Mangled Registry handles

This one makes me curious… In my registry hook (no Cm, old plain hook) I see handles to the registry keys coming mangled: the handle that I see for (at least) ZwClose comes ORed with 0x2, simething like 0x192 instead of 0x190. I wander what does this mean and also can I just clear that bit before I pass that I/O down to the actual ZwXxx handler, or I should preserve it as something meaningful fo Zw handler?

The two low order bits of an EX HANDLE are reserved as tag bits and aren’t part of the “real” handle value.

See the comments about OBJ_HANDLE_TAGBITS in ntdef.h in the WDK.

You should not clear tag bits willy-nilly before passing them down as a general rule. However, if you are performing tracking on a per-HANDLE basis, then you need to shift off the tag bits to uniquely identify a HANDLE in a lookup table you maintain, though.

  • S

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 4:22 PM
To: Windows File Systems Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntfsd] Mangled Registry handles

This one makes me curious… In my registry hook (no Cm, old plain hook) I see handles to the registry keys coming mangled: the handle that I see for (at least) ZwClose comes ORed with 0x2, simething like 0x192 instead of 0x190. I wander what does this mean and also can I just clear that bit before I pass that I/O down to the actual ZwXxx handler, or I should preserve it as something meaningful fo Zw handler?

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The kernel ignores 2 junior bits in the handles

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> This one makes me curious… In my registry hook (no Cm, old plain hook) I see handles to the registry keys coming mangled: the handle that I see for (at least) ZwClose comes ORed with 0x2, simething like 0x192 instead of 0x190. I wander what does this mean and also can I just clear that bit before I pass that I/O down to the actual ZwXxx handler, or I should preserve it as something meaningful fo Zw handler?