunchSetup+0x4e30

00124de0 013984ea 00e77a38 00000002 01397ca8 ctor!LaunchSetup+0x666c

00125030 00dcf633 00125057 001251cc 00e78068 ctor!LaunchSetup+0x6beb

00125044 00deaf0f 001251c7 00e77a38 001251cc iKernel+0x2f633

001251b8 013973e0 00e76bec 001251cc 017d4cf0



bada2e31 84c0 test al,al



SYMBOL_NAME: Ntfs!NtfsPrepareToShrinkFileSize+a3


IMAGE_NAME: Ntfs.sys


STACK_COMMAND: .cxr fffffffff7b6f1a4 ; kb

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x24_Ntfs!NtfsPrepareToShrinkFileSize+a3

BUCKET_ID: 0x24_Ntfs!NtfsPrepareToShrinkFileSize+a3

Followup: MachineOwner

Just want to follow up with my own message, the problem described below is
solved. It is due to in SetEndofFile dispatch routine, I sent a write IRP
(with Paging IO bit set) to lower file system, and followed by sending
another SetEndOfFile IRP. This causes the CcCopyRead crash during
SetEndOfFile operation. Most of the time it works fine, but during this
special installation program, it crashes.
It took me a few days to find out the problem, probably due to my limited
knowledge on filter driver design.


“Tan Sin Lam” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> Hi,
> I couldn’t find enough information from NTFSD on the crash I encountered
> for the past two days. My encryption filter driver (run in Win XP SP2)
> will crash every time when running an installshield program to install a
> USB smart card driver. The crash happened on Set EndOfFile to truncate 512
> bytes from the end of a temporary file.
> I tried to simulate the crash by writing a usermode program to truncate
> 512 bytes to a file of same size and it went through successfully.
> Below is the crash dump analysis. I appreciate any suggestion on how to
> solve this problem. SecureDs is my filter driver, and I am rolling my own
> Set EndOfFile IRP when I receive the IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION IRP.
> Thanks,
> SL
> ***
> *
> * Bugcheck Analysis
> *

> Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
> BugCheck 24, {1902fe, f7b6f4a8, f7b6f1a4, 8055d34d}
> WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for iKernel.dll
ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for
> iKernel.dll -
> WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for iscript.dll
ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for
> iscript.dll -
> WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for ctor.dll
ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for
> ctor.dll -
> WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for ISRT.dll
ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for
> ISRT.dll -
> Probably caused by : memory_corruption
> Followup: memory_corruption
> ---------
> kd> !analyze -v
> ***
> *
> * Bugcheck Analysis
> *

