Hi all,
I have an interesting problem for you guys…the secenerio is:
1> I am intializing a timer in WanInitialize routine using
NdisMInitializetimer (a PASSIVE_LEVEL call).
The Function Context Parameter of the TimeOut Function is the
“Adapter” structure.(The Adapter Structure Registered with NDIS).
2> I am starting the timer when I receive a Particulat type of Packet.
3> In the Timeout Function (DISPATCH_LEVEL ) of this timer, I Indicate a
DisConnect to NDIS_WAN using the call NdisMIndicateStatus (DIPATCH_LEVEL).
The Problem:
The page Fault occurs after i make a call to NdisMIndicateStatus.
I tried to call some other routines (that work Fine in other places in
Driver) but still the System Crashes.
Any Information regarding this would be appriciated.