NDIS Miniport OID for interface update

Hi, I have an NDIS IM driver that installs virtual miniports on my protocols edge. My miniport subscribes to a bunch of OIDs. However, I am looking to subscribe to an OID that will be requested when the miniport interface’s friendly name is changed. This is because my driver uses the interface’s friendly name at the time of load. If the friendly name were to change later on, then I want to be able to update a structure in my code.

For eg. Interface name is “Ethernet1”, and some struct in the kernel has a reference such as “Interface->FriendlyName = Ethernet1”, I want to be able to update this member when the user changes the interface’s FriendlyName to something else, such as “Ethernet2”.

Is there a Miniport OID that can achieve this? For Filter driver extensions, the OID that does this is OID_SWITCH_PORT_UPDATED.


Still waiting for an answer from ntdev experts…