Mini Redirector Prefix table

Dear All

I am writing the network mini redirector for windows 2000 and I have
fallowed almost all the steps from the available documentation. I am
extending the nulmrx sample from the IFS kit. The basic problem which I am
facing is for mounting the drive letter when it comes to the prefix table.
My connection path is the http path and this is the reason I have remove the
ZwCreateFIle() from the nulmrx sample. The RDBSS is not filling the prefix
table for my connection path and I am getting failure in the

If anybody has done this earlier can please guide me on this or please let
me know if further clarification is required on this issue.



While I’m no mini-redir expert, I would note that by removing the call
to ZwCreateFile you’ve removed the code path that will cause the name to
be inserted into the prefix table. You can manually do this instead by
calling RxCreateNetRoot (which will insert the net root name into the
prefix table). This function is documented in the IFS Kit docs,
although the function to which the docs allude (“a lock on the name
table associated with the device object field of the SRV_CALL record
must be acquired in exclusive mode”) is not documented but is in the
header file (see prefix.h - function is
RxAcquirePrefixTableLockExclusive to lock the prefix table.)



Tony Mason

Consulting Partner

OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

[] On Behalf Of Imran Kazi
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 2:24 AM
To: ntfsd redirect
Subject: [ntfsd] Mini Redirector Prefix table

Dear All

I am writing the network mini redirector for windows 2000 and I have
fallowed almost all the steps from the available documentation. I am
extending the nulmrx sample from the IFS kit. The basic problem which I
am facing is for mounting the drive letter when it comes to the prefix
table. My connection path is the http path and this is the reason I have
remove the ZwCreateFIle() from the nulmrx sample. The RDBSS is not
filling the prefix table for my connection path and I am getting failure
in the RxPrefixTableLookupName().

If anybody has done this earlier can please guide me on this or please
let me know if further clarification is required on this issue.



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