Need an Help

Hi All,

I’m working with dll, while creating a driver(sys file)
we will specify the TARGETTYPE as DRIVER in the
sources file, in the same way we should specify the
TARGETTYPE as DYNLINK to create a dll…Am
i correct?.

If the above is correct then why i m getting an error
[“fatal error (DYNLINK) is not a supported
TARGETTYPE”,]while converting a sources file to
dsp(using the exe srctodsp – which takes the sources
file as input and create a .dsw).

Thanks and Regards,

sources file content



SOURCES= xx.cpp \

Try Try Try Untill U Succeed - Swamy Vivekananda

I don’t need a certain number of friends.Only a few whom i can be
certain of !!

Here are some details about SRCtoDSP.

SRCtoDSP generates a workspace (dsw) and project (.dsp) for Microsoft
Visual C++ 5.0. The tool lets you select project settings that are
compatible with either the Windows NT 4.0 DDK or the Windows 98 DDK. The
project that the tool creates contains two configurations for the
driver, namely Free and Checked. The output files are created in the
same directory as the input SOURCES file. Any include files in the
directory are added to the project. If the tool finds a message compiler
input file (.mc), it generates the appropriate rules to process it.

The program does have some limitations:

Intel only.
Only NT 4.0 and Windows 98 DDKs are supported.
Only TARGETTYPE=DRIVER is supported.
NMAKE directives (lines beginning with !) are ignored.
Some SOURCES keywords are not supported.
Unlike BUILD, projects generated by SRCTODSP use separate directories to
store the object files for the free and checked builds.
