kernrate document

Is there any document that tells the meaning of some of the stats, I get when I use the -x -b and some other params, that gives line number and src info…

Some of the information does not seem to get included in the *.kv file. Also some of the infos are not very clear to me…

As an example, on the hit lists ( %shared, %certain, %Max ). Not sure what shared and Max means. I can probably guess %certain…

Also in the major stats area ( where cswitch, paging etc ) / sec. There is that Other I/O ( including Read, and Write in separate stats). What Other I/O means?

I looked at the doc that comes with WPT package, could not find any so far… Am I missing some docs, or is it not explained? Would the help tell me something about it?

kernrate /? will tell me how I can control some of the tunable. I’m using the ~\winddk.…\tools\Others.…\kernrate.exe
