NT/W98 Install APIs

I am intrested in using an application to install the drivers. However,
some of the APIs available on W2K etc are not available with NT/W98. For
now I am specifically looking for alternatives to SetupCopyOEMInf() &

Any info on how to achieve this functionality on the older OSes would be


Somehere there must exist an sample ‘ipinst’ from MSFT that uses the 16-bit
DiXXX functions to do an installation. AFAIK ‘SetupCopyOEMInf’ can
only be replaced by copying the inf-file to the inf-dir. Hmm, I
think Walter Oney in his Book also had some good installer code suitable
for 9X.


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I am intrested in using an application to install the drivers. However,
some of the APIs available on W2K etc are not available with NT/W98. For
now I am specifically looking for alternatives to SetupCopyOEMInf() &
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