KMDF 1.1 Isochronous Transfer

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“braj” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…

Wondering if any one has worked on isochronous transfer using kmdf 1.1.

and would be interested to let me ask some doubt on write/read from usb device.


On Mon, 17 Jul 2006 Lyris ListManager wrote :
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I sent this out yesterday, repeating the first part again…

KMDF does not support ISO transfers using it’s read/write pipe routines WdfUsbTargetPipeFormatRequestForWrite/ WdfUsbTargetPipeFormatRequestForRead nor with the continuous reader. KMDF does support the continuous reader on INT or BULK pipes.

You can get around this restriction of no IOSCH support by using WdfUsbTargetDeviceSendUrbSynchronously/WdfUsbTargetDeviceFormatRequestForUrb and formatting your own URB for the transfer. KMDF will create a WDFUSBPIPE for each isoch endpoint when the appropriate interface has been selected. Since the WDFUSBPIPE handle is basically a WDFIOTARGET handle with special formatting, rolling your own reader is rather trivial and the synchronization of starting/stopping it can be done with calls to WdfIoTargetStop/Start.

So in conclusion, you can use KMDF to read/write your ISO endpoints, it just takes a little bit more work to do so.


– I can spell, I just can’t type.
From: [] On Behalf Of braj
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 5:54 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] KMDF 1.1 Isochronous Transfer

? Hi,

Wondering if any one has worked on isochronous transfer using kmdf 1.1.

and would be interested to let me ask some doubt on write/read from usb device.


On Mon, 17 Jul 2006 Lyris ListManager wrote :

Welcome to the NTDEV Discussion List!

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>> I sent this out yesterday, repeating the first part again…

Where did you post this? I searched the archives for KMDF and isochronous on NTDEV and did not find it. I am very interested in learning about how to do isochronous transfers (read and write) with KMDF, is there a code sample for doing isochronous USB transfers using KMDF? I also noticed you stated that isochronous transfers cannot use the continuous read function. That is not called out in the KDMF documentation.chm file, it says (at least the version I have) any endpoint can use that feature. Could one simulate the continuous read using a timer object?

Trying again for the *4th* time, pls accept my apologies if this ever
went through . . .

KMDF does not support ISO transfers using it’s read/write pipe routines
nor with the continuous reader. It does support the reader on INT or
BULK pipes. You can get around this restriction by using
rUrb and formatting your own URB for the transfer. KMDF will create a
WDFUSBPIPE for each isoch endpoint when the appropriate interface has
been selected. Since the WDFUSBPIPE handle is basically a WDFIOTARGET
handle with special formatting, rolling your own reader is rather
trivial and the synchronization of starting/stopping it can be done with
calls to WdfIoTargetStop/Start.

With that said, there is a bug in KMDF v1.1 if the interface has
settings with different number of endpoints. This has been fixed in
KMDF v1.5 (the version that ships in Vista and in the WDK). To work
around this issue, you can either

a) select the interface setting which has the active endpoints in your
select config call using
an array of one element, selecting Setting 1


b) if you can change the firmware, add the endpoints to setting 0
(whose max packet size is zero) so that both settings have the same
number of endpoints.

Queue setup has nothing to do with USB functionality. They are
completely independent of each other. While independent, you can choose
a design in which the queues and USB handles work together and reduce
the complexity in your driver.

To answer your question about implementing a continuous reader on your
own, no you don’t use a timer. Instead, from the completion routine of
the transfer, you format the request again for a new transfer and
resubmit the request from the completion routine.


Thanks for your quick response and reposting! Interesting about the 1.1 bug, that could explain my bugcheck because I have the exact condition you explained.

I justed signed up for the WDK beta program to get the 1.5 version (build 5456). But in the 5 hours it is going to take to download the iso, I will look into the two workarounds you presented.

Is there some sample code showing how to do isochronous transfers using KMDF using the above method? What is trivial to you in driver design, sure isn’t to me :wink:
