
I want to create symbolic link for my miniport driver so that i can query some of the oids from user application.But in order to create symbolic link i got to know that I need to use NDIS_DEVICE_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure.But to use this structure I need to allocate memory for that.Can anyone let me know which driver routine I need to use for allocation.


Isn’t NDISPROT/NDISUIO back a standard part of Windows?

Also, you can use WMI to query at least some of the OIDs.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Microsoft MVP on File System And Storage

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hi,
> I want to create symbolic link for my miniport driver so that i can query some of the oids from user application.But in order to create symbolic link i got to know that I need to use NDIS_DEVICE_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure.But to use this structure I need to allocate memory for that.Can anyone let me know which driver routine I need to use for allocation.
> Thanks,
> Shweta

You can allocate the storage on the stack by declaring a variable of type NDIS_DEVICE_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES in the registration routine. This structure should be only used upon device registration. So if the registration is successful, you can obtain the device’s context and copy any needed information to this context structure your driver defines.