Monitoring and replacing files content on read (General guide for newbie)


I need to monitor a specific folder and replace the files content on
reading with the content from files on other folders.

I was reading the mails in this list trying to find an answer to muy
questions. I need some general basic steps.

  1. If I store the FileName when IRP_MJ_CREATE, how can I check when
    IRP_MJ_READ if it corresponds to that filename?

  2. And the same with FastIO.

  3. Can you give me some general steps about when and how to create my own
    IRP to replace the file content?

I would appreciate very much any assistance.

Best regards

Pablo Frank


Try to find FileMon sources by SysInternals (it’s not an opensource tool
now, but sources for old versions you still can find in the web).

Anyway look throught .

“Pablo Frank” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> Hi:
> I need to monitor a specific folder and replace the files content on
> reading with the content from files on other folders.
> I was reading the mails in this list trying to find an answer to muy
> questions. I need some general basic steps.
> 1) If I store the FileName when IRP_MJ_CREATE, how can I check when
> IRP_MJ_READ if it corresponds to that filename?
> 2) And the same with FastIO.
> 3) Can you give me some general steps about when and how to create my own
> IRP to replace the file content?
> I would appreciate very much any assistance.
> Best regards
> Pablo Frank