NDIS 5.1 WDF driver


For our usb based Ethernet adapter, I am going to back port our NDIS 6.0 driver (for Windows Vista) to NDIS 5.1 (Windows XP). The 6.0 driver is WDF and I want to maintain it WDF only.
I want to know if WDF driver is supported for NDIS 5.1 on Windows XP, or do I need to have a WDM driver only?

I also have another related doubt.
I noticed a sample ?ndiswdm? under DDK sources, i.e. C:\WINDDK\7600.16385.0\src\network\ndis\ndiswdm
However when I try to compile it using Windows XP Free Build Environment I get a message
?Warning : The sample “c:\winddk\7600.16385.0\src\network\ndis\ndiswdm” is not valid for the current OS target.?
The same sample however gets compiled under Windows Vista and Windows 7 build environments.
The help file of the sample however says it is compilable under Windows XP environment, and considering that fact that it is NDIS 5.1 sample it is supposed to be there for Windows XP only, so I was surprised to see it getting compiled for Vista and Win7 but not XP.


Wdf 1.9 is supported on XP. I don’t know which sample to start from though


debt from my phone

From: xxxxx@yahoo.com
Sent: 1/17/2012 12:42 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] NDIS 5.1 WDF driver


For our usb based Ethernet adapter, I am going to back port our NDIS 6.0 driver (for Windows Vista) to NDIS 5.1 (Windows XP). The 6.0 driver is WDF and I want to maintain it WDF only.
I want to know if WDF driver is supported for NDIS 5.1 on Windows XP, or do I need to have a WDM driver only?

I also have another related doubt.
I noticed a sample ?ndiswdm? under DDK sources, i.e. C:\WINDDK\7600.16385.0\src\network\ndis\ndiswdm
However when I try to compile it using Windows XP Free Build Environment I get a message
?Warning : The sample “c:\winddk\7600.16385.0\src\network\ndis\ndiswdm” is not valid for the current OS target.?
The same sample however gets compiled under Windows Vista and Windows 7 build environments.
The help file of the sample however says it is compilable under Windows XP environment, and considering that fact that it is NDIS 5.1 sample it is supposed to be there for Windows XP only, so I was surprised to see it getting compiled for Vista and Win7 but not XP.


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The NDISEDGE sample from the LH WDK demonstrates how an NDIS5 Miniport driver can be constructed using the WDF (KMDF) Miniport mode.

Start with that as a guide since you can see the differences (slight as they are) from NDIS6 and NDIS5 by viewing the separate 50 and 60 folders of this driver.

The Win7 WDK contains a sample USBNWIFI which demonstrates how a NDIS Minport (ignore the WiFi part) is constructed with a WDF (KMDF) bottom edge talking to USB.

From these two you should be alble to extract all you need (along with your experience with your current 6.0 driver).

Good Luck,
Dave Cattley

xxxxx@yahoo.com wrote:

I also have another related doubt.
I noticed a sample ?ndiswdm? under DDK sources, i.e. C:\WINDDK\7600.16385.0\src\network\ndis\ndiswdm
However when I try to compile it using Windows XP Free Build Environment I get a message
?Warning : The sample “c:\winddk\7600.16385.0\src\network\ndis\ndiswdm” is not valid for the current OS target.?
The same sample however gets compiled under Windows Vista and Windows 7 build environments.

Did you edit the makefile to see if it actually does build for XP? That
would have been quicker than waiting for this list.

Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Thanks Tim, that indeed turned out straightforward. The makefile has this ?IF $(_NT_TARGET_VERSION)>=0x502? which explains why it won?t compile for XP. However the accompanying readme, ndiswdm.htm, seems to be not correct as it even talks about compiling it for Win2000! I think the sample was carried forward from earlier releases but the readme was not updated.

Also thanks to Dave for that very useful tip!


Hi Suresh,

i try to develop a very similar driver for an usb based ethernet adapter (it is a usb host to host bridge with ndis support). Can you give me some hints or a example where i can start? I have to develop this driver because the manufacturer of this chip does not provide a driver for Windows 7 (64 bit) now and won’t do this in the future. I have only an old driver.sys where i found out, that it uses the ndis miniport functions. Some help would be great.

Thanks in advance and regards