> If you see NtfsExceptionFilter on the stack then the 2nd and 3rd
> parameters are the exception record and context record. Do a .cxr
> on the 3rd parameter and then kb to obtain a more informative stack
> trace.
> Arguments:
> Arg1: 001902fe
> Arg2: f7b6f4a8
> Arg3: f7b6f1a4
> Arg4: 8055d34d
> Debugging Details:
> ------------------
> EXCEPTION_RECORD: f7b6f4a8 – (.exr fffffffff7b6f4a8)
> ExceptionAddress: 8055d34d (nt!CcCopyRead+0x00000047)
> ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
> ExceptionFlags: 00000000
> NumberParameters: 2
> Parameter[0]: 00000000
> Parameter[1]: 00000002
> Attempt to read from address 00000002
> CONTEXT: f7b6f1a4 – (.cxr fffffffff7b6f1a4)
> eax=818a9d38 ebx=ffa56da8 ecx=00000001 edx=ffa3c6e8 esi=00000000
> edi=00000000
> eip=8055d34d esp=f7b6f570 ebp=f7b6f5ec iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc
> cs=0008 ss=0010 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0030 gs=0000 efl=00010246
> nt!CcCopyRead+0x47:
> 8055d34d f6460202 test byte ptr [esi+0x2],0x2 ds:0023:00000002=??
> Resetting default scope
> ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at “0x%08lx”
> referenced memory at “0x%08lx”. The memory could not be “%s”.
> READ_ADDRESS: 00000002
> LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from bada2e31 to 8055d34d
> f7b6f5ec bada2e31 818a9d38 f7b6f634 00000001 nt!CcCopyRead+0x47
> f7b6f620 bada17b7 8175ddd8 818712e8 e1fc60d0
> Ntfs!NtfsPrepareToShrinkFileSize+0xa3
> f7b6f704 bada0e2f 8175ddd8 818712e8 863dee70
> Ntfs!NtfsSetEndOfFileInfo+0x144
> f7b6f774 bad79ad8 8175ddd8 863dee70 8196f658
> Ntfs!NtfsCommonSetInformation+0x477
> f7b6f7dc 804eddf9 8196f658 863dee70 806d02e8
> Ntfs!NtfsFsdSetInformation+0xa3
> f7b6f7ec 8064b5a8 863dee70 863defdc 00000000 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31
> f7b6f810 bae27f45 819702d8 81971040 85fb6e00 nt!IovCallDriver+0xa0
> f7b6f824 804eddf9 81970390 84ebcfc8 806d02e8 sr!SrSetInformation+0x179
> f7b6f834 8064b5a8 85fe3000 85755000 85fb6e00 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31
> f7b6f858 f80cee96 f7b6f801 0000693e 00000001 nt!IovCallDriver+0xa0
> f7b6f8a4 f80c9e19 819702d8 818712e8 0001fa00
> SecureDs!KfcSetEndOfFileInformation+0x154 [f:\source\secureds\sys\kfc.c @
> 267]
> f7b6fb64 f80c77ab 85886f00 85fb6e48 819702d8
> SecureDs!LocalLargeFileTruncate1+0x7ea [f:\source\secureds\sys\extension.c
> @ 4420]
> f7b6fbb8 f80db945 85886f00 819702d8 85fb6e48
> SecureDs!DoLocalSetEndFile+0x122 [f:\source\secureds\sys\extension.c @
> 3707]
> f7b6fc68 804eddf9 8173d928 85fb6e48 806d02e8
> SecureDs!SecureDiscSetInfo+0x533 [f:\source\secureds\sys\dispatch.c @
> 1298]
> f7b6fc78 8064b5a8 85fb6fd8 85fb6e58 85fb6e48 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31
> f7b6fc9c 8056f673 f7b6fd64 00123cb4 8056f104 nt!IovCallDriver+0xa0
> f7b6fd48 8053c808 000000e4 00123cbc 00123ccc nt!NtSetInformationFile+0x56f
> f7b6fd48 7c90eb94 000000e4 00123cbc 00123ccc nt!KiFastCallEntry+0xf8
> 00123c94 7c90e5e5 7c81f8a9 000000e4 00123cbc ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
> 00123c98 7c81f8a9 000000e4 00123cbc 00123ccc
> ntdll!NtSetInformationFile+0xc
> 00123cdc 7756cd22 000000e4 00000000 0001f800 kernel32!SetEndOfFile+0x62
> 00123d00 7754243c 0001f800 00000000 774edc88
> ole32!CFileStream::SetSizeWorker+0x128
> 00123d14 7754255e 00f83f90 0001f800 00000000
> ole32!CFileStream::SetSize+0xa3
> 00123d34 7754537c 0000000a 00f83624 00f835e4 ole32!CMStream::SetSize+0x74
> 00123d60 77543a9c 00000003 00f835e4 00f93260 ole32!CFat::Resize+0x5c0
> 00123d78 77544022 0000000a 00f93260 00f833a8 ole32!CFat::ReserveSects+0x3d
> 00123f1c 77543ff1 00f835e4 0000000a 00123f68
> ole32!CStreamCache::Allocate+0x1d
> 00123f74 7754820c 000013a0 00000000 00123f9c
> ole32!CDirectStream::SetSize+0x237
> 00123f84 775481d1 000013a0 00000000 00000000 ole32!PSStream::SetSize+0x34
> 00123f9c 77548148 000013a0 00000000 00000002
> ole32!CPubStream::SetSize+0x50
> 00123fd4 00dab0b2 00f93188 000013a0 00000000
> ole32!CExposedStream::SetSize+0x90
> WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be
> wrong.
> 00124040 00db3f34 00e9c9f4 00e16707 001242d0 iKernel+0xb0b2
> 001246f8 00db3ba3 0000005a 00000007 00124720 iKernel+0x13f34
> 00124750 00dac692 00e9c9c8 00124798 00000000 iKernel+0x13ba3
> 0012478c 771273d0 00124730 01ce4970 01ce03e4 iKernel+0xc692
> 001247ac 771279e0 00e9c4c0 0000002c 00000004 OLEAUT32!DispCallFunc+0x16a
> 0012483c 77127898 00187788 00e9c4c0 00000000
> OLEAUT32!CTypeInfo2::Invoke+0x234
> 001248cc 00da5518 00187a1c 00e9c4c0 00000004
> OLEAUT32!CTypeInfo2::Invoke+0x60a
> 001248f4 014069ff 00e9c4c0 00000004 01420420 iKernel+0x5518
> 001249b4 0140702e 00e9c4c0 00000004 00000003
> iscript!DllRegisterServer+0xcb1f
> 00124a54 01406f66 00e9c4c0 015be400 01441f88
> iscript!DllRegisterServer+0xd14e
> 00124aac 01400a2a 00124b08 0166781c 01441f88
> iscript!DllRegisterServer+0xd086
> 00124b4c 01400451 00124b98 01667810 01441f64
> iscript!DllRegisterServer+0x6b4a
> 00124c20 013fd9d9 000000bf 00124d40 013b1fa8
> iscript!DllRegisterServer+0x6571
> 00124c84 0139672f 01441f64 0000004e 0139bbc8
> iscript!DllRegisterServer+0x3af9
> 00124d60 01397f6b 01cee30c 77120000 00000008 ctor!LaunchSetup+0x4e30
> 00124de0 013984ea 00e77a38 00000002 01397ca8 ctor!LaunchSetup+0x666c
> 00125030 00dcf633 00125057 001251cc 00e78068 ctor!LaunchSetup+0x6beb
> 00125044 00deaf0f 001251c7 00e77a38 001251cc iKernel+0x2f633
> 001251b8 013973e0 00e76bec 001251cc 017d4cf0
> iKernel!DllRegisterServer+0xc5c9
> Ntfs!NtfsPrepareToShrinkFileSize+a3
> bada2e31 84c0 test al,al
> FOLLOWUP_NAME: MachineOwner
> SYMBOL_NAME: Ntfs!NtfsPrepareToShrinkFileSize+a3
> IMAGE_NAME: Ntfs.sys
> STACK_COMMAND: .cxr fffffffff7b6f1a4 ; kb
> FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x24_Ntfs!NtfsPrepareToShrinkFileSize+a3
> BUCKET_ID: 0x24_Ntfs!NtfsPrepareToShrinkFileSize+a3
> Followup: MachineOwner
> ---------