NDIS IM Installation

OK, this may seem like a dumb question, but I haven’t found it addressed
well elsewhere. What do people generally use to deploy NDIS IM drivers
across many Windows XP machines? I’m new to NDIS programming but I have a
client who needed a very specific type of packet filtering driver which they
couldn’t achieve with their COTS software, and I was able to modify the
passthrough driver. But now my question is, what’s the best way to deploy
this to many systems? Obviously installation through the network interface
properties is not an option. Do people use specific installer products? Or
does everyone just modify bindview to not require user interaction?

Jake “The Snake” <- my dad was into WWF :frowning:
Freelance Software Engineer

An MSI installer built with WIX + DIFxAPP can install an IM driver quite

In the NetService INF use DriverPackageType=Network.

In the Net (virtual miniport) INF use DriverPackageType=NdisIMMiniport

Due to silliness in DIFxAPP the INF/CAT files for the NetService and Net
class ?halves? of the driver cannot be in the same folder & MSI component
but other than that little detail (and digging out the archives to find the
DriverPackageType values) it all works just fine.

Heck, it even uninstalls!

This can be pushed out to machines in an enterprise with Group Policy
(Active Directory), SMS, Marimba, Logon Scripts, or nearly any other type of
software distribution scheme.

Good Luck,

Dave Cattley

From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of Jake Leserpent
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 7:44 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] NDIS IM Installation

OK, this may seem like a dumb question, but I haven’t found it addressed
well elsewhere. What do people generally use to deploy NDIS IM drivers
across many Windows XP machines? I’m new to NDIS programming but I have a
client who needed a very specific type of packet filtering driver which they
couldn’t achieve with their COTS software, and I was able to modify the
passthrough driver. But now my question is, what’s the best way to deploy
this to many systems? Obviously installation through the network interface
properties is not an option. Do people use specific installer products? Or
does everyone just modify bindview to not require user interaction?

Jake “The Snake” <- my dad was into WWF :frowning:

Freelance Software Engineer

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