nt! Assert Failure


My network driver hanging, because of break point from nt kernel.

Could anyone please help me.

Log is here…

Assertion failure - code c0000420 (first chance)
nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::string'+0x34f3: fffff80001b05368 cd2c int 2Ch
0: kd> kp
Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
fffff80003e86b20 fffff80001aafeba nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::string'+0x34f3 fffff80003e86b60 fffff80001a25d74 nt!KeUpdateSystemTime+0xea fffff80003e86b90 fffff80001ab7b2d hal!HalpHpetClockInterrupt+0x8c fffff80003e86bc0 fffffa6000fcf12a nt!KiInterruptDispatchNoLock+0x14d fffff80003e86d50 fffffa6000fc806a HPMPort!HPMRcvProcessPackets(void \* MiniportAdapterContext = 0xfffffa80059b0000, unsigned long IntMask = 1)+0x50a [c:\richhydra\wlktest\v0006\hpmport_w2k8\hpmrcv.cpp @ 1508]
fffff80003e86e20 fffffa60008242b7 HPMPort!HPMMessageInterruptDpc(void * MiniportInterruptContext = 0xfffffa80059b0000, unsigned long MessageId = 0, void * MiniportDpcContext = 0x0000000000000000, unsigned long * NdisReserved1 = 0x0000000000000000, unsigned long * NdisReserved2 = 0x0000000000000000)+0x31a [c:\richhydra\wlktest\v0006\hpmport_w2k8\hpmadapter.cpp @ 2302]
fffff80003e86ec0 fffff80001abf9d7 NDIS! ?? ::FNODOBFM::string'+0x48fc fffff80003e86f40 fffff80001ab9865 nt!KiRetireDpcList+0x117 fffff80003e86fb0 fffff80001ab9677 nt!KxRetireDpcList+0x5 fffffa60086e1be0 fffff80001afcd73 nt!KiDispatchInterruptContinue fffffa60086e1c10 fffff80001ab755f nt!KiDpcInterruptBypass+0x13 fffffa60086e1c20 00000000777f8626 nt!KiInterruptDispatch+0x20f 000000000272f760 00000000777f85ce ntdll!LdrpInitialize+0x36 000000000272f810 00000000`00000000 ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk+0xe

Thanks in advance.

Fix your symbol path so that you can get good symbols for nt, and look at the stack trace once more after reloading symbols.

See the debugger commands: “.symfix”, “.reload”.

  • S

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@gnhsoft.com
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 01:47
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] nt! Assert Failure


My network driver hanging, because of break point from nt kernel.

Could anyone please help me.

Log is here…

Assertion failure - code c0000420 (first chance)
nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::string'+0x34f3:<br>fffff80001b05368 cd2c int 2Ch
0: kd> kp
Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
fffff80003e86b20 fffff80001aafeba nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::string'+0x34f3<br>fffff80003e86b60 fffff80001a25d74 nt!KeUpdateSystemTime+0xea<br>fffff80003e86b90 fffff80001ab7b2d hal!HalpHpetClockInterrupt+0x8c<br>fffff80003e86bc0 fffffa6000fcf12a nt!KiInterruptDispatchNoLock+0x14d<br>fffff80003e86d50 fffffa6000fc806a HPMPort!HPMRcvProcessPackets(void * MiniportAdapterContext = 0xfffffa80059b0000, unsigned long IntMask = 1)+0x50a [c:\richhydra\wlktest\v0006\hpmport_w2k8\hpmrcv.cpp @ 1508]
fffff80003e86e20 fffffa60008242b7 HPMPort!HPMMessageInterruptDpc(void * MiniportInterruptContext = 0xfffffa80059b0000, unsigned long MessageId = 0, void * MiniportDpcContext = 0x0000000000000000, unsigned long * NdisReserved1 = 0x0000000000000000, unsigned long * NdisReserved2 = 0x0000000000000000)+0x31a [c:\richhydra\wlktest\v0006\hpmport_w2k8\hpmadapter.cpp @ 2302]
fffff80003e86ec0 fffff80001abf9d7 NDIS! ?? ::FNODOBFM::string'+0x48fc<br>fffff80003e86f40 fffff80001ab9865 nt!KiRetireDpcList+0x117<br>fffff80003e86fb0 fffff80001ab9677 nt!KxRetireDpcList+0x5<br>fffffa60086e1be0 fffff80001afcd73 nt!KiDispatchInterruptContinue<br>fffffa60086e1c10 fffff80001ab755f nt!KiDpcInterruptBypass+0x13<br>fffffa60086e1c20 00000000777f8626 nt!KiInterruptDispatch+0x20f<br>000000000272f760 00000000777f85ce ntdll!LdrpInitialize+0x36<br>000000000272f810 00000000`00000000 ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk+0xe

