How are the ??\Volume{GUID} entries in
hklm\ccs\services\MountedDevices created?
I know the ioctls that the mount manager
uses to create the \DosDevices<letter> entries,
but I’m having problems on some boxes with the
mount manager corrupting the registry if
I don’t return a GUID in response to the
QUERY_UNIQUE_ID ioctl. I also don’t ever
see the volume show up in the ??\Volume{GUID}
registry key. The corruption manifests itself
usually when some thread (like rpc in my case)
closes a registry key. I found that if my
volume manager driver returns an error status
from the QUERY_UNIQUE_ID then all is well.
The driver that controls the volume is a legacy
driver (with no ‘.inf’ installation file) so it
does not have an ‘AddDevice’ routine and therefore
no pdo. However, it does respond to the
mount mgr ioctl requests
and other pnp requests, so I’m a tad confused.