NT_ASSERT macro (was :D1, {b5388508, 2, b5388508, 88dafb2c} what is the 3rd parameter???)

>NT_ASSERT annotations should work with public symbols for win7 RTM

and any subsequent builds.

That’s excellent news! The old NT_ASSERT semantics certainly crippled the
checked build.

Is this change going to be pushed out to the public tools or are our
annotations still gone from public symbols? Appears that annotations are
still stripped out with the Win7 RTM WDK and PDBs generated with

Thanks again!


Scott Noone
Consulting Associate
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

“Pavel Lebedinsky” wrote in message
>> What I do know is that the ASSERT() to NT_ASSERT() thing has sucked
>> mightily.
>> The impact on XP has never been much of a problem for me, but the
>> lack-o-useful
>> msft assertions bites.
> NT_ASSERT annotations should work with public symbols for win7 RTM
> and any subsequent builds.
> (If you have locally cached win7 symbols that you downloaded before this
> weekend,
> you will need to re-download them from
> http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
> using .reload /o or by simply deleting the local copy).
> –
> Pavel Lebedinsky/Windows Kernel Test
> This posting is provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no
> rights.

> Is this change going to be pushed out to the public tools or are our

annotations still gone from public symbols? Appears that annotations are
still stripped out with the Win7 RTM WDK and PDBs generated with

I asked the person who worked on fixing this for win7, and according
to him public PDBs with annotations can only be generated using

I believe the next debugger release should have an updated version
of pdbcopy that supports additional options dealing with annotations.

Pavel Lebedinsky/Windows Kernel Test
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no rights.