Kernel equivalent to AccessCheck user-mode function

Hi, i want to determine whether some thread is running under Admin, guest or any other account. I know how to make it in user-mode, with the good old AccessCheck( ) function, and wanted to translate this in my kernel-mode driver.

I use ZwOpenThreadToken and/or ZwOpenProcessToken to get the token, and then RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor, RtlSetOwnerSecurityDescriptor, RtlSetGroupSecurityDescriptor, RtlCreateAcl and so on…but I can’t call NtAccessCheck or ZwAccessCheck since they are not exported, so anyone knows some alternative function call to achieve the AccessCheck results?

BTW, i tried with SeAccessCheck but the results were not very reliable to me; testing it under Guest user account, the function told me that I was under admin account :frowning:

Thanks in advance.

Make sure you are calling it within the correct process and impersonation context. You may be calling the function in an arbitrary thread context, or in a system thread context, in which case the security token that is being checked is the wrong one.

The most reliable way to ensure that you are in the right context is to call SeAccessCheck at PASSIVE_LEVEL from an I/O dispatch routine (DispatchDeviceControl, etc.). Unless you work at it (i.e. use APCs to get called on the right thread, rather difficult in general), this is about the only way to guarantee that you’re in the right context.

You also need to make sure that none of the filter drivers (if any) that are layered above your driver are breaking this assumption, by submitting IRPs to your driver in the wrong context.

– arlie

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 3:13 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Kernel equivalent to AccessCheck user-mode function

Hi, i want to determine whether some thread is running under Admin, guest or any other account. I know how to make it in user-mode, with the good old AccessCheck( ) function, and wanted to translate this in my kernel-mode driver.

I use ZwOpenThreadToken and/or ZwOpenProcessToken to get the token, and then RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor, RtlSetOwnerSecurityDescriptor, RtlSetGroupSecurityDescriptor, RtlCreateAcl and so on…but I can’t call NtAccessCheck or ZwAccessCheck since they are not exported, so anyone knows some alternative function call to achieve the AccessCheck results?

BTW, i tried with SeAccessCheck but the results were not very reliable to me; testing it under Guest user account, the function told me that I was under admin account :frowning:

Thanks in advance.

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why not use the built in facilities in the kernel and assign a security descriptor to the device object (via IoCreateDeviceSecure()). this way all the work is done for you (and is well tested).


Arlie: thanks for your response, maybe the context is the problem. I will give it a try.

Doron: Sorry, maybe my question was not very clear. I need to know the user account for the actual thread and process, and maybe I am missing something but I can’t see how creating a sec.desc. for the DO could help…thanks anyway :slight_smile: