Issue with loading symbols


I am using WDK 7600.16385.1 and windbg version 6.12.0002.633. I am trying to debug my driver that is running on the target system using Windbg. The target system is running Windows 7 32-bit emdedded version. It has KMDF version 1.11 update installed.

After connecting to the target system, i tried to run the command !wdfkd.wdflogdump. I get the below error

error: Could not retrieve WDF log header for driver PortDriver.
hint: Build your driver with newer WDF libraries.

What could be the issue here?

What is the .tmf file for KMDF version 1.11? On my host sysetm i couldn’t find a later version of .tmf file than Wdf01009.tmf.

Hence while setting the tmf path, i specified the .tmf file name as Wdf01009.tmf. Could this be the issue?