I want call FltReadFile in Post-Create routine to check the file’s
content,the system crash random with the error IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL on
this call. As the ddk help said,the caller of FltReadFile must run at
Passive Level,but the Post-Create routine is run at DPC Level,and in
microsoft’s minifilter sample(scanner),call the fltreadfile in post-create
routin. How to fix this problem?BTW,which IRQL the pre-operation run at?



English is not my mother language,please forgive my awful syntax.

Welcome to the “I have a driver and it does not work” club.

Get crash dump, install Windbg, invoke the crash again, do
!analyze on it and see why and where it crashed.


PostCreate is always called in the requestor’s thread at IRQL <= APC_LEVEL
therefore, e.g. this function can be declared in #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, … )

you had to call a routine which raises IRQL before FltReadFile function, haven’t you?

  • Petr Kurtin

“ntfsd” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> Hi,all
> I want call FltReadFile in Post-Create routine to check the file’s
> content,the system crash random with the error IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL on
> this call. As the ddk help said,the caller of FltReadFile must run at
> Passive Level,but the Post-Create routine is run at DPC Level,and in
> microsoft’s minifilter sample(scanner),call the fltreadfile in post-create
> routin. How to fix this problem?BTW,which IRQL the pre-operation run at?
> Thanks!
> Murphy
> English is not my mother language,please forgive my awful syntax.