ndis 5.0

hi all
does any body know of any good book on ndis protocol drivers for windows
Also is anybody aware of the difference between ndis 5.0 and lower versions


“Mayank Kumar” wrote in message
> hi all
> does any body know of any good book on ndis protocol drivers for windows
> 2000.

Not at this time. www.ndis.com may be of help in some cases.

> Also is anybody aware of the difference between ndis 5.0 and lower
The DDK Help file provides some information about NDIS version differences.
Search for “ndis version” (include the quotes).

Good luck,

Thomas F. Divine

Such a book doesn’t exist, to the best of my knowledge. The best
alternative is to read the DDK and to comb the newsgroups, via Google.
And www.ndis.com does have some good stuff.

As for the differences between 5.0 and earlier, that’s described
somewhere, in the DDK, I think.

If replying by e-mail, please remove “nospam.” from the address.

James Antognini