NDIS miniport driver with a WDM lower edge

Hello All,

I am new to NDIS but from DDK I could gather that I can craete an NDIS
miniport driver that actually controls a device on a bus in my case a USB
device. So my driver is actually a USB function driver as my device sits on
the usb bus but I also need to interact with NDIS as I need to send IP
packets I receive from my device through USB into the network stack.

My question is “does writing an NDIS miniport driver with a WDM lower edge
the right way to go?”…

Please note that I am not handling any NIC. I just somehow wish to push IP
packets into the IP layer on the network stack.


Pravin G

> Please note that I am not handling any NIC. I just somehow wish to push IP

packets into the IP layer on the network stack.

Then how the hardware is related to this?

You can write a virtual (deserialized) NDIS miniport which will push the
packets back to IP stack, being a TDI or WSK client.

This looks very much like the way PPTP or L2TP is implemented in Windows since

But sorry, how is this related to hardware or to USB?

NDIS/WDM driver with USB lower egde is a code module which will a) represent
itself as network adapter to the rest of the OS b) send the IP packets to its
hardware via the USB wire in a way it (and the hardware) wants.

Windows IP stack is above this driver, not below it. This driver accepts
packets from the IP layer, it does not sends them to the IP layer.

Maxim Shatskih, Windows DDK MVP
StorageCraft Corporation

pravin gawale wrote:

Hello All,

I am new to NDIS but from DDK I could gather that I can craete an NDIS
miniport driver that actually controls a device on a bus in my case a USB
device. So my driver is actually a USB function driver as my device sits on
the usb bus but I also need to interact with NDIS as I need to send IP
packets I receive from my device through USB into the network stack.

My question is “does writing an NDIS miniport driver with a WDM lower edge
the right way to go?”…

Please note that I am not handling any NIC. I just somehow wish to push IP
packets into the IP layer on the network stack.

Ok. A device that produces network packets visible by the network stack,
is a network adapter.
So yes, NDIS/WDM is what you need. Even better, NDIS/KMDF.
