Best time of day for everyone!
Good for all day! I have been afraid of the problem for a week. My Windbg probably got up enough crookedly.
When analyzing crash dumps of my computer certainly many errors, like
Symbol Search Path IS: SRV * C: \ Symbols * http: //; srv *
Executable Search Path IS:
Unable to Load Image \ Systemroot \ System32 \ NtkrNLPA.exe, Win32 Error 0N2
*** Warning: Unable to Verify TimeStamp for ntkrnlpa.exe
*** Error: Module Load Completed But Symbols Could Not Be Loaded for Ntkrnlpa.exe
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 PROCS) Free x86 compatible
Product: WinNT, Suite: TerminalServer SingleUserts
Built By: 7601.17514.x86fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850
Machine Name:
Kernel Base = 0x82849000 psloadedModuleList = 0x82993850
Debug Session Time: FRI NOV 26 01: 13: 59.814 2021 (GMT + 2)
System UPTIME: 0 Days 16: 55: 57.874
Unable to Load Image \ Systemroot \ System32 \ NtkrNLPA.exe, Win32 Error 0N2
*** Warning: Unable to Verify TimeStamp for ntkrnlpa.exe
*** Error: Module Load Completed But Symbols Could Not Be Loaded for Ntkrnlpa.exe
Loading Kernel Symbols
… …
The most important thing, I want to understand and understand, I wish to figure out why such troubles occur, where it is crooked.
I would like to correct the installation curve with all understanding. And in front, I would not want to use
Installer programs, without the most complete understanding and understanding, what and where it is placed and how it should work.
Please help!
Yes, I have Windows 7, C: \ DRIVER \ WINDBG \ DBG_X86_6.11.1.404.
Some drivers did not become since “inf-file does not support this method of installation”, but I did not consider it any important.