Multiple Receive -Packet Driver


How do I configure the packet driver sample from microsoft to perform
multiple Reads and writes?

I put the code for packet reception in a loop .But it waits for the
packet only for the first time.It reads only once
It will wait or read only if it is invoked through the menu(IDM_READ:)

Also can I use two threads, one for Read and the other for write so that
I can do them parallelly?

Could anybody please help?


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You must study the sample application to learn how it works. You should
study and understand each step that is involved:

1.) Open The Adapter (PacketOpenAdapter)
2.) Set The NDIS Packet Filter (PacketSetFilter)

Now you are “ready” to start receiving.

3.) Allocate A “Packet” (PacketAllocatePacket)
4.) Initialize The Packet (PacketInitializePacket)
5.) Start A Receive On The Packet (PacketReceivePacket)

Please carefully examine the code that implements each of these functions.
You must understand every step and why it is done. You should learn these
functions well enough to be able to think of other ways to accomplish the
same result.

You should look at the driver code that handles the PacketReceivePacket,
which is the PacketRead function in the driver read.c module. Follow the
steps that are taken from the time that the driver is called at PacketRead
until (in normal operation) the receive is finished when the driver calls
IoCOmpleteRequest from the PacketTransferDataComplete handler. In this part
of the study, give some thought to what the driver does when a packet is
received at PacketReceiveIndicate and there is no pending receives to

If you study carefully you will learn that you can repeat steps 4.) and 5.)
as many times as you want to to perform additional receives.

6.) Free The Packet After The Last Read Completes (PacketFreePacket)
7.) Close The Adapter (PacketCloseAdapter)

Once you understand the Packet sample you should start over and write a new
application that works the way you want it to. You may want to revise the
way some of the PacketXYZ functions work to suit your own needs.

After all, the Packet sample is NOT intended to do useful work. It simply
illustrates the bare essentials. In the case of packet reception, it just
shows how to receive a single packet. Just one.

It’s up to you to write a completely new application that does what you want
it to do.

Good luck,

Thomas F. Divine

PCAUSA - Toolkits & Resources For Network Software Developers
NDIS Protocol - NDIS Intermediate - TDI Client
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----- Original Message -----
From: Jayachandran.B
To: NT Developers Interest List
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 5:24 AM
Subject: [ntdev] Multiple Receive -Packet Driver

> Hi,
> How do I configure the packet driver sample from microsoft to perform
> multiple Reads and writes?
> I put the code for packet reception in a loop .But it waits for the
> packet only for the first time.It reads only once
> It will wait or read only if it is invoked through the menu(IDM_READ:)
> Also can I use two threads, one for Read and the other for write so that
> I can do them parallelly?
> Could anybody please help?
> Regards
> jay

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