MVPs (was: RE: RtlIsServicePackVersionInstalled issue?)

>what sets the MVP above the other.

The very generous (of their time) behavior of answering again, and again,
and again. These colleagues of ours with MVP after their name show up,
play hard, and contribute consistently. The MVP program recognizes this
valuable trait and provides support to increase the quality, accuracy, and
frequency of those answers even further.


David R. Cattley
Consulting Engineer
Systems Software Development

[] On Behalf Of OSR LIST
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 6:39 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: Re: [ntdev] RtlIsServicePackVersionInstalled issue?

On 11/6/07, robertkj wrote:

First off, I can’t do anything about an MVP status for anyone.

Just curious, but how does this work. I was under the impression that when
an individual was nominated, you guys/girls in the core services group voted
on an individual…

As a novice, I’ve found that when a DDK MVP speaks (or someone from
Micorsoft), generally everyone should listen. However, how does Microsoft
evaluate MVP’s as experts on driver writing if you guys that own the kernel
don’t have input on who is certified?

I admit this is slightly off topic, but I learn a lot from just reading this
list. When two different people that both sound knowledgeable are speaking
about something and have different views, what sets the MVP above the other.

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