Hi All,
Implemented MSIX interrupt feature for a KMDF driver for a PCIe device
and set the affinity policy as “IrqPolicySpreadMessagesAcrossAllProcessors” in
INX under InterruptManagement, to bind each interrupt to one processor.
- created 4 interrupt objects in add device callback.(1 for error interrupt, 1
for tx and 2 for rx). - when checked using debugger after loading, !wdfkd.wdfinterrupt each interrupt
object assigned message id from 0 to 3 respectively. But Interrupt Priority Policy is
“WdfIrqPriorityUndefined” and Processor Affinity Policy is
1.When the device policy is set as “IrqPolicySpreadMessagesAcrossAllProcessors”
in INX, why is it not reflected?
2.When only 4 interrupt objects are created in add device, but more than 4
interrupt messages are assigned for the device in prepare hardware?
3.When the driver deployed for chaos test, in which irp_mn_stop and irp_mn_start
is sent to the driver repeatedly which result calls of release hardware and
prepare hardware repeatedly. All the interrupt objects created are assigned
message id 0 and only interrupt is recieved by the driver after repeated stop
and start?