Thanks in advance.

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

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Sorry, maybe your symbols are good; I plead “looking at mail at 9am on a 3 inch screen”.

I seem to recall that hitting an assert in the system time update routine while you are processing a DPC (still on the call stack below) usually means that you hit the internal timeout at which nt believes your DPC is stuck.

Is it possible that you’ve got an infinite loop lurking in HPMRcvProcessPackets?

  • S

-----Original Message-----
From: Skywing
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 09:18
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE: [ntdev] nt! Assert Failure

Fix your symbol path so that you can get good symbols for nt, and look at the stack trace once more after reloading symbols.

See the debugger commands: “.symfix”, “.reload”.

- S

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@gnhsoft.com
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 01:47
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] nt! Assert Failure


My network driver hanging, because of break point from nt kernel.

Could anyone please help me.

Log is here…

Assertion failure - code c0000420 (first chance)
nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::string'+0x34f3:<br>fffff80001b05368 cd2c int 2Ch
0: kd> kp
Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
fffff80003e86b20 fffff80001aafeba nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::string'+0x34f3<br>fffff80003e86b60 fffff80001a25d74 nt!KeUpdateSystemTime+0xea<br>fffff80003e86b90 fffff80001ab7b2d hal!HalpHpetClockInterrupt+0x8c<br>fffff80003e86bc0 fffffa6000fcf12a nt!KiInterruptDispatchNoLock+0x14d<br>fffff80003e86d50 fffffa6000fc806a HPMPort!HPMRcvProcessPackets(void * MiniportAdapterContext = 0xfffffa80059b0000, unsigned long IntMask = 1)+0x50a [c:\richhydra\wlktest\v0006\hpmport_w2k8\hpmrcv.cpp @ 1508]
fffff80003e86e20 fffffa60008242b7 HPMPort!HPMMessageInterruptDpc(void * MiniportInterruptContext = 0xfffffa80059b0000, unsigned long MessageId = 0, void * MiniportDpcContext = 0x0000000000000000, unsigned long * NdisReserved1 = 0x0000000000000000, unsigned long * NdisReserved2 = 0x0000000000000000)+0x31a [c:\richhydra\wlktest\v0006\hpmport_w2k8\hpmadapter.cpp @ 2302]
fffff80003e86ec0 fffff80001abf9d7 NDIS! ?? ::FNODOBFM::string'+0x48fc<br>fffff80003e86f40 fffff80001ab9865 nt!KiRetireDpcList+0x117<br>fffff80003e86fb0 fffff80001ab9677 nt!KxRetireDpcList+0x5<br>fffffa60086e1be0 fffff80001afcd73 nt!KiDispatchInterruptContinue<br>fffffa60086e1c10 fffff80001ab755f nt!KiDpcInterruptBypass+0x13<br>fffffa60086e1c20 00000000777f8626 nt!KiInterruptDispatch+0x20f<br>000000000272f760 00000000777f85ce ntdll!LdrpInitialize+0x36<br>000000000272f810 00000000`00000000 ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk+0xe

Thanks in advance.

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=ListServer

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=ListServer

Hi Skywing,

Thanks for your great suggestion. You are right. I have had a loop
in HPMRcvProcessPackets function to process reach end of NetbufferList.
For a bulk amount of packets, the loop executing for a while. So, I’m
hitting internal timeout.

I have changed the code, now its working fine.

Thanks a lot for your great help.


Skywing wrote:

Sorry, maybe your symbols are good; I plead “looking at mail at 9am on a 3 inch screen”.

I seem to recall that hitting an assert in the system time update routine while you are processing a DPC (still on the call stack below) usually means that you hit the internal timeout at which nt believes your DPC is stuck.

Is it possible that you’ve got an infinite loop lurking in HPMRcvProcessPackets?

  • S

-----Original Message-----
From: Skywing
> Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 09:18
> To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
> Subject: RE: [ntdev] nt! Assert Failure
> Fix your symbol path so that you can get good symbols for nt, and look at the stack trace once more after reloading symbols.
> See the debugger commands: “.symfix”, “.reload”.
> - S
> -----Original Message-----
> From: xxxxx@gnhsoft.com
> Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 01:47
> To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
> Subject: [ntdev] nt! Assert Failure
> Hi,
> My network driver hanging, because of break point from nt kernel.
> Could anyone please help me.
> Log is here…
> Assertion failure - code c0000420 (first chance)
> nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::string'+0x34f3:<br>&gt; fffff80001b05368 cd2c int 2Ch
> 0: kd> kp
> Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
> fffff80003e86b20 fffff80001aafeba nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::string'+0x34f3<br>&gt; fffff80003e86b60 fffff80001a25d74 nt!KeUpdateSystemTime+0xea<br>&gt; fffff80003e86b90 fffff80001ab7b2d hal!HalpHpetClockInterrupt+0x8c<br>&gt; fffff80003e86bc0 fffffa6000fcf12a nt!KiInterruptDispatchNoLock+0x14d<br>&gt; fffff80003e86d50 fffffa6000fc806a HPMPort!HPMRcvProcessPackets(void * MiniportAdapterContext = 0xfffffa80059b0000, unsigned long IntMask = 1)+0x50a [c:\richhydra\wlktest\v0006\hpmport_w2k8\hpmrcv.cpp @ 1508]
> fffff80003e86e20 fffffa60008242b7 HPMPort!HPMMessageInterruptDpc(void * MiniportInterruptContext = 0xfffffa80059b0000, unsigned long MessageId = 0, void * MiniportDpcContext = 0x0000000000000000, unsigned long * NdisReserved1 = 0x0000000000000000, unsigned long * NdisReserved2 = 0x0000000000000000)+0x31a [c:\richhydra\wlktest\v0006\hpmport_w2k8\hpmadapter.cpp @ 2302]
> fffff80003e86ec0 fffff80001abf9d7 NDIS! ?? ::FNODOBFM::string'+0x48fc<br>&gt; fffff80003e86f40 fffff80001ab9865 nt!KiRetireDpcList+0x117<br>&gt; fffff80003e86fb0 fffff80001ab9677 nt!KxRetireDpcList+0x5<br>&gt; fffffa60086e1be0 fffff80001afcd73 nt!KiDispatchInterruptContinue<br>&gt; fffffa60086e1c10 fffff80001ab755f nt!KiDpcInterruptBypass+0x13<br>&gt; fffffa60086e1c20 00000000777f8626 nt!KiInterruptDispatch+0x20f<br>&gt; 000000000272f760 00000000777f85ce ntdll!LdrpInitialize+0x36<br>&gt; 000000000272f810 00000000`00000000 ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk+0xe
> Thanks in advance.
> —
> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
> For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:
> http://www.osr.com/seminars
> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=ListServer
> —
> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
> For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:
> http://www.osr.com/seminars
> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=ListServer
> —
> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
> For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:
> http://www.osr.com/seminars
> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=ListServer