NonPaged Kernel Memory in Windows 2003 x64

How much NonPaged Kernel Memory is theoretically available in an x64 OS
(particularly 2003 x64)? Thanks.

The technical VA constraint on nonpaged pool on amd64 is 128gb. Obviously physical memory is also a constraining factor.

  • S

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Weicher
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 10:32
To: Windows File Systems Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntfsd] NonPaged Kernel Memory in Windows 2003 x64

How much NonPaged Kernel Memory is theoretically available in an x64 OS
(particularly 2003 x64)? Thanks.

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> The technical VA constraint on nonpaged pool on amd64 is 128gb.

Obviously physical memory is also a constraining factor.

See also:

Memory Limits for Windows Releases

Pavel Lebedinsky/Windows Kernel Test
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Thanks for the reply.

How do I determine the actual limits of NPP on a machine with 32GB physical

The customer’s kernel memory seems to be nearly exhausted which just isn’t
possible on an x64 machine, is it?

They do use Microsoft’s Shadow Volume Copy Service, which I am guessing eats
up lots of NPP?

“Skywing” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
The technical VA constraint on nonpaged pool on amd64 is 128gb. Obviously
physical memory is also a constraining factor.

- S

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Weicher
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 10:32
To: Windows File Systems Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntfsd] NonPaged Kernel Memory in Windows 2003 x64

How much NonPaged Kernel Memory is theoretically available in an x64 OS
(particularly 2003 x64)? Thanks.

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With 32GB of physical ram on an S03 x64 system, you should be able to
use almost all of the physical memory.

It may be a memory leak. Fortunately, pool tagging is enabled by
default on S03, so you should be able to use any of the pool utilities
or the kernel debugger to figure out how much memory is actually in use
and by what (I’d use WinDBG - !vm and !poolused are your friends.)


Unfortunately since it is on a client’s machine, using WinDBG is not an
option. Hopefully they will let me run pooltag.

Besides pooltag.exe what else should I be looking at?


“Tony Mason” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
With 32GB of physical ram on an S03 x64 system, you should be able to
use almost all of the physical memory.

It may be a memory leak. Fortunately, pool tagging is enabled by
default on S03, so you should be able to use any of the pool utilities
or the kernel debugger to figure out how much memory is actually in use
and by what (I’d use WinDBG - !vm and !poolused are your friends.)


Thanks for the tip. What is the difference between the “wnet” and “wlh”
versions of Pooltag.exe?

“Tony Mason” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
With 32GB of physical ram on an S03 x64 system, you should be able to
use almost all of the physical memory.

It may be a memory leak. Fortunately, pool tagging is enabled by
default on S03, so you should be able to use any of the pool utilities
or the kernel debugger to figure out how much memory is actually in use
and by what (I’d use WinDBG - !vm and !poolused are your friends.)


On Mon, 24 Aug 2009, Neil Weicher wrote:

Thanks for the tip. What is the difference between the “wnet” and “wlh”
versions of Pooltag.exe?

Thats a good question! When I install some of those utilities I have to
google for a while to find out witch version of Windows was called what,
parhaps they should update the names.

> Unfortunately since it is on a client’s machine, using WinDBG is not an

option. Hopefully they will let me run pooltag.

Is local kernel debugging (kd.exe -kl) an option? It’s relatively
(compared to attaching a separate COM/1394 debugger), and should be
enough to run !vm or !poolused.

Pavel Lebedinsky/Windows Kernel Test
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Updating names - bad idea. It would build environments.


That should have read - it would break build environments.


> Thanks for the tip. What is the difference between the “wnet” and “wlh”

versions of Pooltag.exe?

Try using the one for the most recent Windows version, i.e. wlh

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP