Learning WDF, full fledge 1 month available

Hello, I have been in touch with Windows since last six months or so. Have tried learnign Windows Internals, WDM(though it was outdated, i think it helped), though only toaster sample and few others that came with WDK.

Now I have complete one month free until I become busy. I think I should start WDF. So, would like to ask you how should I plan to do it? After this month I will be on Display driver side. Don’t know anything(almost) about UMDF and KMDF. I plan to work very hard during this month, like 14-16 hrs per day. Would you please guide me, so that I do not WASTE my time trying to figure out what exactly I should learn. I probably know in advance that things are huge and very few things can be achieved during such a small period, and because of this only I wish someone could just tell me do X, Y, Z and if there is more time A B and C also, which will help me in writing display drivers.

VGA driver? OR starting from Ray Duncan DOS? OR COM? are some vague ideas flowing through my mind. There is this new WinRT thing also. So could you please guide?

I think Display drivers has nothing to do with KMDF.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Microsoft MVP on File System And Storage

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hello, I have been in touch with Windows since last six months or so. Have tried learnign Windows Internals, WDM(though it was outdated, i think it helped), though only toaster sample and few others that came with WDK.
> Now I have complete one month free until I become busy. I think I should start WDF. So, would like to ask you how should I plan to do it? After this month I will be on Display driver side. Don’t know anything(almost) about UMDF and KMDF. I plan to work very hard during this month, like 14-16 hrs per day. Would you please guide me, so that I do not WASTE my time trying to figure out what exactly I should learn. I probably know in advance that things are huge and very few things can be achieved during such a small period, and because of this only I wish someone could just tell me do X, Y, Z and if there is more time A B and C also, which will help me in writing display drivers.
> VGA driver? OR starting from Ray Duncan DOS? OR COM? are some vague ideas flowing through my mind. There is this new WinRT thing also. So could you please guide?

Correct. if you are going to do display drivers, they are a beast unto themselves with no relation to any other driver stack.

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com [mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of Maxim S. Shatskih
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2013 10:58 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: Re:[ntdev] Learning WDF, full fledge 1 month available

I think Display drivers has nothing to do with KMDF.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Microsoft MVP on File System And Storage xxxxx@storagecraft.com http://www.storagecraft.com

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hello, I have been in touch with Windows since last six months or so. Have tried learnign Windows Internals, WDM(though it was outdated, i think it helped), though only toaster sample and few others that came with WDK.
> Now I have complete one month free until I become busy. I think I should start WDF. So, would like to ask you how should I plan to do it? After this month I will be on Display driver side. Don’t know anything(almost) about UMDF and KMDF. I plan to work very hard during this month, like 14-16 hrs per day. Would you please guide me, so that I do not WASTE my time trying to figure out what exactly I should learn. I probably know in advance that things are huge and very few things can be achieved during such a small period, and because of this only I wish someone could just tell me do X, Y, Z and if there is more time A B and C also, which will help me in writing display drivers.
> VGA driver? OR starting from Ray Duncan DOS? OR COM? are some vague ideas flowing through my mind. There is this new WinRT thing also. So could you please guide?

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Don’t I need any knowledge about WDF, KMD, UMD to work with display drivers? If not, what is exactly there that I should learn?

My understanding, from talking to those who have written display drivers,
is that the bulk of the code deals with rendering images. The default VGA
driver does it all in software, more sophisticated display drivers send
commands to the GPU via writing to various onboard registers.

This does not mean that for very sophisticated graphics cards the code is
smaller or simpler than the default VGA driver; one person I met claims to
have “written the NVidia operating system…you know, that vast body of
code that has the little linux driver attached.” He told me that his
driver has more lines of code than the linux core, that is, linux without

The complex concepts of display drivers, such as “surfaces”, are unique to
graphical drivers, and are not found anywhere else. The WDM-like
components, such as IRPs, are not relevant to the bulk of the effort.

Since display drivers live in the kernel, UMDF would have no relevance.

