Lsass, Winlogon, login without password

Hi, first of all i am not sure if this is a proper question for this list,
but i really need an answer from professionals.

I develope a biometric single sign-on program. My credential provider dll
downloads the biometric data and domains user password from a web service
over ssl. Then i perform biometric verification, if the user has been
verified, i serialize the password and send to winlogon.

The problem is, if i cannot connect to domain controller, i must still
perform biometric verification, as expected, this requires the user
password and biometric data to be stored in the local disk, which is very

I can prevent copying this file when the user logged in but if someone
tries to copy this file from another user or even in offline disk, i give
him the users biometric data and clear password.

Ofcourse i dont want to store clear password but i cannot figure out how to
login the user otherwise. I suppose winlogon doesnt allow to do that.

Any suggestions are welcome, not only about login, but also hiding this
file from another user or offline disk examine.

Thanks in advance.

Generally, you do not want a cleartext password. The password in the file
should be encrypted using something like PKI.

In a sane world, there would never be a plaintext key; winlogon would
accept an encrypted key and a designation of what algorithm to use to
decrypt it. In an even saner world, this would be handled by the secure
core, but here it is, 2013, and this is still going to happen Real Soon
Now (I was working in related areas of security in 2002, and it was going
to be Real Soon Now).

But first and foremost: NEVER store a cleartext password in a file! One
way to handle this is called “key exchange” where, in the process of
downloading the local copy of the biometric data, the client and domain
server exchange public keys which are used to uniquely encrypt the
passwords for that transfer. You can store the encrypted password and the
public key used to encrypt it in the file. Now, if you can properly
protect the private keys, you have good security. Storing the password as
plaintext is simply Not Acceptable. I suggest that you hire a serious
security consultant to help you on this problem (and no, I’m a security
dilletente, and unqualified for this, so I’m not violating NG protocol by
soliciting business). If you store the passwords in plaintext in the
file, or the biometric data unencrypted, you should simply publish all
this on cracker boards. You will save them a lot of trouble, and
internally everone will uderstand that security has been compromised.
Otherwise, they may believe that their biometric data and passwords are

One thing I learned working with people who got their PhDs in security was
that the biggest threat to security is programmers who either don’t use
it, or use it improperly. This is a seriously deep question; you MUST get
a security-correct solution, and that translates as either you take a
graduate level security course or hire someone who has.

The designs I worked on were done by competent security experts. I was
impressed by the complexity required to guarantee secure data.

Forget trying to make the file inaccessible. For every way you invent,
there is a corresponding technique that guarantees that an expert cracker
will get it. Make the contents of the file inaccessible by high-order
encryption. That way, even if it is read by some cracker, the information
is still secure. Assume it will be read.

Hi, first of all i am not sure if this is a proper question for this list,
but i really need an answer from professionals.

I develope a biometric single sign-on program. My credential provider dll
downloads the biometric data and domains user password from a web service
over ssl. Then i perform biometric verification, if the user has been
verified, i serialize the password and send to winlogon.

The problem is, if i cannot connect to domain controller, i must still
perform biometric verification, as expected, this requires the user
password and biometric data to be stored in the local disk, which is very

I can prevent copying this file when the user logged in but if someone
tries to copy this file from another user or even in offline disk, i give
him the users biometric data and clear password.

Ofcourse i dont want to store clear password but i cannot figure out how
login the user otherwise. I suppose winlogon doesnt allow to do that.

Any suggestions are welcome, not only about login, but also hiding this
file from another user or offline disk examine.

Thanks in advance.

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Thank you very much.

I was thinking about that actually, encrypting the file with AES 256 CBC
must be done anyway, but there is another problem as you pointed out,
storing key.

Using a sam module or smartcard is not an option. I will take your advice
and hire a security consultant. Thanks again.


> Generally, you do not want a cleartext password. The password in the file
> should be encrypted using something like PKI.
> In a sane world, there would never be a plaintext key; winlogon would
> accept an encrypted key and a designation of what algorithm to use to
> decrypt it. In an even saner world, this would be handled by the secure
> core, but here it is, 2013, and this is still going to happen Real Soon
> Now (I was working in related areas of security in 2002, and it was going
> to be Real Soon Now).
> But first and foremost: NEVER store a cleartext password in a file! One
> way to handle this is called “key exchange” where, in the process of
> downloading the local copy of the biometric data, the client and domain
> server exchange public keys which are used to uniquely encrypt the
> passwords for that transfer. You can store the encrypted password and the
> public key used to encrypt it in the file. Now, if you can properly
> protect the private keys, you have good security. Storing the password as
> plaintext is simply Not Acceptable. I suggest that you hire a serious
> security consultant to help you on this problem (and no, I’m a security
> dilletente, and unqualified for this, so I’m not violating NG protocol by
> soliciting business). If you store the passwords in plaintext in the
> file, or the biometric data unencrypted, you should simply publish all
> this on cracker boards. You will save them a lot of trouble, and
> internally everone will uderstand that security has been compromised.
> Otherwise, they may believe that their biometric data and passwords are
> secure.
> One thing I learned working with people who got their PhDs in security was
> that the biggest threat to security is programmers who either don’t use
> it, or use it improperly. This is a seriously deep question; you MUST get
> a security-correct solution, and that translates as either you take a
> graduate level security course or hire someone who has.
> The designs I worked on were done by competent security experts. I was
> impressed by the complexity required to guarantee secure data.
> Forget trying to make the file inaccessible. For every way you invent,
> there is a corresponding technique that guarantees that an expert cracker
> will get it. Make the contents of the file inaccessible by high-order
> encryption. That way, even if it is read by some cracker, the information
> is still secure. Assume it will be read.
> joe
> > Hi, first of all i am not sure if this is a proper question for this
> list,
> > but i really need an answer from professionals.
> >
> > I develope a biometric single sign-on program. My credential provider dll
> > downloads the biometric data and domains user password from a web service
> > over ssl. Then i perform biometric verification, if the user has been
> > verified, i serialize the password and send to winlogon.
> >
> > The problem is, if i cannot connect to domain controller, i must still
> > perform biometric verification, as expected, this requires the user
> > password and biometric data to be stored in the local disk, which is very
> > insecure.
> >
> > I can prevent copying this file when the user logged in but if someone
> > tries to copy this file from another user or even in offline disk, i give
> > him the users biometric data and clear password.
> >
> > Ofcourse i dont want to store clear password but i cannot figure out how
> > to
> > login the user otherwise. I suppose winlogon doesnt allow to do that.
> >
> > Any suggestions are welcome, not only about login, but also hiding this
> > file from another user or offline disk examine.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > —
> > NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
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> >
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> >
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> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
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>Using a sam module

Do you mean “auth package” like MSV1_0 or Kerberos client?

This is the recommended way to go. It will be able to support password crypto you need.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP

I meant Secure Access Module to keep aes key secure, but i am very pleased
to hear about MSV1_0 authentication package. i will study it. thank you
very much.

2013/2/4 Maxim S. Shatskih

> >Using a sam module
> Do you mean “auth package” like MSV1_0 or Kerberos client?
> This is the recommended way to go. It will be able to support password
> crypto you need.
> –
> Maxim S. Shatskih
> Windows DDK MVP
> —
> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
> OSR is HIRING!! See
> For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:
> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at