No packet flow in NDIS 6.2 Windows 7 Filter driver

I am trying to bind the Mobile broadband dongle with My MUX filter driver in windows 7 . When i wrote the changes as per the Microsoft document , my filter receive function is not calling . Filter Send function working fine .

the reference documents for the MB changes in Windows NDIS 6.2 :

I didn’t any changes in filter file send/receive function . Only I changed in filter attach() function and Filter INF file .

But i done changes in Miniport Send/Receive function as per the above document .

CMiniport::SendNetBufferLists (

__in PNET_BUFFER_LIST NetBufferLists,
__in ULONG SendFlags)


// The MB Service will set flags in the NBL before passing the list to the miniport driver to send across the network. The miniport driver can verify the flags in the input NBL.

// i am verifying the flags in this function

DbgPrint( " MB service Sending Packeet to Miniport \n");

USHORT value;

value = (USHORT) NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO(NetBufferLists, NetBufferListFrameType);

DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_IHVNETWORK_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, " MB service sending NetBufferListFrameType = %lu\n", value);

// doing other operations


and in receive() function ,


__in PNET_BUFFER_LIST NetBufferLists,


NdisSetNblFlag(NetBufferLists, NDIS_NBL_FLAGS_IS_IPV4);

PVOID Value = (PVOID)RtlUshortByteSwap(0x0800);

NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO(NetBufferLists, NetBufferListFrameType) = Value;


Why there is no incoming packet (Filter receive function) not working ? any idea ? why it is not working ? please suggest . thanks