And not to be a wet-blanket, but do you seriously expect to understand
KMDF, UMDF, or even WDM, in month? Note that many of the complex question
posed here are from people with /years/ of device driver experience, who
are now stumped by third-order effects in the more obscure corners of
driver-writing knowledge. What you /can/ accomplish in a month is a good
grounding in concepts, vocabulary, building-and-debugging, and first-level
effects, with the possibility of learning about some second-level effects.
Which is good, but don’t expect to emerge at the end of the month with
the same grasp of the subtleties as Peter, Tony, Scott, Don, or many
others (I just happen to know all those guys from past conferences or
other backgrounds, no slight to the many highly-competent people whose
names I didn’t mention). It will not be a waste of time, but don’t expect
miracles. This stuff is intrinsically complex, which is one of the
reasons I rant about the introduction of unneeded complexity whose avowed
purpose is to solve problems whose existence has not been demonstrated
(the classic “I want to share kernel memory with user space” issue, a
fairly exotic technique best avoided until you have several years’
experience). So, after a month doing KMDF, you will have useful skills
which you will then spend several years honing. Ditto UMDF, which is
probably most useful for USB devices. Maybe a reasonable project would
involve learning filter drivers; others can comment on whether or not this
would make sense. But other than the compiling-and-debugging, and signing
(which I omitted from the first enumeration), nothing will have any
relevance to display drivers, at least the graphical parts.

Don’t I need any knowledge about WDF, KMD, UMD to work with display
drivers? If not, what is exactly there that I should learn?

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

Visit the list at: http://www.osronline.com/showlists.cfm?list=ntdev

OSR is HIRING!! See http://www.osr.com/careers

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

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As it was already pointed out WDM, KMDF or UMDF has rather limited
usefulness when it comes to display drivers.

Depending on OS version you have following options to choose from:
* XDDM - pre-Vista display driver model. It’s fully supported on win
2k, XP. You can still use it on Vista and on Win7 (with some hacks
IRC). It’s not supported on Win8 and higher OS. XDDM is framebuffer
based (DX support is possible but not mandatory). XDDM allows to
create virtual adapters and mirror drivers. You could also mix
different versions of drivers (even from different HW vendors). XDDM
consists of kernel mode miniport (talks to HW) and kernel mode
(session space) display driver (implements GDI operations).
* WDDM - introduced on Vista and currently used on latest OS versions,
they have to implement DX functionality to be able to have Aero Glass
interface (3d, HW accelerated UI). They are surface rather than
framebuffer based (see desktop composition and DWM). WDDM 1.0 allows
to have only one version of driver loaded (so it was not possible to
have two adapters handled by two different WDDM drivers). Virtual
adapters and mirror drivers are not supported (though they are
possible to achieve with substantial effort). Full WDDM driver
consists of two components: kernel mode miniport (talks to the HW and
implements stuff like VidPn) and user mode driver (implements DirectX
* KMDOD - kernel mode display-only driver, introduced on Win8. It’s a
very simple WDDM driver where you have access with some parts of VidPn
and framebuffer. It uses built-in software renderer (see WARP) to
implement DirectX operations. Basic Display (that uses this model)
replaced old vgasave driver on Win8 and hence Aero Glass UI is used
even in safe mode.

There are no dedicated books about display drivers on Windows
(although I vaguely recall some single chapters related to XDDM in
some rather old positions about driver development). As long as WDDM
goes there is nothing except from MSDN documentation. There was rather
useless WDDM (for R200) example available in some older WDK (IRC 6000
and 6001). As for KMDOD there is working sample in WDK 8.

I wouldn’t count on someone telling you X, Y, Z as display drivers
have rather steep learning curve (especially WDDM ones). I also
wouldn’t recommend it as learning exercise but this probably depends
on your background and experience.


