It’s been a loooong time since I posted anything to NTDEV. Due to the nature of my work, I have intentionally kept a pretty low profile. In the last few years, the nature and visibility of cyber security work has changed some, so I thought I would crawl out of my hole for a moment to post this.
… (remainder deleted by List Slaves) …
(content deleted by List Slaves)
(Don’s post made it before the thread was locked. There was nothing objectionable in it, it just continued the previously discontinued conversation.)
… content deleted by the List Slaves …
I know Bill. He’s a nice guy.
Bill joined NTDEV around 7:30AM Eastern US Time. He posted his spam to the list at 8:09AM Eastern US Time.
Bill isn’t interested in participating as part of the community. Bill isn’t interested in helping the community. Bill joined NTDEV to do exactly one thing: Spam the list.
Commercial postings are not now, and never have been, allowed on NTDEV.
As of 8:50AM, Bill is no longer a member of NTDEV, because he violated one of our primary rules.
Bill can now return to “intentionally [keeping] a pretty low profile”…
Bye Bill…
This thread is locked. Any complaints directly to me. Do not start another thread on this list related to this topic.