Managing Interrupts in the wdm driver

I’m developing a driver to read and write through the application readfile and writefile which is working fine. If I want to modify it as blocking read and write using Interrupt through the LPC bus what is the process after this one. How to handle those interrupts. Still I’m waiting for the actual hardware I have to atleast be clear before it comes. Can anyone suggest some links or place where can I start.

The WDK is a treasure trove of examples and documenttion on how to use interrupts, ISRs and DPCs in your driver.

Gary Little
H (952) 223-1349
C (952) 454-4629

On Dec 2, 2011, at 12:17 AM, wrote:

I’m developing a driver to read and write through the application readfile and writefile which is working fine. If I want to modify it as blocking read and write using Interrupt through the LPC bus what is the process after this one. How to handle those interrupts. Still I’m waiting for the actual hardware I have to atleast be clear before it comes. Can anyone suggest some links or place where can I start.

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