On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 2:37 AM, wrote:
> My understanding, from talking to those who have written display drivers,
> is that the bulk of the code deals with rendering images. The default VGA
> driver does it all in software, more sophisticated display drivers send
> commands to the GPU via writing to various onboard registers.
> This does not mean that for very sophisticated graphics cards the code is
> smaller or simpler than the default VGA driver; one person I met claims to
> have “written the NVidia operating system…you know, that vast body of
> code that has the little linux driver attached.” He told me that his
> driver has more lines of code than the linux core, that is, linux without
> drivers.
> The complex concepts of display drivers, such as “surfaces”, are unique to
> graphical drivers, and are not found anywhere else. The WDM-like
> components, such as IRPs, are not relevant to the bulk of the effort.
> Since display drivers live in the kernel, UMDF would have no relevance.
> And not to be a wet-blanket, but do you seriously expect to understand
> KMDF, UMDF, or even WDM, in month? Note that many of the complex question
> posed here are from people with /years/ of device driver experience, who
> are now stumped by third-order effects in the more obscure corners of
> driver-writing knowledge. What you /can/ accomplish in a month is a good
> grounding in concepts, vocabulary, building-and-debugging, and first-level
> effects, with the possibility of learning about some second-level effects.
> Which is good, but don’t expect to emerge at the end of the month with
> the same grasp of the subtleties as Peter, Tony, Scott, Don, or many
> others (I just happen to know all those guys from past conferences or
> other backgrounds, no slight to the many highly-competent people whose
> names I didn’t mention). It will not be a waste of time, but don’t expect
> miracles. This stuff is intrinsically complex, which is one of the
> reasons I rant about the introduction of unneeded complexity whose avowed
> purpose is to solve problems whose existence has not been demonstrated
> (the classic “I want to share kernel memory with user space” issue, a
> fairly exotic technique best avoided until you have several years’
> experience). So, after a month doing KMDF, you will have useful skills
> which you will then spend several years honing. Ditto UMDF, which is
> probably most useful for USB devices. Maybe a reasonable project would
> involve learning filter drivers; others can comment on whether or not this
> would make sense. But other than the compiling-and-debugging, and signing
> (which I omitted from the first enumeration), nothing will have any
> relevance to display drivers, at least the graphical parts.
> joe
>> Don’t I need any knowledge about WDF, KMD, UMD to work with display
>> drivers? If not, what is exactly there that I should learn?
>> —
>> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
>> Visit the list at: http://www.osronline.com/showlists.cfm?list=ntdev
>> OSR is HIRING!! See http://www.osr.com/careers
>> For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:
>> http://www.osr.com/seminars
>> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at
>> http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=ListServer
> —
> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
> Visit the list at: http://www.osronline.com/showlists.cfm?list=ntdev
> OSR is HIRING!! See http://www.osr.com/careers
> For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:
> http://www.osr.com/seminars
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xxxxx@gmail.com wrote:

Don’t I need any knowledge about WDF, KMD, UMD to work with display drivers? If not, what is exactly there that I should learn?

What do you plan to do regarding display drivers? The sad fact is that
all of the Windows display driver knowledge in the world today is
contained in no more than about 5 companies, and that knowledge is so
hard-won that most of then are loathe to share it. There is extensive
documentation, but it is very difficult to get an overall sense of the
interface without spending time with someone who knows it.

Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

That was down to really around 3 companies of any significant size a few
years ago, but has increased a bit in the last couple of years as client
side virtualization has grown. There are a few different “para virtual”
wddm projects I know about, plus “rfx” style vdi based remoted wddm drivers
account for at least another two development projects outside of MSFT.

The learning curve for wddm is very steep, but the KMDD sample at least
offers a reasonable path forward for anyone willing to put the time and

Mark Roddy

On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 1:11 PM, Tim Roberts wrote:

> xxxxx@gmail.com wrote:
> > Don’t I need any knowledge about WDF, KMD, UMD to work with display
> drivers? If not, what is exactly there that I should learn?
> What do you plan to do regarding display drivers? The sad fact is that
> all of the Windows display driver knowledge in the world today is
> contained in no more than about 5 companies, and that knowledge is so
> hard-won that most of then are loathe to share it. There is extensive
> documentation, but it is very difficult to get an overall sense of the
> interface without spending time with someone who knows it.
> –
> Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
> Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.
> —
> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
> Visit the list at: http://www.osronline.com/showlists.cfm?list=ntdev
> OSR is HIRING!! See http://www.osr.com/careers
> For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:
> http://www.osr.com/seminars
> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at
> http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=ListServer