Network disk I/O from within a FSFD or a FS mini-filter: Need to preserve Logon Session ID of origin

I’ve been working with a FS mini-filter that selectively redirects file
I/O requests by a user to arbitrary locations on locally mounted
volumes. The net effect is to allow a merged “view” of several file
system locations to be presented as a single directory structure from a
certain location in the file system.

Now, a need has come up to include a directory on a remote server. I’ve
been able to access the UNC path from within the FS mini-filter, but, on
the remote system, my network I/O requests come along as belonging to
the NULL session [Local System] and are lacking any connection with the
logon session identifier of the user who originated the local I/O request.

Is it feasible or even possible to do this from within a FS mini-filter,
or is it necessary to drop back to using using a full-blown file system
filter driver?

Just looking for some advice and possibly tips such as URLs to articles
or white papers for further reading.

You need to harvest the user information in the create path. From then on
the context for any IO (local or remote) should be assumed to be

“Chuck Chopp” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> I’ve been working with a FS mini-filter that selectively redirects file
> I/O requests by a user to arbitrary locations on locally mounted volumes.
> The net effect is to allow a merged “view” of several file system
> locations to be presented as a single directory structure from a certain
> location in the file system.
> Now, a need has come up to include a directory on a remote server. I’ve
> been able to access the UNC path from within the FS mini-filter, but, on
> the remote system, my network I/O requests come along as belonging to the
> NULL session [Local System] and are lacking any connection with the logon
> session identifier of the user who originated the local I/O request.
> Is it feasible or even possible to do this from within a FS mini-filter,
> or is it necessary to drop back to using using a full-blown file system
> filter driver?
> Just looking for some advice and possibly tips such as URLs to articles or
> white papers for further reading.

Check out

Exactly the same thing.