We have a LWF driver which, based on WDK NDIS LWF driver, intercepts NDIS packets.
The associated INF file is configured as follows:
- FilterClass -> compression
- FilterType -> 0x00010001,0x00000002
- UpperRange -> “noupper”
- LowerRange -> “nolower”
- FilterMediaTypes -> “ethernet, tokenring, fddi, wan”
- FilterRunType -> 0x00010001, 2 ; OPTIONAL Filter | This is an optional filter module
We would like to avoid attaching to certain types of adapters. This means FilterAttach of our LWF would not be called for them. The first question is: Is this possible?
Investigating we have bumped into what seems to be an alternative. Several ndis filter drivers inf files include the following line:
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerExclude, , “ndisatm, ndiscowan, ndiswan, ndiswanasync, ndiswanipx, ndiswannbf”
Unfortunately we have not found detailed documentation about how this technique works. We would like to know:
1- What is LowerExclude, how does it work, and how must it be configured?
2- What are the outcomes of including those types of adapters in the LowerExclude line?
3- What do the values included in the parameter list refer to? For example, are they “MatchingDeviceId” entries from the adapters registry keys?
We would be grateful if you could help us with this issue.
Thank you in advance,