Running version 3.0.0010.0 version of WinDBG (May 10 release) and
a nt4sp6a crash dump.
3: kd> !memusage
loading PFN
Zeroed: 14 ( 56 kb)
Free: 3 ( 12 kb)
Standby: 185 ( 740 kb)
Modified: 438 ( 1752 kb)
ModifiedNoWrite: 4 ( 16 kb)
Active/Valid: 516537 (2066148 kb)
Transition: 7090 ( 28360 kb)
Unknown: 0 ( 0 kb)
TOTAL: 524271 (2097084 kb)
Usage :
out of space
Its very annoying to see a very big line of DOTs. After patiently waiting
for a long time it reports “Out Of Space”. I have tried changing .cache to
bigger values but to no avail. Any workarounds/fixes would be appreciated.
Thanks and Regards
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