NAA and EUI-64

There are two types of storage device IDs NAA and EUI-64. I need to
understand the difference between these two IDs and which ID is generally
preferred by operating systems and why?

I am currently using EUI-64 in the DSM driver Is there any reason why I
need to use NAA ID? Any thoughts?

I’m not sure why you need to use either one. The DSM is given a
STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR in its DsmInquire() routine which should contain a
unique serial number at SerialNumberOffset. IIRC, depending on what devices
you want to support, both NAA and EUI are optional and neither may be
available to you. VPD Page 83 requires at least one descriptor of
VPD_IDENTIFIER_TYPE (there are 9 available so you may not receive either one
you’re looking for). The STORAGE_DEVICE_ID_DESCRIPTOR list will contain all
the available descriptors for the device.

I would assume that your target has some known behavior, such as guaranteed
unique SN across all nodes or targets, or NAA or EUI. The DSM is typically
implemented to match the target behavior.

Are you developing this DSM for a specific target or for generic use across
multiple targets? If the latter, I would suggest some hierarchical
identifier in your DSM, i.e. check SN first, then NAA, then EUI, etc.


[] On Behalf Of Manav Deshmukh
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 7:24 AM
To: Windows File Systems Devs Interest List; Windows File Systems Devs
Interest List
Subject: [ntfsd] NAA and EUI-64

There are two types of storage device IDs NAA and EUI-64. I need to
understand the difference between these two IDs and which ID is generally
preferred by operating systems and why?

I am currently using EUI-64 in the DSM driver Is there any reason why I need
to use NAA ID? Any thoughts?

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